Continuing from my previous blog post, Day 543 Stupid Conditioning.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for judging and defining my student as stupid based upon their learning ability.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how fucked it is to judge anyone's learning capacity.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for blaming my student within and as the justification of stupidity and being slow witted.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for deflecting/abdicating self-responsibility within my duty of care for my students within accepting and allowing myself to form judgments about them.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for neglecting/abdicating myself-responsibility to life as the duty of care to always exist within and as the starting point of response abilities that are best for Life.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for calling my student stupid.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing stupidity to exist within my reality.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself ofr having justified and validated stupidity and slow wittiness.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to mask insight and practical living clarity within good intentions and desires.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for blinding myself within good intentions and desires as a point of self-interest as separate from all Life as what is best for all Life.
When and as I see myself forming a judgement about one of my students, I stop and breathe, I let go of the judgement/formed impression about the student, I realize and understand the detrimental consequence within accepting and allowing myself to to exist within the parameters of judgment. I realize and understand the practical assistance and support can only be garnered within a starting point of oneness and equality. I realize and understand myself-responsibility to exist within the starting point of Equality and Oneness.
When and as I see myself having a judgement pop up within my head about someone, I stop and breathe, I delete the judgement, apply self forgiveness, Face the point of self-reflection as the self-realization of the point coming up within me is indicative of what I have been accepting and allowing myself to exist as. I realize and understand my effectiveness within our shared reality can only be as effective as the relationship I create with myself. I realize and understand If I accept anything less than what is best for myself....I am in fact compromising and suppressing my ability to have the best relationships with others beings. I realize and understand the point of oneness and equality as the same image and likeness. I commit myself to doing everything possible to insure that I have the best relationship with myself. I commit myself to have the best relationships with all Life here. I commit myself to stopping judgement.
When and as I see myself dwelling within a judgement I stop and breathe, I realize I have missed the point of self direction here and that I am required to stand as the living example/solution as my own remedy by enabling myself to create a path of self-corrective measures/directions as to enable myself to stop the perpetuation of problems/conflict and friction within myself. I realize and understand how self reflection works within opening the doors of self-forgiveness and self realization within bring all point back within myself as myself here as the starting point of creation/Oneness and Equality.
I commit myself to standing as the living example/solution as my own remedy to problems within my shared reality.
I commit myself to giving myself the best education.
I commit myself to becoming one and equal with and as the best educators here.
I commit myself to self-perfection.
To be Contin
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