My writing was influenced with assistance and support from Jesus interview series,...today specifically from:
"Give as you like to receive"
Self Forgiveness is the epitome of giving to yourself that which you would like to receive.
Self Forgiveness takes balls.
When I say, "self forgiveness takes balls"...., I mean courage, honor, integrity, discipline....No Fear....as the realization that accepting and allowing self to avoid taking self responsibility for a point of self forgiveness is to accept and allow fear within oneself...and therefore...self forgiveness is the tool as the Key Ingredient to receiving Everything...because within self forgiveness is the self realizations...of like holy fucking shit...I am the key code as the key maker that grants me Everything.........like holy fucking wow, I piece myself back together again with Self-Forgiveness.
Piece Myself Back Together? Piecing myself back together is only possible with BRUTAL Self Honesty. Note how I emphasize the Brutality of Brutal Self Honesty. Self Honesty is Brutal because the truth is ugly. Facing the ugliness as the beautiful lies is the way forward with self-forgiveness.
Communicating Self Forgiveness without Brutal Self Honesty is useless....is in fact, really fucking brutal...like some real nasty shit....you know, like the most beautiful lie....like total fucking bullshit, packaged and presented in such a way that the lie is missed and the focus is on the beauty....and note that tie rhymes with lie...and see the beau tie full as the full be a you tied together as like knotted within an entanglement of self deception as like a ball of yarn full of acceptances and allowances that is total fuckedness strung together.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to string fuckedness together as like to indulge myself within beautiful lies.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself fro having communicated self forgiveness without brutal self honesty.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for speaking self forgiveness from a starting point of manipulation, desire, greed, power, control as self interested righteousness.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to resist going full out with self forgiveness on points where there is resitance to doing so.
I forgive myself for not realising and understanding that if I am not utilising resistance as my guide as like my life road map, then I am in fact not being brutal in self honesty...which means I am hiding the truth because it is ugly and I don't want to look at it.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to hide the ugly truth of myself from myself and to hold myself hostage within the ugly truth as like my dirty little secrets.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to ration the application of self forgiveness.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to hold back on myself from moving forward within my applications of self forgiveness.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be too gentle on myself in terms of pushing myself to live the application of self forgiveness as a daily expression I integrate in a moment when I see a point with brutal self honesty.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to postpone the application of self forgiveness because I feel that now is not a good time to do self forgiveness.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to make excuses as reasons and justifications as why I will not do self forgiveness in the moment when I see a point of self correction.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not give to myself as I would like to receive and as consequence rely on hope as like a bullshit mental projection that is like an apathetic approach to self responsibility.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to take an apathetic approach to self responsibility.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to forget the importance of self forgiveness as my daily bread as like the breath of life as a means of self governance as physical body regulation nourishment and support.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize how crucial it is for me to push myself in moving through as much self forgiveness as I can as like to create an actual momentum of progression within myself as like a constant state of acceleration as self expansion as self committed, willed, exponential increases/changes as what is best for Life in all ways.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize that shit accumulates inside of me and that self forgiveness is the release button for the shit that has accumulated within myself...and therefore the importance is seen and understood that I must release more shit than I take in because I've already faced the point of myself being totally full of shit...and I am committed to moving forward within my process of self perfection.
I understand and realize that not going full out with self forgiveness will create a situation of brutal unfortunate consequence as like needing to perpetuate bullshit as a series of unfortunate events a high's and lows roller coaster of feelings and emotions if you will as experience...as time loops as the consequence of not being consistent within accelerating forward with the tool of self forgiveness in shoveling out the shit from within myself and letting more shit in...as like creating a situation of working for free...as like to be coping....like coping with a fucked up situation...like just trying to survive off the faint hope that somehow some way things will get better.
I forgive myself for not realizing and understand that I weather the weather in all ways all the time whether I know it or not.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to neglect writing as a means of self support to the extent where I have just allowed myself to give myself the bare necessities in terms of writing assistance and support.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not give myself everything within writing as a means of equalizing myself as all as one as equal.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to resist seeing points within myself that are clear as fucking day within other beings in my world. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to resist always reflecting points upon myself as the starting point of creation as the point of self responsibility as accountability as stability in stance and balance as like a tree standing tall and steady due to being ground in support as having good roots as a sound network of support.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize, consider and understand self-forgiveness as the key ingredient to receiving everything...and therefore realizing myself as giving myself full access to myself as like piecing myself back to full connectivity as re-structuring myself as equality and oneness as a harmonious sound equilibrium as what is best.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to resist myself as the best.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist as less than my best potential.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to resist all creative opportunities that are available here for me to make my way forward in process as utilizing what is here as a means of assistance and support.
I commit myself to giving myself lots of daily bread as self forgiveness.
I commit myself to eating, chewing, digesting my words as real physical living sound self support and assistance as self directive communication.
I commit myself to correcting my words when and as I see my words are misaligned from the starting point of creating what is best for all Life as equality and oneness merged together.
I commit myself to making sure I give myself Everything..as like all of myself to myself as total self commitment as brutal self honesty within and as living the application of self forgiveness and self corrective action as the way forward as a constant acceleration of exponential increase and expansion the image and likeness of what is best.
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