important shit

Thursday 1 August 2013

Day 410 Lost in Time within Ego

Day 409 Lost in Time Within Ego

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to lose track of time within participating within mind indulgences as like thinking about desires as like moving from one train of thought to another as like an excessive form of entertainment preoccupation that takes me away from physical living self-responsibilities as I realise and understand that distracting myself from practical living physical self-responsibilities is unacceptable and that within following trains of thoughts as like a form of preoccupation, I am in fact hiding from practical physical real living here as what’s best for Life.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for being addicted to wandering within my imagination as like focusing on thoughts of thinking about desires as like filling my days within self-interested gratifications that neglect the fulfillment of daily living practical physical responsibilities as like honoring commitments I have made as like realising and understanding that postponing the time required to work on specific activities and assignments leaves me unsatisfied with knowing that I have been operating at less than my full potential.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to operate at less than my full potential within focusing my attention of self-interested pursuits of desire within moments where a thought pops into my head as like having a strong positive energetic value.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having given into the temptation, to wallow within trains of thought of self-interested desires as like postponing practical living self-commitments in favor of temporary self-interested thought indulgences…and within this I forgive myself for not realising and understanding the fact that I have neglect the maximum efficiency use of my time to be operating within and as my full potential abilities and capabilities to be existing as what is best for all Life.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist as delayed within and as accepting and allowing myself to be preoccupied by trains of thought as like specifically thoughts that invoke self-interested desires within me. I realise it is not acceptable to squander my time within delaying participation within daily living commitments.

I realise and understand that distractions are everywhere if I allow myself to be enticed by the idea and thought of looking for distractions from and as practically living planned self-commitments as daily living participation's that are of benefit and support to my well-being as like points of physical nourishment and support in establishing and maintaining stability within the world systems here.

When and as I see myself delaying participation within a point I am required to participate within, I stop and breathe and I realise it is not acceptable for me to deliberately delay the practical living application of myself here…as like I realise and understand the absurd ridiculousness of squandering/wasting the priceless value of time here as a gift and opportunity as the process journey to Life as like living self-corrections within and as commitment to self-perfection through self-realisations and self-forgiveness as I realise and understand the extensive nature of walking through my mind consciousness system programming as self-imposed restraints and limitations .

I commit myself to stop losing time by using my time effectively

I commit myself to stop wasting time

I commit myself to be present in time

I commit myself  to receiving the gift of presence within being present in time as breath.

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