Misfortune leads/enables/facilitates absolute fortune as fortune is no longer missing/separate as each hold the key to unlocking fortune...and the unlocking the fortune comes as a result/consequence of every so called 'misfortune'
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising the fortune within and as 'mis-fortune' and I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to miss the fortune within seeing/perceiving/believing/defining misfortune and unfortunate as being separate from the fortune and I forgive myself fot not realising myself as the absolute fortune.
I forgive myself for not realising that I created misfortune and unfortunate events within myself as an obscure ridiculously absurd way of retrieving my fortune I believed I lost/never had/was disconnected/in limitted conectivity with.
I forgive myself for not realising the abundant fortunate oppurtunities that are provided to me as a result of misfortune.
I forgive myself for not rrealising that misfortune is the guide to all fortunes realised and that misfortune can only exist as long as all fortunes not realised.
I forgive myself for not realising that we all share the same fortune. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having focused on MY own fortune as separate and therfore I experienced misfortune as missing the point ...missing the fortune/treasure/gift that we are all a part of.
Wow! I am grateful to realise life fortune...fortunate oppurtunity.
I realise it is my self responsibility to share share share fortune and fortunate oppurtunities.
I realise removing 'mis' from misfortune and 'un' from unfortunate is the easisest way to make and bring forth fortunate fortunes as the fortunate fortune all are given equal and one.
I realise myself responsibility as a fortunate fortune sharer.
When and as I see myself accepting and allowing myself to dwell within misfortune...I stop and breathe and I embrace the point of misfortune and holy shit! I allow myself to embrace see and receive the fortune I temporarily separated myself from and as.
I realise the ridiculousness of separating the 'fortune'(myself)
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