"When the odds are stacked against You, The Pay Out is HUGE"...Join Desteni, also known as Team Life.
Saying, "Humanity will never change" is like saying, "What I know is stupid and I am not interested in being smart....Because stupid is safe and comfortable."
Talking shit about others being incapable of change is a disgusting point of self righteous inferiority guised as superiority. I know this, because there was a time when I subscribed to this Bullshit mentality. The amount of self righteousness existent is extensive...and it is the result of self defense coping mechanisms to actually hide and denial the actual reality of one's situation. It feels good to put others down...because when you put others down, you are propping yourself up higher...like you feel high and mighty because the separation existent within self is so extensive one doesn't realise that by pushing another human being down, you are digging your own grave....it's like wow, totally ridiculous.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing for putting others down to prop myself up.
I forgive myself for not realising and understanding that when I put others down I am in fact digging my own grave.
I realise the ridiculousness of talking shit about another being as like being totally incapable of change.
I realise that doubting another on the point of change is a point of self doubt...and this means....one is choosing to go through more processes of pain and suffering as choosing to make the process of great change, long and difficult.
If there is a will there is a way as self direction
If there is no will....you can't swim upstream...which means you are useless in pushing through resistance and you are like dead weigh just being pushed/directed by the current.
The reward for giving a shit about humanity is HUGE, because if You are a being that really give a shit about Humanity, You are an underdog with all odds against you.....as the majority of beings at the moment don't believe we can all get along...that it's impossible....not going to happen....not in our life time.
When all of humanity exist together in agreement as the results of great change, who do you want to be in the history books? One of the one's that was deemed to be a major UnderDogg..you know, a Being who really gives a shit about Life...like Life in always best as supreme excellency...you know, awesomeness as all ways awesome as like awe-so-me....holy fucking Yes cool greatness here.....................OR, do you want to look back in history and be like ya, I was a fucking idiot....I totally didn't get the message...like holy fuck I was out to lunch....like I was so out to lunch...I went out looking for lunch and I couldn't find my lunch...so I just consumed my lunch mates because I figured if I didn't doubt my fellow mates....they would doubt me and I'd be fucked....so better I do the fucking and be the big fucker here as like the one who fucks you because I fear getting fucked in the ass....and it's like I fear being fucked in the ass so badly that I will do any type of stupid shit to remain in a state of ignorance as like totally self absorbed self righteousness, subscribing to the belief of yes, I'm a fucking know it all...I know mankind can't change.....and there's a lot of other me's who agree with me...and it's like we share comfort and safety in our stupidity and we fear change.
Ok, so it's obvious, no one wants to be a fucking idiot....yet there's some irony here...........
The sooner you admit, you've been a fucking idiot....the sooner mankind can change.
The choice is up to you!
Choose to stop being a fucking idiot!
But you're not a fucking idiot are You?..........
Dare to Care, Be bold and radical......Because Self Honesty is Fucking Brutal.....like fucking WOW self honesty is fucking brutal....
Join us,
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