William Cuff shared with me the self realisation of and as character as care-actor and the common sense fact that in actuality there is one point of view.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist as characters with and as multiple points of view.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising the separatedness of multiple points of view.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realising the all characters encompass one character as the starting point of creation as oneness and equality.
I forgive myself for not realising the point of character building as self expansion as seeing/realising the wholeness of and as one point of view as the whole picture/the whole story as each character is a contribution to exemplifying/showing/sharing the whole story as life process(s).
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for separating myself into characters as polarity charged friction as good guy/ bad guy...nice guy/mean guy...smart guy/dumb guy...funny/not funny...in shape/out of shape...strong/weak...hero/villan...sbuser/victim...helpless/helpful...understanding/non-understanding...here/not here...great/not great...righteous/apathetic..radical/passive...scientific...detective/investigator...cool/loser...fun loving/hateful boring
I realise my story is a result of me making up characters as different points of view which is a reflection of me having accepted and allowed existence as multiple points of view.
I realise myself as existence as one point of view!
I realise the separation/disconnection/limmitation within and as multiple points of view.
When and as I see myself accepting and allowing multiple points of view within and as myself...I stop and breathe and I face accepted and allowed ridiculousness of multiple points of view by releasing multiple points of view with and as brutal self honesty as self reflection common sense self realisation as I got it...I god it...ahahaha yes I know I am it...here...the whole one point of view...that seeing multiple points of view results from looking at parts/pieces which make up whole point of view.
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