In a way we are always here as investigative detectives. What is interesting about this perspective is that even though we are always here within and as investigative detectives...our effectiveness existing as the best investigative detectives is compromised and suppressed when and as our starting point is not clearly aligned within and as the starting point of Oneness and Equality.
The starting point of 'Investigate' became clear to me today as I was faced with challenging work related circumstances and I allowed myself to form some personal self-righteous judgments and take the challenging work related circumstances personally. Within this, the point of self-reflection is required. Within and as the principle of Oneness and Equality, self-reflection is always here.
It's interesting to see how we can compromise being the best investigative detectives within taking things personally and not wanting to question why particular things become so challenging for ourselves. Like for instance the particular challenges I was faced with was primarily within my ability to place myself within and as the shoes of others. I created such difficulty for myself as a result of clinging to particular biased/judgement/assumptions/beliefs/opinions that really hindered my physical well being...and within this I was missing the pertinent points/opportunities/clues/gifts that were available here for me to see. What's interesting about this is that as a result of automatically creating these biased judgments/assumptions/beliefs/opinions...I was blocking myself from having access to myself-investigation/education here. Consequently, I allowed myself to accumulate stress as a result of perpetuating thought within my mind to support the initial biased judgments/assumptions/beliefs/opinions I formed as like automatic reactions within beginning this particular work assignment.
The points in particular the opened up that I was resistant to see within myself, related to parents catering to children's desires and children just wanting to have their way no matter what. Also the point of self-entitlement/self-regard...and not realizing how I was being triggered by this point.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how if I let even one moment of automated backchat within my mind be accepted and allowed within myself without further investigation, that the backchat will continue to accumulate and build so that I am able to see it in a bigger manifested presentation of consequence.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how I created 'challenging circumstances for myself' as a result of my inability to effectively self-reflect upon the nature of my backchat within moments while working.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having just wanted to shutdown and go to sleep as like to re-set my mind and forget about the points I faced within my day today that require further investigation so that I can re-align myself from and as the starting point of Equality and Oneness and and prevent myself from ever perpetuating a similar instance.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for taking personally what I see and within this utilize this as my self-righteous bias to feel validated in forming and perpetuating automated backchat about the particular circumstances I am witnessing and participating within.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for neglecting to realize and understand the mind processes I am witnessing and participating within in any give moment. I forgive myself for not realizing and understanding how my mind is the point of self-reflection for me to see what and how I have polarized my physical well being here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for resisting to face the point of myself as a child being spoiled within my parents catering to my every desire...or almost every desire.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for being irritated/frustrated and annoyed in seeing children being persistent in doing everything they can to get there way within fulfilling their individula desires.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the shame that exists within me as a result of seeing and realizing how ruthless I have existed within primarily focusing myself here on the obtainment of my momentary desires while totally disregarding everything else within my environment.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for getting angry/irritated/frustrated and annoyed with facing the nasty acceptances and allowances that have existed within myself here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for abusing myself within playing out the self-automated defense coping systems for not wanting to face the nasty acceptances and allowances that have existed within myself here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for creating a self-automated defense coping systems for not wanting to face the nasty accpetances and allowances that exist within myself.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the scope of irony that exists within creating self-automated defensive coping systems within myself. I realize and understand how I have perpetuated that which I have resisted and fighted against...and within this if anything have only ever validated the nasty acceptances and allowances that exist within myself within accepting and allowing myself to passively accept and allow myself to play out and perpetuated automated backchat as the automated defense coping system.
I realize and understand my effectiveness in my ability to physically express myself here in and as the standing of what is best for all life within and as the principle of Oneness and Equality is a breath by breathaccumulation....because it is is in each moment of breath that I make the decision of what I accept and allow to exist within myself. I realize and understand myself-responsibility within witnessing self-automated backchat within myself to investigate the origins through the process of self-investigation. I realize and understand that self-forgiveness and self-corrective statements are required in these particular incidences. I realize and understand backchat is like an accident/incident that is happening within my mind and that is my self-responsibility to investigate and report the accident/ I realize it is myself-responsibility to prevent the accident/incident from perpetuating into a more sever problem and situation...and within taking self-responsibility for myself in the moment...I revive myself here as Life...bit by bit...piece by piece....breath by I realize I am in the midst of an ongoing process/investigation of self-realization as I walk the journey to life in and as the purification of the law of my being here as Equality and Oneness.
To Be Continued
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