When and as I see myself faced with a point that is obviously fucked up, I stop and breathe, I self-reflect on the point of fuckedness and I direct myself in standing as the solution and self-correction for the fuckedness that exists as I realize and understand my personal self-responsibility to clean up all the fuckedness that exists within myself. I realize and understand that as I investigate all points of fuckedness within myself I am able to practically direct and facilitate solutions for external points of fuckedness I see within my shared reality here.
I commit myself to the process of self-investigation.
I commit myself to sharing myself-investigation here.
I realize and understand the practical necessity of sharing myself-investigation here.
I realize and understand the shame within fearing to expose myself-investigations here.
I commit myself to stop fearing to expose myself-investigations here.
When and as I see myself creating backchat within my mind, I stop and breathe, I realize and understand the practical living necessity of investigating the nature of my backchat. I realize and understand that backchat reflects an accepted and allowed cognitive dissonance and is indicative of where manifested relationships of separation exist within myself. I realize and understand all manifested relationships of separation reflect a point where I have refused to give myself access to myself here as Life...and within this I have limited my ability to express myself as Life here. I realize and understand the necessity of granting myself access to every part of myself that I have suppressed within accepted and allowed separation as a result of choosing to not see my equality and oneness here.
I commit myself to investigating the scope of Equality and Oneness.
I commit myself to the starting point of Equality and Oneness.
I commit myself to practical living self-stability within and as the responsibility of self-direction as what is best for all Life here.
I realize and understand what is best for all Life here starts with myself.
I commit myself to what is best for Life.
To be Continued
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