The importance with breath is to forgive and forget as to be for giving and for getting as the understanding of the give and the get relationship...as you get what you are willing to give as self forgiveness is an act of self willed determination.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for resisitng giving myself the gift of self forgiveness as like being able to forget energetic restraints...as energetic frictions as emotions and feelings that are rooted in separation as like not getting it.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for punishing myself as consequence of holding out on myself as like not forgiving myself everything as like to forgive myself for everything as like every single thought, feeling, emotion, memory I have ever experienced.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having resisted letting go of my everything as thought, feeling, emotion, memory.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having claimed ownership on my thoughts, feelings, emotions, memories as my private belongings.
I forgive mysel for accepting and allowing myself for resisiting to take self resposnisibility for my every thought, feeling, emotions, memory.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for cycling around within my thoughts, feelings, emotions, memories as like the consequence of procrastination as like fucking around as a perverted form of masturbation that's insanely abusive.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for holding back on myself as like hiding myself from myself as like fearing to go full out as like all out...as like totally let go of the fear hold....as like holding on for dear life...as consequence of fearing losing life.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for fearing to lose life.
I forgive mysel for accepting and allowing myself for fearing death and life after death.
I forgive myself for having not considered life within the statement of life after death.
I forgive myself for not realising and understanding that I must face death before I can be granted life...as like to rise from the dead so to speak as the results of effective applications of speaking and writing the words of self forgiveness as the in fact giving life to self after death as the death is forgiven and forgotten and life is born again.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having limmited my application of myself as birthing myself as life here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for making the birthing process difficult as consequence of fighting for my right as righteousness as like the attempt to exist as the living dead...as like to try to keep some remininse of the past as thought, feeling, emotion, memory that has some sort of self interested value...as like a token for me to hold onto as like somehow winning as consequence of out smarting life as equality and oneness.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for deceiving and manipulating my best interests as the interests of life support and assistance as what is best for all life here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for getting confused within myself as consequence of accepting and allowing myself to fuck with myself by indulging within thoughts, feelings, emotions, memories and dwelling within picking and chooising judgement in which to condemn myself by the mercy of accepted and allowed self righteousness.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for feeling helpless to the tempataion of energy pulls and pushes as like creating separation, friction, conflict within myself and when seeing the point of movement within myself...going into the desire to experience more movement/conflict/friction/separation...so as to fulfill desires for more specific feeling energy experiences in the attempt to be fulfilled as like the belief that I just gotta scratch this itch.
I realise the point of self forgiveness as a tool to forgive and forget so as to take self responsibility for myself here and to bring myself back to life as like willing myself to become a real living being as equality and oneness.
I realise to forgive and forget is to let go of all energetic friction as conflicted separation as like not getting it.
I realise the simplicity within forgive and forget as the ease of the easy way forward as to walk free without the chains and baggage of the past as like no more being a preprogrammed self interested ego driven organic robot.
I realise releaseing all point of ego as part of the forgiving and forgetting process as the means necessary in birthing a clean slate...as the self realisation of giving as you would like to receive.
I realise giving a much needed release is awesome assitance and support in releiving self imposed resistance/restraints.
I realise self forgiveness as a release as like jerking off or orgasming in sex...as like letting go of the accumulated acceptances and allowances within myself as built up energy.
When and as I see myself moving or building up energy within myself as consequences of thought, feeling, emotion, reaction, memory,...I stop and breathe...and I realise the ridiculousness of winding myself up without jerking myself off...as I realise the importance of self forgiveness as a means of self purification as self equalization as equality and oneness.
I am grateful to forgive and forget.
I commit myself to forgive and forget.
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