Sometimes while travelling there's been like this hurry up attitude within an anxiousness of just getting to the final destination and the journey being over and done with. Like, believing that I will be able to better relax once the journey is completed. Within this, I see how I have placed unnecessary stress on myself in moments of being anxious to get somewhere or to finish a particular task that is time consuming.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for missing the self-enjoyment of the journey within travelling as a result of accepting and allowing myself to be anxious about arriving at the final destination.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding that anxiousness within travel is not helpful at all and is in a way dangerous to physical well being, because the body is more stressed as a result of being anxious, which could cause problems due to added stress...and therefore the ability to relax and enjoy travel trip is hindered within just wanting to get to the end destination.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to stress myself about how long it is going to travel to a particular destination.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for limiting my ability to be relaxed in like the in between time from one destination to the next destination.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for getting anxious, frustrated and impatient within waiting during travel transfers following a specific timeline with specific pauses in the travel journey.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for limiting my ability to relax within travel/transit.
when and as I see myself being anxious within travelling, I stop and breathe, I direct myself to move myself in a physical way stretching myself out as the point of enabling myself to be more flexible and relaxed so that I am no longer stiff/rigid/uncomfortable. I realize and understand myself as the point of self-responsibility within and as everything I participate within. I realize and understand how I experience myself within travel is my self-responsibility.
I commit myself to being relaxed and rested within travel.
When and as I see myself becoming impatient, anxious, and or frustrated with having to wait in order to follow a particular schedule while traveling, I stop and breathe, I realize and understand the ridiculousness of getting worked up about moving along with a particularly planned schedule that has effectively allocated times for rests along the travel journey.
I commit myself to stop being impatient, anxious and or frustrated within having rest periods within my travel journeys.
I commit myself to enjoy myself within waiting for others.
I commit myself to stop getting bothered by things outside of my control.
When and as I see myself experiencing stress within travelling towards a new destination, I stop and breathe, I direct myself to move myself in a spontaneous way to assist and support myself stabilizing myself within my physical body, as like going into a physical body awareness, and shaking off the tension, as like realizing and understanding that it is ridiculously absurd for myself to hold onto and create stress within myself.
I commit myself to stop stressing myself out.
I commit myself to self-enjoyment.
I commit myself to enjoying myself in every moment.
I commit myself to stop getting lost in transit.
I commit myself to enjoy the ride.
When and as I see myself to getting paranoid and anxious about the time, I stop and breathe, I realize and understand that stressing myself out by choosing to fret/worry about the time is ridiculously choosing paranoia and anxiousness is like I said, ridiculously absurd. I realize and understand everyone reaction is a choice that is made as the consequence of what has been previously been accepted and allowed within myself. I realize and understand myself responsibility in facing all of my acceptances and allowances.
I commit myself to stop fearing time.
I commit myself to stop perpetuating anxiousness with regards to time.
I commit myself to stop getting paranoid within relationship to what time it is and what responsibilities/obligations I have.
I commit myself to stop fretting and worrying about the time and making it to final destination by the scheduled initial time plan.
I commit myself to stop fretting and worrying.