It's been so easy for me to talk a little bit of shit about another person. Like you know, just a little bit, whether it be to them directly or indirectly through a form of self talk or gossip with another.
This type of behaviour in any capacity in simply unacceptable.
I see how I have in many instances felt the need to say something from within the believed justification/reasoning as that I am "just being honest". Just being honest ? What the fuck ?
Just being honest from the perspective of exposing myself within and as the self-righteous Authority character persona.
I've noticed how subtle I would be in talking shit in some particular moments. Like there being so much disdain within myself, it's like I felt compelled to just sprinkle a little bit of diaper mouth here, a little bit of diaper mouth there, having no regard for the fact that I don't even like hearing and seeing diaper mouth behaviour.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for believing myself to be "just being honest" within talking shit about another being.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the extent of self-righteous authority persona.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for letting self-righteous authority slide within my thoughts, as like just seeing and dismissing the separation forged and formed towards others within accepting and allowing myself to avoid/abdicate self responsibility in removing the accepted and allowed separation that exists within my mind consciousness system as a form of cognitive dissonance.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for for desiring to tell people things from the point of separation as like having an energetic movement within myself and wanting to jump into and as the character that is represented by the particular energy charge that the reaction represents.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding the degrees of self-righteous authority within acting out any particular like acting out any particular reaction is a point of self-righteous like being possessed within and as my accepted and allowed mind fuck.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for allowing myself to become dependent upon acting out various characters from within the realm starting point of self-righteous authority.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for fearing self-righteous authority.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding how I have always been that which I fear most and that is the really irony within and as the process of self-forgiveness, self-realization and self-correction.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having desired to tell people how fucked they are.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for believing that in telling someone how fucked they are, they will respond to me with immediate feedback of a transcendental self-realisation and an in the moment practical real time living change of character from that which is totally fucked to that which is the epitome of greatness as that which is best for all Life as an actual living character standing as an exampled expression of and what is best for all Life.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for wishing others to be that which I would like to see within myself....and within that I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for focusing upon others before myself. I realize and understand that I can ever only see others as I see myself here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself dismissing the point of self-first within process of self-forgiveness and self- realisation and self correction....because of wanting to play some sorta savior Christ like character persona of feeling high and mighty within myself and reigning down upon another with and as my accepted and allowed self-righteous authority because I got a particular itch unexpectedly in a moment as a reaction that just came up within me that I am interpreting and perceiving to be a a form of attack the I will call blame as like me deflecting the apparent responsibility onto another.,,and there for believing that I must give them the ownership of fault and failure as like designating them as a fuck up. I realise and understand that this type of behaviour is totally ridiculously absurd as it totally fucked up and that acting this out whether verbally aloud to another....or just within the mind as like a thought wheel....train of though kind of unacceptable.
When and as I see myself having a thought about how I see another person as this or that, I stop and breathe, I direct myself to forgive myself for that which I see about the particular person as a way to show myself that I can release the reigns of self-righteous authority.
I commit myself to stopping self-righteous authority.
I commit myself to realising and understanding that even the littlest subtle little bit of self-righteous authority is unacceptable.
When and as I see myself feeling the need to say something as like an energetic movement within myself as like an instability as having formed a momentary reaction to something in my environment, I stop and breathe, I direct myself in forgiving myself for the momentary reaction that created an energetic movement of instability within myself. I piece myself back together by utilizing this momentary energetic reaction within myself as a key to see a point of accepted and allowed separation within I use this point to release my accepted and allowed delusion, I look within myself to see the earliest memory connection to this point, and I forgive myself for creating the particular energetic charged relationship within myself, I commit myself to stopping and this pattern within myself. I see and realise the ridiculous absurdity of the point. I realise and understand the practicality of self-correcting myself in the moment a point comes up.
When and as I see myself desiring to act out a particular character as a result of experiencing a momentary reaction within myself, I stop and breathe, I face the point of reaction, I identify the energy, I see the connection to earliest memories, I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for desiring to go into energy possession play out, I correct/remedy the situation in real time.
I commit myself to stop being a diaper mouth.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for being a diaper mouth.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding my own shit.
I commit myself to providing practical living support and assistance to facilitate the stopping and prevention of self righteous authority character persona participation's.
I commit myself to reflecting point of understanding back to myself as way to showcase myself as the point example and so that when I am communicating with another I am not making an example out of them by pointing the finger at them and saying your so this...I see and realize that within taking this approach I give individuals the opportunity to realize their own fuckedness and avoid the misfortune of cycling through an offense/defense reaction of me telling them what they are as opposed to enabling another to realize and understand what they are in fact accepting and allowing through placing myself as the living story/example/self-realisation.....I see and realize within this approach that it's like I am walking with a person through the walking them to the door of understanding and realization and enabling them the opportunity to move through the door on their own as a point of self-responsibility and self direction as an individual labored process of self-accountability, self-integrity and self-dignity in facing self-reflection.
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