When and as I see myself judging styles, I stop and breathe, I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to separate myself from particular styles, I face myself within and as the point of style, I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to react to a particular style, I look and find the earliest memory within myself that triggered the reaction within me to a particular style, I realize and understand the separation within judgement. I realize and understand my self-responsibility to correct all accept and allowed separation within myself.
I commit myself to playing with and as the word "style".
I commit myself to liking various styles.
I commit myself to develop style within and as physical self expression here as Oneness and Equality.
When and as I see myself compromising myself within particular thoughts/judgements about style, I stop and breathe, i realize the self imposed limitation within accepting and allowing myself to judge myself and place guilt upon myself for particular style self-expressions. I realize the ridiculousness in taking any particular style personally. I realize any reaction I have towards any particular style signifies a point of self-corrective process I am required to walk through as a point of harmonizing myself one and equal with and as style.
I commit myself to oneness and equality within and as "style"
I commit myself to stop self imposed limitation/depression within style.
I commit myself to keep feelings and emotions out of style.
I commit myself to living style as a point of physical alignment within and as the starting point of oneness and equality within and as individual self-expression.
I commit myself to manifesting the style which is best for all Life.
I commit myself to the realization and understanding that there are so many ways to express oneself as an individual within and as style from a starting point of oneness and equality.
I commit myself to caring about oneness and equality as the starting point of style.
I commit myself to enjoying the clothes I wear.
I commit myself to utilize style as a point of physical assistance and support.
I commit myself to have fun with and as the point of style.
I commit myself to stop fearing style.
I commit myself to stop worrying about style.
I commit myself to being relaxed and comfortable within and as the point of style.
When and as I see myself projecting blame in relationship to style, I stop and breathe, I realize and understand how lame it is to blame, I investigate the point of reaction within and as projecting blame, I face the point of blame within myself and walk a process to forgive myself and correct the manifested separation within myself.
I commit myself to stop blaming people and or particular styles...and or particular environments.
I commit myself equalizing myself with all parts of the world/environment.
When and as I see myself having resistance to dress a particular way, I face the point of resistance through self-forgiveness and self-correction as I realize and understand that resistance is a decision of accepted and allowed separation...and therefore when I see and realize a point of resistance, I take accountability for correcting the resistance/conflict within myself. I play with the point that had been revealed as resistance by going into that point and therefore making the resistance invalid.
I commit myself to invalidating resistance.
I commit myself to utilize style and professional dress code etiquette as points of assistance and support for walking process as what's best for all Life.
I commit myself to stop defining people because of the clothes they are wearing.
I commit myself to stop judging people for the clothes they are wearing.
I commit myself to stop judging clothes.
When and as I see myself making a judgement about someone wearing particular clothes in a particular way, I stop and breathe, I look at the separation I manifesting and perpetuating within myself, I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for separating myself from myself within particular judgments about wearing particular clothes, I realize and understand the ridiculously absurdity of having reactions towards clothing.
I commit myself to not take offense or defense towards people wearing particular clothing.
I commit myself to stop accepting and allowing friction within myself towards particular styles I see.
I commit myself to self-movement as physical self-expression.
I commit myself styling self-movement as physical self-expression.
I commit myself to not judging myself for liking particular things.
I commit myself to understanding and realizing why I like particular things.
I commit myself to liking things.
I commit myself to learning to like that which I don't like.
I commit myself to stopping hate from existing within myself.
I commit myself to stop self-loathing within myself.
I commit myself to stop hating myself.
I commit myself to liking myself here.
I commit myself to letting go of feelings and emotions about myself.
I commit myself to stop judging myself with feelings and emotions.
I commit myself to stopping conflict from existing within the word style.
I commit myself to realizing and understanding how my relationship with words reflects my style from moment to moment as I am the self directive author of my styling.
I commit myself to purifying my style as equality and oneness.
I commit myself to correcting my inner acceptance and allowances that are not best for all Life.
I commit myself to sharing my process of self-forgiveness, self-correction, and self-realization.
I commit myself to styling individual change that is best for all Life.
I commit myself to stop accepting and allowing self imposed restraints and limitations within and as styled self expression.
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