important shit

Showing posts with label life coaching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life coaching. Show all posts

Friday, 10 October 2014

Day 662 - Habit Change and Routine

I've been investigating the point of "habit" and "routine".  I've noticed an interesting thing within these investigations. Making an adjustment to a habit and routine...can carry over into influencing other areas of your life. Meaning that by adjusting a habit/routine with regards to one particular point...may actually have profound impact on assisting and supporting other areas of your, a fine tuning adjusting one area of automatically are re-aligning/fine-tuning other areas of's like, see/regard yourself as a musical instrument...and consider that by adjusting your particular playing ability....You change the overall nature of the game for an expansion and increase in effectiveness occurs as a ripple effect...if you will...

So, the point of this blog here,....Is to open up the point....that,....making small...seemingly insignificant change within your daily routines....can have significantly profound results.

Obviously, the reverse is also true here.  By struggling with complications/problems/stress in one area of your life....this can cause a ripple effect...into a consequentially negative impact into other areas of your life.  Take a couple of examples here.....stress/problems at work....carrying over into personal relationship issues. Or financial issues...impacting marital issues. Or, for example....neglecting to make the bed in the morning and keeping the bedroom tidy...carrying over into and influencing the effectiveness within and as the structured organization of one's work/business. I've personally noticed a parallel with a messy room and a messy mind.

I've noticed/realized I am most effective within tasks/activities when I create specific structured routines and habits for myself. I am able to be most effective within this approach because I create a "in the zone" space for myself to move within. What is interesting about this "in the zone" space is that I move myself to exist beyond having the time to think so much and stew within thoughts/feelings/emotions.  See it's interesting here, because, by not giving the time and attention to wander within thought/feeling/emotion as I participant within events/ awareness within my immediate physical environment and participation is heightened.  Within seemingly short tasks that may take only a matter of remaining committed to the task at hand I am performing said tasks fractions of seconds faster...and in some particular instances...many seconds faster. Now, a few seconds saved here and there might not seem like a lot...but, when you consider that our whole day is structured within the time frame of a matter of is apparent that every second counts in doing the math in accumulating all the seconds within our 24 hour day.

To Be Continued

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Day 570 Self-Corrective Investigation Continues Onward

When and as I see myself coping with a point of conflict within myself, I stop and breathe, I take self-responsibility for the point of conflict within myself as I realize and understand that the point of conflict is a result of my acceptances and allowances that are in fact out of alignment within the starting point principle of equality and oneness as what is best for Life. I realize and understand myself-responsibility to re-aligning myself within and as accordance of the principle of Equality and Oneness as what is best for all Life here. I realize and understand that coping with a point of conflict is like trying to escape my own self-perpetuated mind fuck that I am actively indulging. I realize and understand the insanity of perpetuating inner-turmoil within myself as like a point of just trying to cope with conflict. I realize and understand that I do not wish for anyone to try and cope with inner-conflict. I realize and understand the shameful disgrace of accepting and allowing myself to cope with inner turmoil. I realize and understand this to be a point of self-abdication of personal self-responsibility. I commit myself to personal self-responsibility. I commit myself to remediating every incidence of inner-turmoil/conflict that exists within myself. I commit to aligning myself with the principle starting point of Equality and Oneness as what is best for all Life.

When and as I see fear/doubt interfering with my ability to make practical living decisions from and as the starting point of Equality and Oneness...Common Sense...what is best for all Life, I stop and breathe, I see the absurd ridiculousness of the mind-fuck I have induced upon myself, I take a moment to laugh/smile/acknowledge the ridiculousness of my internal particpations, I take accountability for my acceptances and allowance andmove myself within and and as the self-forgiveness/self-corrective/self-commitment application processes of structural-re-alignment as to insure the the law of my being here is rooted in and as the principle of Equality and Oneness. I realize and understand it is myself-responsibility to program myself from and as the starting point of Equality and Oneness. I realize and understand the absurd ridiculousness of self-sabotaging my self-integrity/self-dignity/self-worth with fear/doubt. I commit myself to preventing the existence of fear and doubt within myself. I commit myself to illustrating the absurd ridiculousness of perpetuating the justification of fear and doubt as the reasoned excuses to validate ineffectiveness within making and practically living decisions that are in harmonious agreement/accordance with Equality and Oneness as what is best for all Life here.

When and as I see myself being apathetic to the personal situation of specific individuals, I stop and breathe, I see, realize and understand how pathetic it is to be apathetic of anyone's personal situation. I realize and understand the shameful disgrace that exists within apathy. I realize and understand how appalling it is to be apathetic of an individual's personal circumstances, I commit myself to facilitating self-forgiveness/self-corrective processes as the means to preventing the play out of apathy within myself. I commit myself to preventing myself from perpetuating the acceptance and allowance of apathy within myself. I commit myself to understanding and realizing the shameful disgrace and disregard for Life within the acceptance and allowance of apathy. I commit myself self-education within and as the process of self-investigation/self-reflection/self-introspection. I commit myself to purifying the nature of my relationship with all words. I commit myself to standing equal and one with the words I speak/write. I commit myself to self-perfection.

When and as I see myself neglecting to see the pursuit of my self-interested desires at the expense of another losing their self-interested desires because of the polarized relationship of one winning at the expense of another losing...I stop and breathe, I make the decision to stop trying to win at the expense of perpetuating the loss/defeat/abuse of another. I make the commitment to practical living solutions that are best for all Life from the starting point of being win/win solutions. I commit myself to developing awesome win/win solutions/scenarios/circumstances. I commit myself to realizing and understanding the practical living awesomeness within and as the assistance and support of facilitating win/win scenarios/circumstances. I commit myself to the win/win solution as the solution which is best for all Life. I realize and understand the bizarre insanity of bi-polar win/loss scenarios that perpetuate inequality and the manifested cognitive dissonance within internal/external reality. I commit myself to Life Equality and Oneness Here. I commit myself to standing as win/win solutions for the problems that exist within the win/loss scenarios that perpetuate inequality. I commit myself to perpetuating the starting point of Equality and Oneness as what is best for all Life.

To be Continued

Monday, 20 January 2014

Day 568 Self-Corrective Investigation

When and as I see the shame that exists within me, I stop and breathe, I direct myself to correct the shameful behaviour as a method of prevention so that I do not accept and allow myself to fall back into a behaviour pattern of shameful acceptances and allowances. I realize and understand that as I effectively face the shame within a point, this seeing the shame is enough for me to want to make sure that I effectively change/correct the point so that I do not disregard what is best for all Life. I commit myself to utilizing the shame within a point to assist and support myself to effectively walk the self-correction/self-commitment.

When and as I see myself taking offense to what I see, I stop and breathe, I face the point within myself. I self-self-reflect. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for separating myself from the point I took offense towards. I realize and understand myself responsibility to investigate all dimensions of my physical being as what I have accepted and allowed. I commit myself to investigating all dimensions of my physicality here.

When and as I see myself harboring a point of blame within myself, I stop and breathe, I investigate the point of blame as the means necessary for self-reflection/self-introspection. I commit myself to let go of every point of blame that exists within myself. I commit myself to prevent a point of blame I see within myself from re-occurring. I commit myself to utilizing my understanding of the absurd ridiculousness of blame as a prevention method to insure that I do not indulge myself within and as point of blame. I commit myself to stop justifying and validating any and all blame.

When and as I see myself getting angry/irritated/frustrated with my acceptance and allowance, I stop and breathe, I realize the shame that exists here and how also this is connected to a point of blame. I see and realize how lame this behaviour is. I direct myself in the moment to walk the self-corrective process so that I immediately stop and prevent any future perpetuation of what is less than what is best for all Life. I commit myself to what is best for all Life.

When and as I see myself creating excuses and limitations upon my physical performance within particular tasks before I even get started within the tasks, I stop and breathe, I realize the absurd ridiculousness of creating a self-imposed wall of limitation for myself. I remove the mental barriers from my mind. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for creating mental barriers/wall of self-imposed limitation. I push myself to movebeyond the wall and dive into my potential that had been initially suppressed. I commit myself to going into and activating my potential. I commit myself to removing self-imposed mental barriers.

When and as I see myself trying to work something out, I stop and breathe, I look at where there is resistance within myself to the particular point, I face the resistance as the decision for the point to exist within resistance, I forgive the resistance, I change my relationship decision to the point in questioning. I make the commitment to work the point out. I realize and understand I am able and capable to work things out. I commit myself to utilizing all resources available to me in being effective and efficient in working things out. I commit myself to be self-responsible within using my resources here in creating solutions/working things out. I commit myself to working points out in ways that are in alignment as what is best for Life.

When and as I see myself placing feelings/emotions on a point as like looking and judging my particular feelings/emotions about the point as to whether or not I will participate, I stop and breathe, I investigate the nature of my relationship to the point in question. I look to see whether I am creating a distraction for myself as a positive energy feeling or if I am trying to avoid a point of self-support with negative energetic resistance towards participation within the particular point. Based upon the particular energetic nature of the relationship, I push through the resistance and actively participate within the point or stop participation within the point. I use the starting point principle of Equality and Oneness as what is best for all Life so that I am practically able to live prevention as the best cure and within this frame work insure that I care/assist/support Life.

I commit myself to the caring assistance and support that is best for all Life.

I commit myself to making decisions from the starting point of care/assistance/support as what is best for All Life.

I commit myself to stand within the decision of what is best for All Life Here.

Monday, 13 January 2014

Day 562 Starting Point of 'Investigate'

In a way we are always here as investigative detectives. What is interesting about this perspective is that even though we are always here within and as investigative detectives...our effectiveness existing as the best investigative detectives is compromised and suppressed when and as our starting point is not clearly aligned within and as the starting point of Oneness and Equality.

The starting point of 'Investigate' became clear to me today as I was faced with challenging work related circumstances and I allowed myself to form some personal self-righteous judgments and take the challenging work related circumstances personally. Within this, the point of self-reflection is required. Within and as the principle of Oneness and Equality, self-reflection is always here. 

It's interesting to see how we can compromise being the best investigative detectives within taking things personally and not wanting to question why particular things become so challenging for ourselves. Like for instance the particular challenges I was faced with was primarily within my ability to place myself within and as the shoes of others. I created such difficulty for myself as a result of clinging to particular biased/judgement/assumptions/beliefs/opinions that really hindered my physical well being...and within this I was missing the pertinent points/opportunities/clues/gifts that were available here for me to see. What's interesting about this is that as a result of automatically creating these biased judgments/assumptions/beliefs/opinions...I was blocking myself from having access to myself-investigation/education here. Consequently, I allowed myself to accumulate stress as a result of perpetuating thought within my mind to support the initial biased judgments/assumptions/beliefs/opinions I formed as like automatic reactions within beginning this particular work assignment.

The points in particular the opened up that I was resistant to see within myself, related to parents catering to children's desires and children just wanting to have their way no matter what. Also the point of self-entitlement/self-regard...and not realizing how I was being triggered by this point.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how if I let even one moment of automated backchat within my mind be accepted and allowed within myself without further investigation, that the backchat will continue to accumulate and build so that I am able to see it in a bigger manifested presentation of consequence.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how I created 'challenging circumstances for myself' as a result of my inability to effectively self-reflect upon the nature of my backchat within moments while working. 

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having just wanted to shutdown and go to sleep as like to re-set my mind and forget about the points I faced within my day today that require further investigation so that I can re-align myself from and as the starting point of Equality and Oneness and and prevent myself from ever perpetuating a similar instance.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for taking personally what I see and within this utilize this as my self-righteous bias to feel validated in forming and perpetuating automated backchat about the particular circumstances I am witnessing and participating within.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for neglecting to realize and understand the mind processes I am witnessing and participating within in any give moment. I forgive myself for not realizing and understanding how my mind is the point of self-reflection for me to see what and how I have polarized my physical well being here.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for resisting to face the point of myself as a child being spoiled within my parents catering to my every desire...or almost every desire.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for being irritated/frustrated and annoyed in seeing children being persistent in doing everything they can to get there way within fulfilling their individula desires.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the shame that exists within me as a result of seeing and realizing how ruthless I have existed within primarily focusing myself here on the obtainment of my momentary desires while totally disregarding everything else within my environment.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for getting angry/irritated/frustrated and annoyed with facing the nasty acceptances and allowances that have existed within myself here.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for abusing myself within playing out the self-automated defense coping systems for not wanting to face the nasty acceptances and allowances that have existed within myself here.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for creating a self-automated defense coping systems for not wanting to face the nasty accpetances and allowances that exist within myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the scope of irony that exists within creating self-automated defensive coping systems within myself. I realize and understand how I have perpetuated that which I have resisted and fighted against...and within this if anything have only ever validated the nasty acceptances and allowances that exist within myself within accepting and allowing myself to passively accept and allow myself to play out and perpetuated automated backchat as the automated defense coping system.

I realize and understand my effectiveness in my ability to physically express myself here in and as the standing of what is best for all life within and as the principle of Oneness and Equality is a breath by breathaccumulation....because it is is in each moment of breath that I make the decision of what I accept and allow to exist within myself. I realize and understand myself-responsibility within witnessing self-automated backchat within myself to investigate the origins through the process of self-investigation. I realize and understand that self-forgiveness and self-corrective statements are required in these particular incidences. I realize and understand backchat is like an accident/incident that is happening within my mind and that is my self-responsibility to investigate and report the accident/ I realize it is myself-responsibility to prevent the accident/incident from perpetuating into a more sever problem and situation...and within taking self-responsibility for myself in the moment...I revive myself here as Life...bit by bit...piece by piece....breath by I realize I am in the midst of an ongoing process/investigation of self-realization as I walk the journey to life in and as the purification of the law of my being here as Equality and Oneness.

To Be Continued

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Day 550 Drama Corrections

When and as I see myself experiencing/drama/conflict/a problem, I stop and breathe, I look and question the issue within myself to see/realize and understand the practical living solution that is best for all Life. I realize and understand the answer/solution always exists within me and that I give myself access to and as the solution/answer/remedy to any drama/conflict/problem by realizing and understanding my equality to both the problem/issue and the answer/solution. I realize and understand that within taking this approach I script myself a practical application for moving myself here within and as the expressions that are best for all Life. I realize and understand how I enable myself to play and enjoy myself here within self-responsibility as self-direction.

I commit myself to self-direction/self-responsibility in every moment as what is best for all Life here.

I commit myself to living the self-realization and understanding of the equality and oneness within the problem and solution.

I commit myself to examining big issues/problems within our shared reality and within doing so, presenting answers/solutions/direction that is of the best assistance and support for Life here.

I commit myself to standing as the embodiment of Practical Living assistance and Support.

When and as I see myself distancing myself from problems and or solutions, I stop and breathe, I ask myself what the fuck I am doing here,...I give myself self-direction within asking myself questions as I realize and understand the equality within the equation of question/answer/solution.

I commit myself to utilizing the formula of question/answer/solution as that which is best for all Life.

When and as I see myself looking to escape from self-responsibility within considering and regarding my equality and oneness with all Life here, I stop and breathe, I realize and understand the self-responsibility, self-integrity, and self-dignity within and as the starting point of creation as oneness and equality. I commit myself to giving myself access to Life here as that which is best for all Life.

When and as I see that I am being resistant to move myself within a project, I stop and breathe, I ask myself why I am being resistant to move within this particular project, I self-honestly see the problem that originates within myself as the consequential result of my acceptances and allowances, I direct myself to change the nature of my acceptances and allowances by first forgiving myself for separating myself within a particular point, I direct myself in creating the solution/answer/script for myself as the remedy for the problem and I commit myself to walking the correction.  I commit myself to standing within the application of commitments as the means for prevention being the best cure. I commit myself to self-forgiveness and self-corrective applications as the mechanisms within facing problems and birthing solutions.  I realize and understand the effective mathematics of self-forgiveness and self-corrective statements put into application and the laws of accumulation that take effect and work in accordance within and as the law of equality and oneness.

When and as I see myself searching for a positive energetic experience, I stop and breathe, I look at how I am accepting and allowing myself to exist within a negative energetic experience as like the withdrawal symptoms of having accepted and allowed myself to participate within the short lived positive energetic experiences. I realize and understand how the positive and negative energetic experiences are intertwined...and within this I realize and understand the absurd ridiculousness of fueling negative and or positive energetic experiences within myself. I realize and understand how existing within energetic experiences is a self-hypnosis form of delusion and is in fact not real physical self-expression. I commit myself to developing and expressing real physical self-expression which exists beyond the veils of positive and negative energetic experiences.

I commit myself to use my time here on earth in practically directing problems and solutions that are best for all Life.

I commit myself to practically living the self-responsibility within self-directing problems and solutions that are best for all Life.

I commit myself to giving up the choice within wanting or not wanting to take self-responsibility in self-directing problems and solutions.

I commit myself to living the self-realization and understanding that what is best for all Life is beyond the spitefulness of choosing to regard or disregard Life.

I commit myself to stop being conditional in choosing to regard or disregard Life sometimes.

I commit myself to developing and practically living an unconditional regard for all Life as what is best for all Life.

When and as I see myself daydreaming about possible courses of actions, I stop and breathe, I realize and understand the impracticality of day dreaming as like a form of distraction and entertainment within the arena/area of escapism/self-abdication....I realize and understand the difference between looking at things and day I realize and understand the learning process within looking at like acquiring knowledge and information to see and realize how the knowledge and information can be best utilized/exercised within and as the practical living application of what is best for all Life here.

Saturday, 7 December 2013

Day 529 Turning the Switch

So, I find myself here in need of a turn I am starring at the misdirection I gave myself as the consequence of having an idea about chasing desire...and well I got to the point of desire...and well things just are not what I planned they would be.

I'm faced with seeing the mistake I made...and correcting my mistake requires me to do a big 180 turn around.

It's funny that I didn't want to see this earlier and had to put myself through the ringer so to speak as like travelling many miles only to realize the point that was available to see without the extensive journey.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how useless it is to project future desires within my mind and to spend my time chasing after the attainment of desires.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for judging myself within seeing a giant mistake that I made.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for considering to spite myself in seeing the giant mistake that I made by thinking and believing well I've already made the point in immediately correcting the mistake....what's done is done...and I just got to commit to the course of direction that I am in as a result of the mistake...changing paths/course of direction would not be honorable because I committed myself in this particular direction....even if it was a mistake...I'm committed to my mistake.....WTF...

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for committing myself to mistakes that I believing that I must have the integrity and honor to walk within the mistake as like it wasn't a mistake at all like to pretend that things are all good and that regardless of things not being all good I just got to stay the course because I already set the sails and there's no turning back.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having resistance to turning back on a decision I a result of fearing the consequence of turning back.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for being reluctant to face  myself within the vulnerability in learning from my mistake and turning back as the prevention mechanism to stop myself from furthering misdirection within and as a mistake.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the dangers of stagnation within and as the process of self realization and self-correction.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having desired a form of solace within stagnation as like a believed/pretend form of escapism from responsibilities as like a way to procrastinate on that I could make believe that everything is accounted for.

When and as I realize I made a mistake, I stop and breathe, I take a moment to look at the mistake I made, I learn from the mistake, I realize and understand the fact that I made a mistake is irrelevant because I learned from my mistake. I realize and understand that crucifying myself within self-judgement is ridiculously absurd and spiteful towards my best interests.

I commit myself to not postpone seeing my mistakes.

I realize and understand the consequence of postponing to see what is here.

I realize and understand the practicality within living at the cutting edge of time.

I realize the point/practicality of living at the cutting edge of time to be a means of preventing stagnation within time.

When and as I see myself resisting to make a like to retrace my steps to correct my miss step, I stop and breathe and I realise and understand that postponing to correct a misstep is reckless because many more like travelling within the abyss of misdirection will require further reverse engineering later as the means/method to remedying self-corrections as the consequence of delaying to take immediate action as a being walking at the cutting edge of time here.

I commit myself to seeing the funny here.

I commit myself to stop delaying to see the funny within my acceptances and allowances.

I commit myself learning from my mistakes.

I commit myself to avoid making mistakes by being self-honest within my decisions.

I commit myself to stop judging myself for making mistakes.

I commit myself to turn around and retrace my steps after realizing and understanding that I made a mistake.

I commit myself to self-perfection.

I commit myself to learning/expanding myself every day.

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Day 461 Attitude

"At it to do"


1. The way a person views something or tends to behave towards it, often in an evaluative way.
2. A theatrical pose created for effect (especially in the phrase "strike an attitude)
3. A position of the body indicating mood or emotion.
4. Informal a hostile manner..."don't give me attitude, my girl"
5.(Engineering/Aeronautics) the orientation of an aircraft's axes in relation to some plane, especially the horizontal.
6. (Astronautics) the orientation of a spacecraft in relation to its direction in motion.
7. Performing Arts/Ballet) Ballet a classical position in which the body is upright and one leg raised and bent behind.


The reason i am looking at the word attitude is because the point has come up in relation to completion of a university course.  I've written about this point before...and I've mentioned points that relate to my attitude about doing the university course...but I don't think I every took responsibility about the point of my attitude in relation to walking this particular university course into completion...and it's been very difficult for me.  I've had a terrible attitude about the course.  I've tried to ignore my brutally negative attitude about the course and just get through it...but I see the point of responsibility in gifting myself the release and ease of posture, like the release of stress and tension on my body as a result of trying to do something while holding onto a brutally negative attitude about doing so.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding how I have placed stress and tension on my body as a result of holding onto a brutally negative attitude about the university law class I am taking.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding how my brutally negative attitude about the university course jurisprudence has been an accepted and allowed form of judgement that has been a hindrance to my  movement and progress withing the program.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for being stubborn in my attitude about the university course jurisprudence.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for being brutally negative in attitude about the university course jurisprudence.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for self sabotaging my individual progress within the jurisprudence course.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for trying to effectively participate within the jurisprudence course while accepting and allowing myself to carry a contaminated definition of the word jurisprudence in relationship to and as the university course I am taking...and within this I see and realise how my attitude reflect contamination in regards to the course itself as polarized energetic judgement.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for justifying and believing it to be fine for me to hold onto such judgement within myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for being righteous within self judgement about the university jurisprudence course.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding the irony that has been unfolding here as consequence within and as the fact that jurisprudence is the science and or philosophy of law...and the point of irony that I did not understand the law of my being as what I have accepted and allowed within my words, which is the basic structured formation of the law of my being here.

to be continued

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Day 447 Principles over Preferences


  1. A fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning.
  2. A rule or belief governing one's personal behavior.
tenet - rule - basis - law

(source: google definition "principle")


  1. A greater liking for one alternative over another or others.
  2. A thing preferred.
priority - precedence - choice - predilection

So, I've come to understand the process of self honesty and self realization as a matter of principles over preferences.  This is the challenge so to speak, because this is where resistance comes into play, as everything that has been programmed within my mind as preferences contradicts the living of principles as that which is best for all Life as the ultimate truth/self-realization and is therefore a journey to Life through the process of self-forgiveness and self corrective like the giving away of preferences over principles...for the reverse principles over preferences.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having a tendency to be reluctant to incorporating my understanding of principles over preferences from the perspective of manipulating my attention towards new preferences in place of previous preferences that I let go of from the starting point of principles over like...letting something go...only to cling to something else as like a preoccupation/fascination/obsession as like a way to not fully let go and release myself from mind programming.  I realise and understand that this is the process Journey to like one point at a time so to like, as I face one point and I solve the problem/issue/conflict, I am presented with a new problem/opportunity/step within and as my process journey/self realization.  When and as I see myself clinging to a new point of preference to hold onto, I stop and breathe and I realise and understand that this is my physical confirmation of the next point that I am required to take on within and as the process of self/realization as the incorporation of living my words as principles over preferences.  I see and realize that this process is extensive and that there is no time to dwell within loss so to like I am not really giving up what I am actually doing within myself is equalizing myself as Life here...and removing any and all bondage to a hierarchy value system where all Life is not valued equally.  I realize and understand the there are so many problems existent within the world because of the attitude of preferences over principles as opposed to principles over preferences....because in choosing preferences over principles, you get to focus attention on self interested indulgences that are not aligned in the interests of the betterment of all Life like operating from the starting point of existing as a being here for the greatest good. The opposite is in fact it's like choosing to accept the 'status quo'... as like an act of accepted and allowed dis-empowerment, as a choosing to just try and make the best of a bad situation....without realizing and understanding yourself as an integral part in stopping all bad situations and creating best case scenarios/situations as a being of real principled living that cannot be compromised and controlled by preferences...and therefore becoming the insurance that change that is best for all Life is inevitable.unstoppable because principles as what is best for all Life over ride self-interested preferences.

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Day 434 From Self Interest to What's Best for All

The point came up within me today where I saw how pushing the point of stand up comedy isn't really aligned with self interest. Like I see that I am able and capable of pushing this point...and within this...I see how I have resisted to really push this point as much as I am able to because it's like some work and effort...and I've accepted and allowed myself to be lazy, selfish and inconsiderate as like not realising and understanding the self responsibility in moving out of self interest from the perspective that it's just me and the rest of existence as separate from like a form of disconnection.  I realise and understand that self interest as like a separate me from the rest of everything can't really exist because I see and realise the point of self responsibility as the interest of everyone as all like myself within and as everyone yet I see and realise each of us to be an individual one...making up everything together as the sharing together of Life/ like no one really has more ownership over life than anyone else...and that Life is the gift that everyone has been bestowed with one and equal..,and that it is our responsibility as Life to recognize as real eyes ourselves in seeing ourselves as everything here and within this our movement and participation here can only be what's best for Life within consideration and realisation of our self as All Life/Everything here and that our accepted and allowed perceived separation is the grand illusion that has been our programmed self induced hypnotic trance that we've conditioned ourselves to...which is totally bogus.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for resisting to share myself within and as the artistic expression of stand up comedy. I realise and understand how I have been selfish and stubborn within holding myself back and doing a total disservice to I realise and understanding how ridiculous it is to dis like avoiding the opportunity to share and express myself realisations as living words as what is best for all Life.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for resisting the point of taking on the self responsibility principle of living to give as like unconditionally giving to others that which I like to receive, without expecting or desiring anything in return.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having existed within a selfish frame of mind as like resisting to give to others as I like to receive.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having looked towards others within anticipation and hope that I could receive what I wasn't willing to give.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having hoped that someone else could just express the points I see I am capable and able to express within and as my point of creative artistic expression because then I could avoid living within responsibility.  I realise and understand the total nastiness within this behaviour....and I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be totally nasty within dissing myself as Life and not enabling myself to participate within sharing where I see I am capable and able to share within particular moments.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for being stubborn within greed as a result of neglecting to give as I like to receive...and within this I realise and understand how I always holding myself as like a life like refusing myself access to really living life and harnessing my potential to expand myself into and Life as what is always best.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for resisting to walk/breathe/participate/play with integrity and dignity within every moment as the point of honor and commit to Life as living what is best for all Life.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for resisting to stand within and as dedication to the service of Life as what is always best....and within this I realise and understand that compromise is not an acceptable option...and when and as I see myself looking at a point of compromise as like a form of self sabotage, I stop and breathe and immediately thrust myself into application as what is best for all like snapping myself out of a hypnotic trance of self imposed limitation,

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having resisted and neglected making vlogs/youtube videos as a point of support in sharing myself as a visible standing example as a being of integrity and dignity who supports what is best for all Life.

I commit myself to making vlogs/youtube videos as a way of sharing myself here as like a giving I would like to receive.

I commit myself to sharing myself as living words as that which is best for Life.