important shit

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Day 79 Moment Simplicity

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having resisted embracing the simplicity of the moment of simply being here in and as the moment.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having tried to manipulate and control moments as a result of fearing not being able to accomplish all I wish/want/desire to accomplish within the moment.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having created wishes/wants/desires to accomplish within a given moment and therefore I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for creating distractions as self imposed resistance/limitation to embracing the simplicity of the moment as a result of not accepting and allowing myself to be influenced/jeopardized as a result of accepting and allowing my moments to be influenced by wishes/wants/desires.

I forgive myself for not realising the self fulfillment in embracing the simplicity of every moment as the fortune we all share that is always here as our starting point of existence as equality and oneness merged together.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising how I accepted and allowed self suppression within myself as a result of getting caught up within a moment and losing sight of the simplicity of existing within and as a moment.

I forgive myself for not realising the absolute awesomeness of embracing the simplicity of a moment and the process of moving from one moment to the next as oneness and equality.

I forgive myself for not realising that what I am unable to complete in one moment I will be able to continue in the next moment or future moments as what I am not able to finish working on today I will be able to work on the next day...and what I am not able to finish working on the next day...I will be able to work on the next day and therefore each and every-day I finish the work I am able to finish and every-day I work on the unfinished work...and therefore I create the sameness in my living as yesterday, today and tomorrow as I am the work I do and my work is based in principled practical living each moment.

I realise the simplicity of the moment.

I realise the absolute awesomeness of myself here in every moment.

I realise the self imposed limitations of creating wants/desires/wishes within the moment.

I realise the self fulfillment in embracing the simplicity of every moment as the fortune we all share that is always here as our starting point of existence as equality and oneness merged together.

I realise that what I am unable to complete in one moment I will be able to continue in the next moment or future moments as what I am not able to finish working on today I will be able to work on the next day...and what I am not able to finish working on the next day...I will be able to work on the next day and therefore each and every-day I finish the work I am able to finish and every-day I work on the unfinished work...and therefore I create the sameness in my living as yesterday, today and tomorrow as I am the work I do and my work is based in principled practical living each moment.

When and as I see myself accepting and allowing myself to get caught up within a moment from the perspective of being overwhelmed with thoughts/feelings/emotions...wants/desires...I stop...I breathe and face /embrace the simplicity of the moment and let all self created mindfucking bullshit go with my ‘out’ breath as having forgiven myself with the ‘in’ breath for taking in bullshit and therefore blowing out self honesty as with each breath I breathe in self forgiveness and blow out self honesty.

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