important shit

Showing posts with label living. Show all posts
Showing posts with label living. Show all posts

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Day 758 - Ass You Me Mix Up's

Maybe you have heard the saying:  "when you ASSUME, You make an Ass out of You and Me".

First of All, an Ass kind of looks like a Heart.....So is this Love...the symbol of know the heart...the thing that looks like an Ass that Cupid is shooting an arrow into?

When we look at a real heart as the picture of the human body, it doesn't look like the Ass of You and Me as the Love Butt

I bring up the point of like the cupid in the arrow shooting butts here, because I have recently encountered instances where I would assume yes and assume no...and within this I know I'm making a guess of sorts...and in both instances i was faced with shit from the other i was encountering about how I shouldn't assume....

I found this to be somewhat peculiar...because to a certain extent in being a detective/investigator have to do some guess know...see what works and what does not....and the only way to know for sure is to hypothesize and the test it out experimentation of trial and error. And i mean, obviously there is some cautionary considerations when conducting such research...I mean 'practicality' is a word worthy of much the cause be Here as ourselves and it is to be cautious within and as the investigation of ourselves here... so as to avoid/prevent unnecessary consequence...yet at the same time it's to not to tippy toe around when your walking about...because that's not necessarily the best use of your feet when and as your walking....

Though maybe if you don't know what you are walking on maybe a tippy toe is appropriate....or a firm push of the foot...both have their place...

A point I ironically enough assumed made sense...was the logic and rational about "assume" to never assume. I see some more context required here....because..

 To Be Continued...

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Day 750 - Is Share A Dare?

The Dare to Share....

The Dare to Care.....

Truth or Dare?

Why would I say such things?

Well, let me tell You!

I have noticed that sharing what I have to share has been a definite dare of sorts at times....because what I have noticed is that there exists Fear at times to actually really Share what it is I would like to Share.

This fear comes up in various dimensions at different times that is presented as particular feelings and or emotions about things...and these particular feelings and emotions towards or away from a point...dictate the decision making process to varying degrees.

Now this is fascinating isn't it?

I mean, See for yourself if you have any "conditioned" responses within yourself. Dare I call these "conditioned responses". programmed reactions?  Which is interesting...because a "programmed reaction" is a particular code one has substantiated over time...with specific consent...whether that was done actively or passively is irrelevant because the code is the code.

So, The Dare Here, is in challenging your programmed conditioning....because these "programmed reactions" as the Truth of one's acceptances and allowances here have been educated into and as our Being, here in it is rooted into our core.

Now, what is very cool to see here, is how solutions exist to such an issue...because like anything that is rooted...the potential exists to up root such a point when and as one gets to the roots. Now, that might seem like a daunting task of sorts....But actually, No, it's not....because it's already Knotted here in and as the point...the main points within ourselves here. So, We already Got it! The point here is a simple matter of looking at what we Got.

"The Point Here is a Simple Matter of Looking at what We Got"

In any moment, the point here is asking yourself, "What Do We Got Here?"

The interesting thing about such a Specific Question, is that, "We Got Here to the Very Point in and as the Asking of the Question". This showcases and illustrates how it is possible to learn in every moment here and see new dimensions/perspectives of something here. This is in fact possible because We Source ourselves here as the very Question, Standing One and Equal with the Answer and also the Solution.

 Interesting forward movement and creation development is possible within asking 'Follow Up' Questions from a point of specificity into the initial matter. This aids in and as the expansive development of Response the avenues/paths/ways in which One can Move oneself here as the Self-Directed Expression....the Manifested Self-Willed and Realized Solution as the King of the Quest from and as the Perspective of taking Initiative to Source Self Here as the Authority in the Matter As King....See, as King, One has the rule to Make the Ruling Here...and the best rules are one's that are Just....and so Asking the Right Questions is Imperative into as as such Justice. Ironically the Justice is Cool when and as One accepts and allows Oneself to Rule!

Yes you can say, that you have an "edge" an advantage in Movement and Results of Actions the House always Rules....the House Advantage if You Will...and As King, You Dictate the terms within and as Your Self Definition....the Irony here of course is Seeing how we are currently sentenced to the Service of Our Own Self-definitions Here.

The Sentencing if You Dare to Look is most Profound.  Dare I say the truth of our sentencing is ironically tragic in the most comedic sense of the ways to play and work here?

Dare I say, Our Words are most Specific in Always Here.  Whether we realize the weather we create or not...

Weather Influence and Modification Stems from our very Roots.

Is it Possible the very essence of Planet Earth is a Seed of Potential that is a reflection of our True Heart...the Pulse and Beat as the Flow of our Going,...the very Doing as that in which we are in Fact or are Not Living....

The Caring here is Planting in What we want to the Creation point of focused self-willed direction....the Creative play of Planting and the Plans within Making the best things Happen.

Ironically enough....the whole Plant point of the Heart of Matters here, starts with Ourselves as the very cells that make up our Selling as what we have bought and sold ourselves as our particular beliefs. The interesting thing here is the Questions that come up.

The Questions take One from from Believing in possibilities to Knowing the specifics of fine tuning the Best Living as the Loving Work and Play Response Abilities as the Most Responsible Way to Live/Love Here as the Visible action and example of Sharing and Caring.

Be careful what you believe...because a belief in a lot of ways is like a Wish and you might just get what you Wish for.....

Sunday, 28 June 2015

Day 749 - Word Recognition Continuation

Image result for waltz dance

Continuing from my previous post:

"So, what I would like to reiterate in this sharing here today, is the point that often times, there is a particular moment of reactionary impulsing to particular language that is used...and this is often reflected back to us or another in and as our communication. And within being perceptive to such instances. there is tremendous potential that is possible to open up in and as the moment. Here comes a point of self-honesty in and as the moment of sharing and looking and seeing, and somewhat daring to actually stop and look at what is here to investigate. I have noticed that in many instances, I was some what reluctant to actually stop and bring attention to the word in question that would come up in a moment as like a point of dissonance within myself or the person I was communicating with."

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing a reluctance within myself to actually opening up particular words within myself as points that require my attention as a remediation required to harmonize the dissonance within and as my particular relationship with the as to stop myself from accepting and allowing less than what is best as the Word...and to from within and as this regard, effectively empower myself as the Living Word Solution Here as that which is all ways always Best.

I realize and understand the process here of stopping it is is within the stopping myself, that I am able to actually look within myself and see what it is I have been accepting and allowing myself to participate within. As I give myself the opportunity to look and see what is going on as a result of first stopping, and then identifying the points within myself with specific word recognition, I am from Here able to expand myself and unlock my potential in so many ways. This Here is a structured process of specificity in unlocking self-imposed restraints as word/world relations that are less than what is best.

I commit myself to the specificity in unlocking self-imposed restraints as word/world relations that are less than what is best

Sunday, 21 June 2015

Day 746 - Supple Play Works

Take a Moment to work and play Here with Supple:

"Supple" is the ease of movement which is Graceful. Bending and Flexibility.

When you Look at Supple...there is a sort of Supply to It.,,Isn't there? Like if you are not supple than you're ability to apply responsibility is rather limited, isn't it

What about the supplement within and as supple...or rather the Supple within and as Supplement?

With these regards and considerations is it Seen that the ease of movement which is graceful is a rather complimentary act...and self-responsibility if you will....a sort of glad to be of service approach....whether the service is self-service or other as the service of another this regard....Isn't the service of self always all ways to be regarded here?  I mean, really who else is Here, other than Self? All of ourselves here.....all of our cells here....all the individualized parts of self here.

Supplement like the add in point...the play in the move as the natural way not such a forcefulness but more of a grace.

There is a tremendous amount of effort within and as Supple quickness...It is very focused and specific...and so there is a grace about the movement and motions...however, excellency within and as such supple quickness in application is a result of Practiced Efforts...and so the powerful practice efforts appear to be effortless as the grace about them...but the truth of the matter much work goes into that which is seen as walking for instance....all of us who can walk now, spent a long while practicing it before we perfected it...and there was a constant and consistent everyday effort that went into the mastery of walking....

I commit myself to the utilizing the words Supple and Quickness as process points of support and assistance in aiding in my development and substantiation of response abilities that are great.

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Day 730 - Coming Out of Retirement

Image result for coming out of retirement quotes

I can recall on more than one occasion, declaring that I was taking an early retirement. The idea of an early retirement is something I was looking into at the end of my teenage years and the beginning of my twenties. My attitude was that I am ready to commit to full time leisurely pursuits. The consideration was that perhaps I would not make it to old age or that I would be less mobile, less flexible, less capable or less able bodied. From my perspective, I was of the notion that I should give as much time to myself now as possible....even if I have to pay for it later....that giving myself tremendous amounts of time now, would pay dividends like actually gifting myself with the privilege to slow down and seize the day.  This was regarded as somewhat of a radical notion because all my peers were looking to position themselves into life long careers so that they had the potential to secure their retirements.  I also figured that I could have a retirement now...and perhaps I could still have one later. I mean, initially I kind of regarded that my adulthood would be a lifelong retirement of sorts and that it would be focused on  my individual self-interests in the now of consciousness...without real longtime planning from the perspective and principle of Be Here Now.

Well, it's been perhaps just over a decade since i first declared myself taking an early retirement.

There's been many times throughout this past decade where i forgot that I had many times declared and wished for myself an early retirement and within this not really considered the fabric of my wishes. My immediate regards were that of fulfilling my immediate and moment to moment desires. a lot of very treats from the day to day and month to month retirement living management.

What also appealed to me about this approach is not really having wanted to get serious about long term planning...committing to any long term plan.

I would say also within this was the concern that I would have to give up my childhood for adulthood.  My thinking was that I will carry my childhood into adulthood and I will take the senior approach very childishly...from the perspective that I will skip the typical young adult middle age mentality and go right for retirement kind of living....from the perspective of my focus being on the shortsightedness of daily pleasures and leisurely pursuits.  My thinking about recreation was that perhaps I will want to play more now then when I am older...maybe I wont want to play so much when I am really old...and then I would rather focus on work....because from my perspective old people don't seem all that playful...I mean sure there's a lot of them that are cheerful and good spirited but they also kind of sit around a lot...and isn't there a lot of young people in jobs where they sit around a lot....wouldn't it be better to take a sit around type of job when I am old...

I also have had the attitude that I have a Golden Ticket.

I remember this steady girlfriend I had for some years and she was finishing her schooling up and was prepared to get into career mode and begin a family.,..and at that time I was not at all interested in that approach for myself..I was in full out retirement mode...thinking that my living leisurely as my recreational pursuits were my investments for my future and that I have a  Golden Ticket that I can cash in when I so desire....and the thing about my thinking was that my golden Ticket has so much potential like the realization within myself that I can in fact do what ever I I am the will and the way and so realizing this is like a wow realization because it is a point of self-comfort within and as self-empowerment. At the same time...there can be almost an urgency within self that comes up as like wanting to make something happen because potential exists...and at the same time a hesitance of not wanting to rush things....kind of a indecision between getting going and postponing....

A realization that has become clear to me is that Yes, Indeed I do have a Golden Ticket and this Golden Ticket is in fact my Potential Here...and the thing is...I Require to Use My Golden Ticket...and I cannot just save it away and avoid it for a long time later.....that is foolish....My Golden Ticket has the Most Value Now...and The Value Of My Golden Ticket Gets More Valuable every day I Exercise a card I got to pay/play with as the decisions I make.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how the wishes and declarations I make for myself shape my reality.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for fearing to take on long term planning as point of self-directed commitment and responsibility I bring into fruition

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for thinking that typically people fall apart when they get old.

To Be Continued

Sunday, 5 April 2015

Day 726 - Moment Management

Image result for Pivoting on skis

I've noticed the Moment to often be a very Pivotal point.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be influenced and controlled by fear within the moment as a particular feeling/emotion that contradicts my Planning

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for being consistently inconsistent with my commitments as a result of accepting and allowing momentary Fear as various dimensions of reaction to influence and regulate my movement.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for fearing to embrace all of my fears and actually move myself regardless of and as the excuse that is presented as coming up in the moment.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for making a big deal about moving through an accepted and allowed suppression I see within a moment. I realize that this is in fact no big deal here....and that the only way this would become a big deal is if I avoided taking self-responsibility for the point I see I have been suppressing.  Within this new realization...the moment is a very cool pivot point in and as the process of self-perfection, because the opportunity exists to become a better version of oneself here.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how Life works as a series of Moments put together....but that all there every is is the present moment here....which leads into new present moments here....and All the While from Present Moment to Present Moment, I am the Leader as My Life is My Self-Responsibility and The Creation of My Life is a Result of and as the Effectiveness of My Leadership Here. I realize and understand Leadership starts within and as Self-Responsibility here.  I realize I have Great Responsibilities and that Self-Responsibility is the Key within and as Self-Empowerment/Self-Creation Here as Heaven on Earth

I commit myself to Self-Creation Here as Heaven on Earth.

I commit myself to Self-Responsibility

I commit myself to Living the Self-Empowerment within and as Self-Responsibility

When and as I see myself faced with a moment where I experience a feeling of like "not wanting to participate within my self-responsibility", I stop and breathe, I see/realize/understand the self-sabotage within thinking oneself out of doing what is required to be done as the practical living of self-responsibility. I Move myself in Doing the point that I face resistance towards Doing. I realize the movement of my doing is the Key to Practical Living Creation here as the How To put the Plans in Motion. I see realize and understand the Planning and Planting that Happens within and as the Movement of Doing. I see, realize and understand the Commitment within and as The Decision to Do the Moving Beyond thinking about doing It...and Just Doing It.  I realize the More I do it...the more I get Done.  I realize my potential existent here is within and as self-creation and that my self-creation comes from the act of doing the building and development of Greatness within and as Always All Always Great.

I commit myself to and as Greatness Here.

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Day 723 - When and As I See Myself

Image result for when and as i see myself

When and as I see myself competing with myself as like being split within points of perspective as like having an energy within one direction and also an energy within another direction, I stop and breathe, I see realize and understand the friction that is done onto myself as like an unnecessary heating up within myself that is not really practical and best for my optimum physiology here.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for being negligent of all the things I see in which I participate within that are not cool as various moments of thought, word and deed.

When and as I see myself resisting to embrace a point/moment here, I stop and breathe, I realize that this resistance towards directing the moment in an optimum way as what is the pivot point so to speak...because this is moment of truth as how I make my vote for what's best for Life...or something less. I commit myself to living the vote for life as what is best for life. I realize that what I have come to accept and allow in many instances is less than what is in fact best for life. I realize it is counterproductive to allow myself to get hung up about my misfortunes...and that in fact by facing all point of myself I turn my weaknesses into strengths....and within this I see and realize how these moments and acceptances and allowances of misfortune can be leverage to assist and support my overall Life fortune here as It is a most definite fortunate thing to take responsibility for my very own misfortune. I realize as I am more and more proficient in sorting through my very own misfortune....the opportunity presents itself as like a renewal point of farming here, where I have the opportunity to give as I would like to receive...and within this, obviously I live to give, as the caring and sharing I am capable of giving because I have first proven the point to be well planted in myself as the seeded solution that has grown into fruition as I embrace myself as the fruits of my own labor.

I commit myself to sharing the fruits of my labor.

I realize and understand that sharing the fruits of our labor is an enormous point of responsibility within consideration and regard for Life as what is best for Life.

When and as I see myself going into a reaction about temperature, I stop and breathe, I see realize and understand myself here as temperature. I realize and understand there is a whole spectrum of temperature. I commit myself to fine tuning my applications of working with various relationship dynamics of myself here.

When and as I see myself reacting to the word Cold, I stop and breathe, I see realize and understand that I am one and equal with the word cold...and to react to myself is in fact a silly way to a most ridiculously unfortunate experience really.  I commit myself to stopping the war/conflict within myself as a friction to moment of facing/encountering myself here on an external level as words. I realize and understand my self-responsibility here as living words. I commit myself to self-perfection within and as the usage of living words. I commit myself to remediating the misfortunes I have created through incorrect usages of words and the specific associations to words that were out of structural alignment with and as what is in fact best for me as a presentation of all Life here.

I commit myself to letting go of positive energetic reactions in regards to the word Cool.

When and as I see myself creating a buzz within myself as the word cool from the perspective of leveraging a point of dissonance within myself to induce an artificial high, I stop and breathe, I see realize and understand the absurd ridiculousness of choosing to play out the reactionary tale of going along for the accepted and allowed ride of Positive energy possession. I see, realize and understand that it is less than what is best to perpetuate oneself existing in positive I see realize and understand that the positive energy reactionary playout is the unfortunate consequence of so much accepted and allowed shit/waste to exist within and as my potential here.  I commit myself to the exercising of my potential here as the process in expanding the possibilities of my potential here.

To be continued

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Day 719 - Information Automation and Integration

Image result for information

Information is Everything.  We are It. Tag.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for creating feelings and or emotions as reactions to seeing/reading particular bits of information.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for categorizing information within myself within and as a spectrum of energy as like an aura/field that I artificially invested into as a sort of belief/idea/judgement that spawned out of my initial reactions within and as my first meeting/introduction to said bit of information.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how much opportunity exists in every moment to face my acceptances and allowances as the particular energy dynamics I exist within as Information/Word relationships.  I realize and understand that I can specifically feel the energetic definitions within myself.  I realize and understand that as I participate in my day to day living my reactions to and from particular points of information is automated as like the why or why not of point's of feedback,

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for judging the energy feedback I experience within myself as I am discovering parts of myself that I wasn't really aware of what and how I was existing within and as the point. I realize vulnerability is required in opening self up to see what one has kept hidden from awareness.

I forgive myself forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to resist slowing myself down at times when the potential exists for me to go into deeper investigations within myself and garner new insight and awareness about what I have been accepting and allowing within and as mind.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the process from consciousness to awareness is not a sometimes things, but is in fact here always in and as all ways.

I realize that by listening to my voice in each moment of participation I can hear exactly what it is I am accepting and allowing within myself as I speak each word...and that the sound is specifically structured as a direct point of feedback which indicates any particular energetic energies/mind possessions.

I realize that my body movements are indicators of the acceptances and allowances within myself and that specifically the unconscious body movement in relation to participating with others in my environment are very revealing into and as the nature of my acceptances and allowance.  I realize there is so much communication support available here to read.  I realize the support within reading the information existent here as various dynamics of physical body support. I realize and understand that information also exists here as like the energy body....where it's like from the body this energy has been manufactured as particular resonances that are rooted in the pain/conflict/abuse/friction/trauma of not realizing and understanding oneself here as One and Equal with Everything.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the absurd ridiculousness of trying to hide and or distract myself from specific acceptances and allowances that I know I can investigate/explore more and that will lead to new found awareness within myself that I have been resisting to be/become/exercise/express/live as part of my individual response abilities here.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how I create and perpetuate confusion within myself and restrict my ability to excel in and as self-mastery in managing/directing my reality as a result of splitting my focus from time to time...where I accept and allow a resistance to totally commit to looking at and opening up one point....and moving through that one point completely, before I go into the next point.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for thinking and believing and fearfully living within and as the automation of having many things on my mind from time to time...and within this allow myself to get discombobulated in my ability to function at an elite level of mastery and performance as an expression of excellence in and as each application/participation/task/activity I direct myself within and as.

I realize and understand the simplicity of focus on one point at a time as the Key to excellence in the specifics of performance of the activity/task/sport/work/play/writing...

I realize and understand the support we give to our self-development as the point of awareness and self-mastery when and as we commit ourself to existing within and the one point.  Meaning, if we are giving a lecture....we are immersed within and as the sharing of ourselves as the lecture...present within the point for everyone participating in receiving the lecture you are giving.  Another example is in playing a sport...where you commit yourself to moving within and as the point as response abilities to perform where the mind is engaged as a tool/map of support to aid in looking/seeing what is the best move/play to perform/exercise...and this is, with practice becomes a continuous dance and flow where it's a total working play...where you playing is a result of the work that you are doing as the player working here as the one reading/process/seeing/looking/directing the point at hand here.

I commit myself to enhancing my specificity in working with One point at a time.

When and as I see myself attempting to work with too much at once, I stop and breathe, have a smile as the realization of knowing what uselessness it is in trying to do too much at once...especially from the perspective of fear....where the application of fucking yourself by taking on too much at once becomes a sort of righteous justification that is motivated through fear.  I look at the various points that I am trying to juggle that is causing this confusion of how to best move myself...I simplify the mathematics of the points within myself and establish a clear specific number one point and then I begin with it and from there into the next point...and so with this approach I create a plan as how to best move through a series of points that were initially regarded as a big conglomeration of points all variously connected without any specific structured ordered direction for best application.  I realize I am capable of accomplishing many more tasks and performing the specifics of each and every task at a level of greatness that cannot be achieved within myself when I don't commit myself completely to the narrowness of focus, from and as the perspective of staying present in the moment with just the one point.  I realize my effectiveness in moving points becomes an acceleration point where I am able to begin directing the next point as I finish the previous one....where there is a relationship from going from one thing to the next and as I get detailed into my awareness specificity as i go from one move to the next I can enjoy the detailed specifics of my application.

I commit myself to enjoying the detailed specifics of my application/process here from consciousness to awareness.

Monday, 16 March 2015

Day 715 - Audacity in Creativity Living Rhapsody

The Song is me..
The Song is One.
The Song is Always Sung.
The Song is Won.
The Winning Song Is Always.
The Creative Audacity in Living Rhapsody.

The Playwrights is to Play with the right and the left side as part of the compass of moral discretion as the discernment to choose as Always loss Prevention. The protection is in the Play rite as the writing of passage...the laws governing the body of self doing it here.

The body of government is the creativity in audacity as Living Rhapsody.

The Yo of the flow...the recognition of re-cognition..the rewiring of lying as to fire the liars from communicating through the wires making this cellular as the status standing agreement of Our Cells here...the Seeing Ourselves all together to get to get the understanding and realization of the mother-ship...ya the leadership boarding...No hoarding..

This is Greatness...the Nest that is Great,.


Yes please....the pleasure of attitude be the One you want...the winning Won...because you know how it goes....self-regard....appreciation and acceptances be part of the daily bread in giving living allowance as the money that is our honey pot the why to the we high as we low...the as above so below and the side to side in the decide brigade as the cumming together of knowing how to need for debate...fuck the need....we doing the deed...Indeed...we live the daily doing deeds as our very pleasures Indeed.

Ski bop the hip hop like flowing down the mountain on the jungle gymnasium inside the cranium rock cap...rock rock to the beach house....all housing inclusive of the law of Gratitude be the the law Greatness is the nest of our residing as the desire in reside...check it..see money living life value.....regarding the agreement purpose point in postured positioning a stance of self-acceptance that is Great.

Grateful is Key in being full of Great...though check it as the money in the bank...with greatness comes great responsibility because it;s an actuality of living in physical reality...the maneuverability in the acquisition of substantiating a position.

Poster the Posture...for the Posture is the Post You are.
The Rhapsody of Self-Expression....
The Oar, The Gas and The Mic...
Tools Check...Making it Made...Motor Boating the landing whether or not weather permitting because I make the permits for my permissions as the standing authority in and as the recognition of moral allegory in principle posed positioning as what;s best for You is Best for Me. Yo!

Wordy wordage is part of the stretching in expanding the mobility as how you sketch it you know...because sometimes it comes out as the aftermath of the shout...but check was here already as the fountain flowing within...the water runs non stop...the mouth be the tap...whether you tap dance or not...the song is song in every note as the sounding of it why as the how and the when as the what the we got here.

Musician in an Orchestra with a Sea of Organs...playing each piece has it;s part can direct all parts as each part has it's own individual part each part can stand as the individuality creativity audacity rhapsody as the flow go you know and trust...can't rust when you bust,..because just a paused hiccup indicator symptom symbol like a stop sign to slow down...rewind try it again...check the tempo

Momentum is the mountainous movement of the moment when you go Uhm and than drop the hesitation and stick to performance presentation

Saturday, 7 March 2015

Day 706 - Fun Knee

It's Funny how things work out. Like when you see and realize a connection you hadn't previously considered, or like You realize something you had been avoiding/accepting that was totally ridiculous and absurd.  Like, specifically when you get into the dynamics of the relationships...this is where the fun and the haha funny moments are as like the enjoyment of the fun that can be shared together through learning which really is in fact a caring and sharing because the caring is sharing and the sharing is caring.

Why does Fun and Knee sound like funny?

Is there some sort of connection here? What's the correlation?

Well, if you look at what is really fun or funny....the funny is fun...but the fun isn't necessarily funny...unless it's added to it so to like fun can exist with the funny...but funny doesn't really exist without the fun. because have a look, if you are closed off from having any is tough to really learn anything effectively in a way that is like aha...I get it, I got it....I see....that's funny.

Funny in and of itself is an expansive point of like the ever expanding point of fun. Funny, really is an integral part of the learning process here. Self-enjoyment is a cool description I see here as describing a relationship which is fun and funny because enjoyment....specifically self-enjoyment is a shared point...and if you look at the make up of our cells here...I mean ourselves see and hear that there is so many cells/selves there is so many parts that make up the whole.

All joking a side because funny is in the ability to decide as like to see for real what is in fact what. Funny is beyond the make believe. Funny is the Know thy Self curriculum. What is funny about funny and all funny a side is that You Decide...if You Can See the Funny which is a decision...which is funny in and of itself...because it's a logical reasoning that perhaps is illogical in deciding the decision you've sided with.

How I got to the Fun Knee here as my creative writing play work here is as a result of giving extra close attention to my Knee as I am in the process of Healing a Knee Injury. It's interesting in how giving extra close attention to a specific part, the potential to create new connections and possibilities exists.

In looking at myself acceptances and allowances here, I have been facing the questions of Fun and Funny in regards to my Knee. Specifically I reflect here in the self-movement of myself within and as points of Fun and Funny as the Creative Play Work Here. See, I see and realize myself as the Orchestrator of Who and How I am within and as my participations here. Gratitude is the attitude that I am working and playing with. Sometimes this has been I have many times tripped myself up on my own self-righteousness...which is like a hiccup in effective breathing/seeing here as what is what for what it is.

What is opening up here for me is the abdication of the Funny and Fun within myself where I have allowed and accepted myself to move along without regard for the fun and funny within and as the work I do here. This strain I have done onto myself I see reflecting my knee injury as my current inability to walk effectively, as my body has revealed to me here...' cant walk like you've been are facing the consequences of accepting and allowing accumulated restraint/strain that has now manifested itself in the form of an the inner jury no longer will continue as the strain and restraint.'

Interesting it is to see the funny in the serious and the fun in the serious as the serious fun. I find it interesting that there often comes to be a dissonance or a disconnect from the fun when there is seriousness. This sentiment of "seriousness" I see as the 'Adult' like the losing the fun of childhood and perhaps trying to get back to it...or maybe having lost it all together and not even realizing what has been lost because one is so enveloped in the "serious".  Like for instance I do not recall as a child having the same extent of mind activity...thought action as I have today....and I am not certain that all the thought action is a good I have noticed that often the though action can be of a serious like the 'police man in the head' kind of thing where there is always some sort of systematic judgement and stereo type casting taking place...and it's like really a money calculator when you see things for what they are simplistically....because the way money works is also within and as the emotion and feeling of the body whether it is positive feeling or negative emotion...both are perpetuating the dependency and the continuation of one another...and so the mind of though/feeling/emotion becomes like an individualized calculator of accounting the individualized and specialized self interest and regard for the very self created frequencies of one's particular value.

It's interesting to see how my creative writing play here has taken a turn into looking at the mind and money in regards to the adult...

To Be Continued

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Day 700 - Fortitude of Purpose



Purpose plus fortitude is a formula strong in nature. I see purpose and fortitude together as one and equal as the infusion of Life all ways always in and as the movement of self here.

The question has come to my attention, "If you lack purpose, do you in fact lack quality of Life?"

"What is the fortitude of purpose?"

"Does having any purpose guarantee a high quality of life....or is there a certain fortitude required in order to insure creation of a high quality Life?"

"Is life meant to be high quality,,,and is it in fact a point of becoming aware of our fortitude of like it's in us to a result of what has been given to us?"

At different times in my life I have briefly reflected on what it is I want to do with my life. Interestingly enough, every time I had asked myself such a question and or reflected about such a thinking was in an absolute sense...and I often had difficulty with this...the commitment aspect of making a decision that I felt I would be bound to once in fact I made it....and what was interesting is that it's like I've been looking for sometime throughout my life as something I can give to myself as a responsibility to walk indefinitely...a Purpose of Fortitude of You will as the Meaning I give to my Life Living daily application and expression of myself here.

Now, what has been peculiar within my process of self-reflection throughout the years is that I have allowed myself to get distracted and preoccupied with things. And in this doing, kind of allowed a procrastination to ensue about activating fully the Fortitude of Purpose I wish to give to myself.

Entertainment has been my primary source of distraction from and as the development of and as my self willed purpose of fortitude. Ironically enough, I have seeked  a plethora of avenues within entertainment as a means to finding what it is I would like to find...and that ultimately being my self-expression. What do I mean by my self-expression? Many many many things. Looking for substantial greatness in all things....Ironically this thirst for greatness in various modes of entertainment has been a result of holding myself back as great entertainer.

It's interesting, my writing here...because even as have just written the above paragraph...I faced immediate reaction, where, specifically I turned away and did not even want to look at the words I have written. Me a great entertainer? But why? Why is this I see as a point worthy of my attention...and to such an extent where I can claim a fortitude of purpose?

I see tremendous value in Education. This is a rather obvious point for many I am that most would agree with the tremendous value within and as Education.  I mean education is a point where really, I think everyone can agree upon the importance in and as it's value. I see Entertainment as a a medium of Education. Within this, I see that there is great responsibility in standing as an entertainer within this world....because not only is one providing entertainment as a point of fun to be had....but first and foremost the entertainer is an educator...a teacher.

I have been looking to lots of teacher's in this world....lots of entertainers to be what I think they can be...and this is not fair to any of them....for in this regard...I have placed expectations on others as separate from myself to be operating and performing of a high quality particular standard of greatness that I have not even consistently held myself accountable to. In a way...I have been afraid to actually commit myself to the fortitude of like actually existing here as the strength of character that does not give up or bow down to anyone. This is not to say that I must be fighting or welcoming to conflict...but at the same time being open to dancing with conflict that I am presented a way like a ninja master....where the problems/issues are directed into and as solutions.

The irony of course within everything is myself.  So often I have reflected outwards about irony as a seemingly separate entanglement that only loosely relates back to me and is not really knotted deeply in attachment to my particular acceptances and allowances. This perception being a scapegoat defense mechanism where I ultimately excused the deep seated self-reflection required in really getting to the origins of myself here as who and what I am really all about.  It's fascinating to examine the conspiracies of my acceptances and allowances if you will. I sure each and everyone can relate to the conspiracies within and as our very acceptances and this is an area that can be easily dismissed from the giving patience and time as the necessary ingredients required to actually look at the story of self here...and the questioning of Fortitude of Purpose.

Anytime I would come across something that would reveal a depth of character....or be rich in substance...I would yearn for more and more exposure to such things....whether it be a show or production, a book, a person, a sport,'s like all the while...I was always missing the core of myself within and as it....where full appreciation was not quite grasped...because I don't think I have ever really fully appreciated myself to the fullest extent of and as the meaning of appreciation. Reflecting back on my various modes enthrallment from the perspective of entertainment satisfaction and thirst for more was never ending...and within this...the reflection to me is clear on the point of enjoyment...self-enjoyment....where it is an alone and together thing....where it's a shared thing between two or more.

I am reminded of the court jester....the joker if you the comedic relief to the absurd ridiculousness of aristocracy and monarchy. Within and as such a position...the joker is like the master teacher in a sense...where his immunity is granted for him alone because of his chosen profession...and the reasoning that this is the joker...and no matter how serious the reflection may be...this is the court jester...the joker...who is permitted...authorized to ridicule the ridiculousness of the accepted and allowed crown rule.  I think of this in terms relatable to stand up comedy and movie and television entertainment. Where there is potential within such a position to me an intermediary role player bridging the gaps of dissonance with common sense critique. Exposing the absurd ridiculousness in absurdly ridiculous ways with cleverly creative points of comparison and association...making a mockery of a mockery while at the same time, giving the antidote...the formula....the recipe....the solution as to how the absurd ridiculousness can be being no longer relevant and therefore remedied,,,because after having the aha moment of a laugh and seeing for is clear...crystal clear like water...the perfect solution as the how to do....I get it, I got it...I  do it...I am doing it attitude that is contagious in and as itself being a point that is addictively spread as the messages worth repeating.

What's interesting within as a my moments of reflection here is...that I as each I is the gate keeper of I...for it is for I...and I for an I that make everything to to grant to to for real be to aha...yes...I see it is all to and for to and from I the perfect relationship...I Give and Get Given here for it is the Gift of me/you/life here.
Meaning the play is in and as our permission authority to like will allow ourselves to play...will we ask others to play....will we show others how to play...will we talk about our play...and to such a point where our work can become the such a way where the play is a work in like a continued play date that can stand the testaments of time as like...yes playing and working with what is here will stand the testaments of and as the way to educate and entertain effectively....because education and entertainment together as a point of enjoyment shared between two or more is something rather harmoniously marvelous as the simplistic euphoria of the warmth of touch. This is life awareness here. This is who I am ....this is who we are. This is what I am about. This is how I choose to express and share the expression/creation of myself here.

, seems daunting and far to easy to actually be the way forward here...that trauma and suffering is not actually required...that simplicity is key in self exploration and creation. That really we can have a lot of fun in creating our fortitude of purpose and within this enacting a self-responsibility that will insure the future well being for generations to come as the knowing that this is substantial support that is fostering the facilitation of greatness in all ways always. It's important to note that obviously this enactment of purposeful living of and as self-responsibility will be a challenge in and of itself...because I realize I have been conditioned to operate in a way that is less than beneficial to all life in breaking the restraints of my conditioned limitations may in fact very well be somewhat traumatically challenging....though I see here...the way in which I remove the layers of deception from myself as being related to me and my investigative digging...meaning that my willingness to pull off the layers of my deceit self-willing will be a challenge yes...but far less traumatic if I avoid doing so and therefore require to only realize through the consequence of my programmed planning conditioning playing out.

To be Continued

Friday, 2 January 2015

Day 689 - Realizing and Living My Utmost Potential

1. "Realizing and Living My Utmost Potential". (The Desteni of Living - A Declaration of Principles)

This point here I have come to see and realize as a point of that there is the potential for a constant and continuous refinement of ability here....where on a daily basis, one is playing/working with the basics and seeing how to better oneself in a constant and continuous learning in this regard the 'Realization and Living of My Utmost Potential' has been a growing and expanding point. Growing and I give myself access to potential.

What I have learned about myself thus far is that Realizing and Living my Utmost Potential is a work and play in progress...Meaning that this is something that I am working and playing with....and I will continue to work and play with....This is a primary principle that will remain within me indefinitely.

This primary principle here, is an opening up of awareness if you like there is an openness in receptiveness to see for real what is here. Seeing the acceptances and allowances that are here isn't always a pleasant experience....Well, it is really pleasant....when you consider and regard the fact...that, "Hey I am seeing and realizing something that I wasn't noticing in that new seeing....there is in fact a gift...and really this is pleasant...because, now the opportunity exists for actual living action....from beyond reaction into in fact actual a self directive initiative takes and as the molding and shaping of and as substantiated self-responsibility as the developed ability in and as self-mobility as how to live the self-expression of and as the words we are....the principles you will into being, as the "who I am" the definition in what I stand for and as.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the simplicity in and as the 'realization and living of my utmost potential' as daily self-commitment to the basics...where I am constantly and continuously committed to perfection within the basics....and am always looking for ways to expand development within and as the basics.

I realize and understand the commitment required to practically working and playing with the basics.

I commit myself to the self-enjoyment of the Basics within and as my day to day living.

I realize self-honesty in working and playing with the Basics here.

I commit myself to keeping self-mastery simple in application as the realization of sticking to the Basics....where Self-Honesty is Key.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having complicated things within my life as a result of not sticking to the Basics...which I realize is a result of self-dishonesty....which is the neglect of taking action on the self-honesty that exists here.

I see and realize self-honesty here.

I see and realize if I do not direct self-honestly than that is a choice to exist as self-dishonesty...which is an indication of being out of alignment with the practical living application of the word play "responsibility" where one has and knows how to exercise the best response ability in and as the movement here...based in and as the looking/realizing what is here self-honestly and making an assessment and a committed action from within and as the starting point of 'Self-Trust'...where one gives oneself permission to move/create for real...beyond the confinements of doubt and fear.

I commit myself to the responsibility that exists in the realization and understanding of self-honesty in application existing here beyond the confinements of doubt and fear....where and as 'Self-Trust' is a commitment that gives one-self permission to live the realization of utmost potential in the moment.

I realize the basics to exist as:

Self-Honesty - To see and realize what is being accepted and allowed here....and also, to see and realize what is in fact best for all Life here.

Self-Forgiveness - is the gift giving of self-responsibility in taking accountability for one's acceptances and allowances...and making sure that the structural alignment of what you accept and allow is from the starting point principle of 'Oneness and equality'. Self-forgiveness is also an Equalization point...where one actually pieces oneself back together...where the accepted and allowed separation is till here no further.

Self-Trust - is the commitment to actually move and apply oneself here...basically putting oneself into application as the dare to care in playing and working with what is here. Obviously there is an interconnectedness with self-honesty here. The application of self-trust over time becomes the outflow of common sense mathematics....realizing and living the basic principles of self-honesty, self-forgiveness, and self-trust.

Self-Commitment - Is the common sense mathematics of self-forgiveness, self-honesty and self-trust...where you in fact see the realization and living of your utmost potential...and You therefore commit yourself to practical living Greatness as who you are. Obviously the practical living of Greatness is self-substantiated over the result of constant and consistent application of the realization of the Basic principle fundamentals here.

Self-Here - You are practical living Greatness that has been self-substantiated over time as a result of and as the constant and consistent application of self-perfecting the Basic principles Here.

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Day 688 - The Desteni of Living, A Declaration of Principles.

I Stand within and as the words here.

In blogs to come I will Share a Principle and focus my writing on illustrating my realization within and as the Principle.

1.    Realising and living my utmost potential

2.    Living by the principle of what is best for all – guiding me in thought, word and deed to always in all ways direct problems to the best possible outcome for all

3.    Living by the principle of self honesty – to ensure I am pure in thought, word and deed: that my within and without is equal and one. Who I am within is who I am without and vice-versa

4.    Self Purification through Writing and Self Forgiveness – the action of realising I am responsible for my own thoughts, words and deeds, to forgive myself for transgressions and change myself to ensure I take responsibility for who, what and how I am and through this know that I can trust myself to always be honest with me and so others

5.    Living the principle of Self Responsibility – realising only I am responsible for what I accept and allow inside of me, my relationships and my outside world and so with this responsibility: only I have the power and ability to change that which I see is compromising who I am, what I live and how this affects others

6.    Realising that who I am in thought, word and deed affects not only myself – but others as well and so with Self Responsibility in thought, word and deed – I take responsibility for myself and so my relationships to be Self Aware in every moment, in every moment and live in such a way that is best for me and so others as well

7.    Living the Principle of Self Awareness – to be aware, to see, to recognize my own thoughts and Mind, to be self honest to the extent where I can take responsibility for when I see my thoughts / Mind is not what is best for me / others and commit to immediately take responsibility and change for myself and so for others

8.    With taking responsibility for myself, becoming aware of myself – take responsibility and become aware of others in my life, to assist and support them as I am assisting and supporting myself – to give as you would like to receive and do the extra bit every day to see where I can contribute to other’s lives and so my own

9.    Living the principle of self trust – as I commit myself to remain constant in my living of self honesty, self responsibility and self awareness, I stand as an unbending trust that I always in all ways know who I am no matter what I face and that in this I know, as proven in the constancy of my living that I will always honour and stand by what is best for all and so best for me

10.    Making Love Visible – through me not accepting/allowing anything less than my utmost potential, I support those in my life to reach their utmost potential, to love them as I have shown love to myself by gifting to me my utmost potential, the best life/living experience and show others as I have shown myself what is means to LIVE

11.    No one can save you, save yourself – the realisation that the tools and principles of Desteni is the guide, but I must walk the path myself. We are here to assist and support each other in this process from Consciousness to Awareness/LIFE and what it means to live – but the process itself, where you are alone with yourself in your own Mind: is walked alone

12.    Not waiting for anything or anyone to take responsibility for me and this world – but that I realise I have created who and how I am in this moment, therefore I have the responsibility to change who and how I am and so the realisation that we as a collective created how and what this world is today and so it is the responsibility of the collective to change how and what this world is today

13.    Honouring the life in each person, animal – everything from the great to the small of earth, that we expand our awareness and responsibility to creating the best possible life for everyone and everything and so ourselves

14.    Relationships as Agreements: individuals coming together using agreements as a platform to one-on-one expand, grow and develop as individuals in life and living to support/assist each other unconditionally to reach their utmost potential where the agreement is a coming together of individuals understanding what it means to stand as equals and to stand as one

15.    Sex as Self Expression – where sex is an united expression between individuals in honour, respect, consideration and regard of each other as equals, two physical bodies uniting in equality and oneness – a merging of two equals as one physically.

16.    Realising that by the virtue of me being in this world – my responsibility does not only extend to my own Mind / my own Life, but to the minds and lives of everything and everyone of this earth and so my commitment is to extend this awareness to all of humanity to work together and live together to make this world heaven on earth for ourselves and the generations to come

17.    I must in my thoughts, words and deeds – but most importantly in my living actions, become a living example for others in my world that is noticeable and visible when it comes to the potential of a person to change themselves and so change their world. So that more people can realise how we can change this world, by standing united in our self change within the principle of what is best for all to bring heaven to earth

18.    I am the change I want to see in me and my world – to bring heaven to earth is to bring into being, into living the LIVING PROOF of a PRACTICAL HEAVEN that can be seen and heard in our actions and words. We are the Living Heaven that must come into creation in this living world.

19.    Through purifying my thoughts, words and deeds – my inner becomes my outer, so I bring into creation me as heaven into earth, realising it is not enough to ‘see the change / be the change’ – for change to become REAL it must be a constant, consistent living of me through the words I speak and the actions I live visible and noticeable to all in every moment of breath

20.    Realising that my physical body is my temple – my physical body is the living flesh through which and in which I will bring into being and create / manifest heaven on earth as me in my thoughts, words and deeds and so I honour, respect and regard – nurture and support my physical body as I would nurture and support me as equals: my body is me

21.    We are the change in ourselves and this world we have been waiting for: and so I commit to dedicate myself and my life for each one as all to realise this as nothing will change if we don’t change in all that we are within and without

22.    The realisation that for me to be able to change myself in thought, word and deed to the most effective living being that I can be and become – I first have to ‘know thyself’ and so commit myself to investigate, introspect and understand how I became who I am today, to prepare the road before me into self creation of a responsible, aware, self honest and trustworthy person for myself and so for all

23.    The realisation that for me to be able to contribute to change in this world – I have to get to ‘know thyself’ as this world and so commit myself to research, investigate and introspect the inner and outer workings of this world and align the systems of today to present and give the best possible life for all on Earth.

Best Regards

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Day 673 - Fear is the Fare we Pay

So the word Fare within Fear has been kind of jumping out at me as of late.

It's interesting because I have in recent years defined fear to be a rather negative thing...and it's interesting because the word fear shouldn't really be defined to exist within and as a polarity definition....meaning that I see it as being unnecessary for the word fear to hold onto a negative energetic charge.

So, looking at the "fare" within fear...It is cool to see the fare being like the price we pay in learning a lesson....facing something there in many cases are natural fears so to speak in facing things that are new....because in this's like our body has defense mechanisms in place to protect ourself...and fear is like the main defense mechanism...that kind of acts like a guide to pause/delay/postpone our movement within a particular a resistance to being potentially a signalling in our alert, take aware...
What's interesting is that in looking at any particular word you can make it out to be something positive or terms of carrying a particular buzz....feeling or attaching an energetic high or low to the word.

What's interesting about the word Fear is that I had previously defined it as being like the lowest of low' the most negative word....and in my thinking in the past...I believed everything comes from love for instance....because love is like the polar opposite of fear....the love in mind was only possible because of fear....and I pretty much believed that because of the energetic relationship of words....all words are based and rooted in fear to a certain degree or another....meaning that it was just like the intensity of fear/dissonance/conflict/friction varied....but essentially it was my belief that Fear is the source word origin of energetic friction...polarity...

So, in a moment ago having looked at the word "fare" within fear...I wanted to investigate this....because to me this seems like a balancing of the scales so to, specifically signifying how my relationship with fear has been irrational to a certain extent...and that by understanding the "fare" within fear can be that sounds silly...rationalizing fear.....see that sounds funny to me because "fear" in having initially being defined as pure negative energy....I believed fear to be something that is totally unnatural and totally fear itself...the experience is a mistake....a mindfuck....

Ironically enough in looking at "fear" here as a is a bit of a mind fuck to define fear as purely rational or irrational....well wait a second looking at fear from the perspective of being something that is irrational....I mean....that it like not really real to a certain extent...I mean to rationalize a kind of hocus pocus make believe....and so to be able to discern between rational...and irrational is a matter of self-honesty introspection....

Where am I going with all this "fear" talk about types of fear being either ration or irrational....???

Specifically I am looking to allocate clarity for myself within and as the word "fear".

I see how at the moment I'm not really sure If I know how to live only rational like a point of support.....because I am certain I have engaged myself within moments of irrational fear....

I would say this is what I am looking from understand how to utilize fear as a aid....a point of support in keeping myself physically aligned with what is best for all life here...

How do I see fear as having the potential to be a great tool of support?

Fear is a strong physical body support.....fear lets us know discomfort within ourself....when we are stepping out of that which we know......what we know is comfortable....what we don't know can be rather uncomfortable....this is the body's built in self-preservation a kind of gps compass monitor kind of thing.....

So...fear in learning something a sort of recognition process....where the terms of the circumstances require to be established....and the fear is in and as the unknown so to speak,,,,

The irony here is that fear is the defense protection against death....which is interesting to regard and look at ....because life fears death....yet all life dies....and without death there is no life....and so it's like death and life are synonymous of one to polarize them as the wither or game is silly....because it's like missing the point and not seeing/realizing/understanding/regarding the interconnectedness of all Life/Death here.

It's interesting to me to look at life and death as stages....and they are two different stages....yet...they are very much the exact same life is the present....and death is the past and the future....and so.....well maybe Im a bit off on the life is the present and death is the past and the future....always away...absent from the present....because whenever it gets here its gone. Perhaps death is just a dimension within Life is also a dimension within death...

OK, the point about stages....the life stage....and the death's like we are here in the act on stage...which is life....our movie our story here....our play...and all is an actor within the total story/movie/play/work here....and yet....everybody for the most part is Reacting the death stage....and the irony is the reverse order instead of acting....there is a lot of reacting going on....reacting being a sort of backwards relationship with fear....instead of fear being a great a compass/tool/learning like the road map as in where to's being a controlling/regulating a preventing most people from going there....facing the unknown....and the irony of the that it's just the natural fear of the unknown....which is really the sustenance, nourishment and nutrients which is the food of support as the fare and creation here....because creation is really birthed in and through the like the processed walked into knowing...even though there can be self-trust and self-honesty....and self-forgiveness....the unknown is that which is undefined....and it's interesting in regarding this very fact of "unknown"..."undefined".....because if we look and access our very relationship with word/world definitions....what's the problem with that which is undefined?  Well..since birth we've operated under the characterization and pretense of definition....language participation here through definition....I mean the pictures on our televisions nowadays we refer to as high definition....because it's very clearly defined and it's easy to see the details very well....

And so it's interesting of and in itself to fear the details of something....because the truth is in the details so to speak,,,, we speak the truth is in and as the detailed specifics of what it is we say....and how it is we say what it is we say....

The truth is the fear...and the fare here.....the life and the death here.....

Interesting to see how the is a polarized dissonance generally accepted between the relationship to life and death here on our planet earth amongst our species of human.

Life is devalued in order to give life more value....
Most individual human life not the death of most individual human death not regarded and or revered....

Interesting how....the human has been conditioned to believe to care about oneself...yet not realize and understand how it is to care about everyone as oneself....

Death of plants/animals/insects for the life of man is an irrational cost of business here?
Death of plants/animals/insects/humans is just the cost of doing business here?

What is the business here? who made business here? who established what is business here?

We are the decision makers of business's all of our business is the business here....all is in the family business.....

funny....tragic...ironic....comedy here in and as our relationships here.... I mean from our particular word associations and the actual interpersonal actions....well, can the interaction between one another be effective....if our word relationships and associations are not's interesting because,,,,we are made up of information....genetic code....and it's all a language organization system interplay...and we can actually establish the terms for the effectiveness of earth/life coexistence here to be in harmonious relationship terms with death the heaven and earth merged together as one....we rectify....self-correct the hell....which is here....and therefore create the eternal glory which is the win/win equation as the restoration of balance as the order of things in and as life/death support how to live without being victimized...disenfranchised through fear...and actually learn to create a new from venturing into the unknown which is the present moment and the future possibility and potential ultimately greater reality as a result of the accumulation of greatness.....though if we have a balance and order of greatness here....can the best become better than the there room for improvement and expansion.....oh the possibilities existing within the impossibilities as like what is not yet possible for like a limited reality where the limits can be pushed/challenged/changed/expanded....manipulated/leveraged....played with worked with......

To be continued