important shit

Thursday, 28 February 2013

Day 267 Utilizing 21 Day Challenge as 777 Jackpot

So, I have noticed how walking a 21 day challenge experiment in walking through stopping a habit/addiction has been assisting and supporting in moving through restraints as like the dimensions of the point as like forms of backchat that would come up in my mind as self induced limitation.

In realizing this, I remember starting this challenge process with regards to sleeping 6 hours or less a night. I had some slips along the way...and I kind of dismissed the self commitment in sticking to the challenge.

I have noticed the effectiveness of daily writing and the specific effectiveness of sticking to a point of examination within writing as a means of bringing forth clarity and insight.

My latest challenge and insight I am bring forth is 21 day process challenge of sleeping no more than 6 hours per day.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize and understand the practicality in utilizing the 777 jackpot formula of three weeks as the triple seven winning formula to understanding dimensions of a habit/addiction.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have resisted being of the utmost effective in pushing through resistance with regards to sleep.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to  have influenced self movement as consequence of backchat thoughts/feelings and emotions.

OK, I wanted to get this writing written down and exposed in a blog format as a way to initiate myself in beginning this process challenge immediately as a a form of assistance and support I am taking on as self responsibility now as till here no further do I want to fuck with my sleep as being inconsistent with waking up in the morning

At the moment I am in the midst of walking 21 day writing challenge of the process of stopping smoking and I am finding doing so to be quite effective and supportive.

This is the introduction to the new blog series 21 day sleep challenge experiment.

Tomorrow will be day 1 of 21.


Day 266 I Don't Feel Like Writing out Process of Quitting Cigarettes for 21 days


I was experiencing resistance to continuing to write about process of quitting cigarettes because I felt like I've done it, it's done, I don't want to talk about cigarettes anymore.


I noticed I was holding onto some anger about stopping smoking. Like angry that I agreed to write about smoking point for 21 days to assist and support me with making change absolute. It's like being angry/frustrated about looking at myself in relationship to smoking as being tough because I'm moving through lots of self limitations and the more and more I write about the point, I see some things that I had been trying to hide from seeing....which is really totally absurd ridiculousness.

I had backchat thoughts of just cutting 21 day blog series on process of qutting smoking just saying it's easy to stop and that's it...I'm done writing about the point.

I was able to see and realize that I should continue my blog series for a total of 21 days because I was having emotions and thoughts about not wanting to do this because of thoughts experiences of I don't really want/desire to continue writing about this....I don't like it.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have created feelings and emotions about writing my blogs within and as the process of self change.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to prefer writing blogs about topics of desire as like having a particular positive feeling attached to the point I'm writing about that will give me an ego boost of righteousness as like ah ya, "that's what I'm talking fucking bam whoring complete."

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not like looking at all dimensions of myself in process of letting go of a point of habbit/addiction/love as positive charged energetic relationship.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to desire to cut process of looking at positve charged energetic relationships short so that I may miss and hide a point of positive charged energy within that I can keep relationship charge of positivity alive within myself as consequence of fearing letting go of all positive charged energies within myself so that I can in fact equalize myself as Life in physical flesh.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be angry about making self commitment to write about process of quitting smoking and all points that surface along the way of absolute change.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be disappointed with myself for not sticking to self commitments to self like giving into temptation/desire to follow mind thoughts/feelings/emotions as self interest trumping what is best for Life as all as one as equals here.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to look for a self interested positive energetic experience within myself to indulge within as like a distraction/entertainment.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to self sabotage absolute change by holding onto desires of self interest.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to resist going to the lowest points of my being to facilitate great change as the way to transcend self interested limitations.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not consider the high experiences within myself as equal to the lowest lows I experience within myself and to actually face myself in self forgiveness on the highest high energetic experiences is to get to the lowest lows within myself because it is the highest highs that fuel the lowest lows as the highs are relative to the lows.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to resist looking at my highest highs as all positive energetic experiences as the way for myself to get out of cycles of self interest.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to desire positive energetic experiences and desire to turn negative energetic experiences into positive energetic experiences.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to disregard the physical consumption process of converting negative energies into positive energies for self interest indulgence.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to consume physicality by fucking with polarity charges as like chizzling myself apart as consequence of accepting and allowing polarity frictioned energies within myself.

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Day 265 Today has been such a fun Day, I Feel Like Celebrating with a Cigarette


Today is day 9 without smoking cigarettes.

Today I had lots of fun skiing and towards the end of the day I had thoughts come up with in my mind as, " I should have a cigarette tonight.....well I could at least smoke a cigar...I never said I would quit smoking cigars....I could totally smoke a cigar without welching on self commitment to quit smoking cigarettes."

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to desire to want to smoke a cigarette as like to stimulate a high experience within myself as like celebrating today for having so much fun like giving myself a reward for having so much fun.

I forgive myself for accepting for accepting and allowing myself to have suppressed so much fun within myself as like a regular all the time 24/7 occurence.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to desire to celebrate having fun through out my day as like believing I need to reward myself for having fun and enjoying myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to suppress 24/7 enjoyment/fun within myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for desiring to smoke tobacco as like to get the hit/sensation of nicotine to assist and support the stimulation of a high experience within myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to desire to smoke cigars as like a loophole way into having some tobaccco while keeping a clean not smoking cigarettes stat.

I forgive myself fro accepting and allowing myself for looking for ways to manipulate myself commitment to stop smoking.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define tobacco smoking as like a stimulating treat that's charged with positive energies.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fuck with the feelings and emotions that exist within myself as consequence of smoking tobacco as a define positive stimulant.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to use tobacco as like a downer to regulate myself from coming down off energetic high experiences.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing self sabotage in the past with regards to smoking cigars as a way to believe that I am not cheating myself in quitting smoking all together.

I forgive myself fro accepting and allowing myself to believe that I need tobacco to celebrate an awesome day filled with self enjoyment.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for being greedy in thinking that I need tobacco to really make today a complete filled day of awesomeness.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feel incomplete of absolute self enjoyment and awesomeness without having tobacco to smoke.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have created a dependent relationship on tobacco where I use to fuel mind stimulated energies within myself as feelings and emotions.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not accept myself as satisfying tobacco.

I realize the ridiculousness of creating a dependency on smoking as like a form of stimulation that I need.

I realize that I am satisfied with myself enjoyment today and that I do not require a smoke to feel completely satisfied with myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself tp have connected so much feeling and emotions to smoking  and not smoking as like whether I have smokes or not.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have created an energetic love for smoking.

I realize the ridiculousness of accepting and allowing myself to consume myself within thoughts of desire to smoke any form of tobacco.

When and as I see myself desiring to smoke tobacco for any particular reason, I stop and breathe and I direct myself to focus my attention elsewhere as like to deliberately ignore backchat thinking about desire to have tobacco. I realize the ridiculousness of accepting and allowing myself to consider giving into desire as temptation as like something I flirt with and look at and see if I just lose control and fall victim of emotional and feeling reaction as like a form of abdicating self responsibility. I realize the ridiculousness of abdicating self responsibility in self commitment statements.

When and as I see myself looking to create reasons as to why it would be ok for me to smoke tobacco, I stop and breathe and realize the self sabotage within this line of thinking as like backchat mind desire play-out looking for a way for me to lose control of my mind and relinquish my ability to conquer my mind as like becoming a master mind as someone who understands the totality of the mind functionality programming

I commit myself to honoring self commitment to quit smoking.

I commit myself to understanding the self commitment to quit smoking as meaning not smoking anything...that there is no room for loophole.

I commit myself to utilizing opportunity here in daily writing about my release from smoking.

I commit myself to learning about the functionality of my mind programming by investigating how I had created thoughts/feelings/emotions about smoking and tobacco.

I commit myself to sharing ridiuclousness of thought/feeling/emotion relationships as like reactionary play-outs that are indicatorts of mind possession as like being out of directive control of physical equality and oneness..


Monday, 25 February 2013

Day 264 Undefining Self Imposed Cigarette Limitations

This is part 8 of quitting cigarette series....see previous 7 blog entries for the totality of series thus far.

It is sooooo ridiculous to make such a big deal about things with feelings and emotions as it's like making a fire within oneself and pushing the limits of how much one is able to burn oneself and cope with the pain of burning oneself from the inside out.

I mean example of emotions and feelings connected and associated to people/places/things is ridiculous...But so is connecting importance to such ridiuclous participations.

Through facing point of stopping an addiction as like letting go of the self induced love feelings as all the positive energies about gets to see the truth of the like how the high experience exists.

The high experiences are soooo ridiculous because it perpetuates shitty experiences as like nastyness within oneself....and it's kind of ironic because getting high is like the way to say I dont want shitty experiences I want high and mighty experiences. What's not considered really is the consequence as the price to pay for the reward....and this searching for the high experiences is like a back and forth row sham the back and forth game of kick to the ball sack untill someone cant kick anymore...

Ok, my writing here is a bit extreme with moral allegory and metaphor. What I'm articulating is the ridiuclousness of operating here as energetic play out of feelings/emotions as like mr or mrs organic robot reporting for duty and spewing dudies wherever as the consequence of accepting and allowing to operate as self interested robot concerned with the positive/high...and sticking to having the good/high life as much as possible...while avoiding and trying to make sure personal life is free from negative/bad at like whatever the price/consequence.


I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have allowed myself to feel better after having a cigarette.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have defined smoking as something I love and to connect love with positive high like an intense body buzzing of instability.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have made quitting cigarettes into like an internal war of heartache as like loosing out on getting positive/high fix as like the soother to perk up any emotional low experience within myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have used cigarettes as a mood enhancer as like a feel good time that just makes me feel even better,

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having reblled against positive definitions of cigarettes with deciding to reverse definitions back to negative charged definitions as to in act blame and fault upon cigarettes as like being bad and wrong and me as good and right/righteous.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have taken personally people's polarity charged views about cigarettes...and consequently felt it to be my duty to argue for self imposed limitation with suchh individuals as like exchanging poop.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to abuse my well being as consequence of reacting and taking personally people's criticism of smoking.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to desire to be the hero for smoking and cigarettes as like the saviour/preacher that exemplifes the awesomeness of smoking and acts as test experiment to show and reveal that smoking doesnt in fact harm you....its the shitty attitude and feeling and emotions that are assoicated to smoking cigarettes that really fucks you up.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to desire to smoke again at some point as like to be the smokesmen of show casing cigarettes as a point of physical self support for breathing here within and as physical awareness.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to get a littel bit mad and upset that I am stopping to smoke cigarettes when I have a preference towards the enjoyment of the physical particpations within the act of smoking.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having polarized my relationship with cigarettes as like create high experience for myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to react to creating high experience for myself with guilt/judgement as like wrong doing.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to miss smoking cigarettes.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to desire to preach about the physical points of support within ciggarette smoking.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to think about ways in which all of humanity could benefit through changing existential relations about smoking.

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Day 263 Undefining Defined Limitation

This is part 7 of 21 day series on sharing process of quiting smoking.

So, I noticed tonight how I had defined time while in a relationship with smoking as more satisfying than when I am not smoking as like smoking being an activity I enjoy so much...that it was like I enjoyed the experience of me more when smoking...and thus resisted quitting smoking out of fear of losing a piece of myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear losing a part of myself as how I had defined who and how I am existing here as a personality.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself  to not realise and understand how I defined myself within sytematic limits as conequence of not understanding the physical property affect/effect of words on my physicality here.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have defined time is better when I am smoking.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding how speaking words as a way to verbalize emotion is like putting the feelings/emotions into physicality as like programmed in through the like the ink from thinking.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to limit the expression of myself here in/as physical reality as conseqience of particpating in word judgements.

I forgive myself for accepitng and allowing myself for having been soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo negligent with my words and totally ignorant of my words as like witch's spells I was casting upon myself BUT believed to be separte from me becuase I was directing the point towards another I perceived separate from me withi blame and aself comparison.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have thought how am I going to enjoy existing here if I no longer smoke cigarettes.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have connected positive feelings towards smoking as like the stimulant giving me the sensation of relaxation as consequence of accepting and allowing myself to fuck with fear.

To be continued tomorrow...........

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Day 262, A Question from Quitting Smoking Investigation

This blog is part 6 of a series of 21 within a series about qutting smoking, stopping habbit addiction and examining relationship processes that go along with changing mind conditioning.

This is the 6th day in a row I have not had a cigarette. Everyday since I made commitment to sopsmoking cigarettes, I have had thoughts come up within me about smoking. Today, I questioned the point with regards to how many other points are there in my life where I am totally controlled by whatever comes up in my mind?...Like the point comes up and I have a desire to pursue/fulfill being moved by a feeling based on having a thought about acting out such behaviour.

Today, I considered that in the past I would just follow through with having a smoke, pretty much whenever I had thought about having a smoke....I mean sometimes I did question my thought process and I would delay acting upon thought....and other times I would act immediately on thought. Sometimes I would just see how long I could stall hesitate before follow train of though as like acting out direction from thought.

Looking at the fact that I've acted out my being here through my thoughts as like my movie script in me being here....I mean that's kind of ridiculous.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to move accprding to thought from the perspective of my directions come from my thinking.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand that my self direction can come from my thinking from the persepctive that my automated thinking is showing me what I have to work with here as like what I already created relationship connections withi and as and therfore the points for me to work with in clearing all dimensions of separation so to insure equality and oneness in always as structurally aligning myself with a sound foundation as what is best.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have resisted facing the question of how much have I been influenced by my mind process's as like what comes up in my head as thought and thinking.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand that by examining and dissecting my relationship with smoking, I can apply the insight and understanding to other areas/parts of my life as a means and way for me to assist and support with process of self correction as the necessary means to insure self perfection.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have created a relationship with my thoughts as feelings as like forms of deisres which are like money vouchers that I want to cash in by participating within and as, as like consequence of thirsting for the energetic high feeling experience.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand my thoughts and thinking as like money vouchers of different values....and thatmy reactions are accorrding to the size of the money like the greater the size of the voucher...the greater the extent of charged feeling/emotion.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have not realised and understood how I connected smoking cigarettes to being like so money because I defined smoking cigarettes as feeling really goood.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand that I am capable and able to increase/expand self stability within myself as the consequence of learning from my acceptances and allowances and enabling myself the opoprtunity to re-allign all acceptances and allowances to what is the absolute best for Life.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to choose to disregard some mind conscious sytstems because of the feeling/belief/emotion that taking on all mind consciousness systems as the pop up in thought would be too much and too extreme as like that would be a full time job in living self correction.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing to resist living self correction as like a full time job/self responsibility.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have resisted going full out with work. I forigve myself for accepting and allowing myself to have a tendency to try and do as little as possible as like to see what the bare minimum achievement is that I can be successful while doing the bare minimum.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to desire to be succesfull as consequence of doing the bare minimum.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to resist living every point of myself full all the way to my greates potential capabilities.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to resist daily application of hard work as like putting in a constant and consistent effort of self willed determination as like the understanding and knowing that I am making the most of my time here and I am grateful to be able to utile opportunity here for as a means of practical living self support.

I commit myself to pushing myself to doing more with my time as like to increase my daily efficiency in terms of what I am able to accomplish on a daily basis as a means of assistance and support.

I commit myself to sharing insights and understanding that have come from investigating relationship with smoking.

I commit myself to utilize smoking investigation and quitting smoking as like a buffet of assistance and suppor for practical linving walk of process.

I commit myself to becoming more physical.

When and as I see myself accepting and allowing myself glossing over thoughts/feelings/emotions as points of introspection, I stop and breathe and I realise my thoughts/feelings/emotions as tools of support and assistance in investigating and purifying the nature of my beingness here.

When and as I see myself making a big deal about particular thoughts, I stop and breathe and I direct focus onto understanding energetic labellings as like degrees/dimensions of separation that are keeping me secluded from operating and existing as equality and oneness. I realise the ridiuclousness of creating signifigant value about particular thoughts as like playing the energy buxx value system game based on trying and desiring to be as high as possible.

Friday, 22 February 2013

Day 261 Stopping Addiction is Easy

Stopping addiction is easy. Stopping addiction can only be hard when one is hard on hard know mind fucking oneself with desire. I listened to a couple of Anu interviews today where he expanded on how desire is possibly the greatest mind fuck and how stopping an addiction/desire is a choice within a moment.

See the link to the Anu interview's here:

Put a Guard in Front of Your Mind

Deliberately Sabotaging My Own Change

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having deliberately fucked with myself in the past in my relationship with cigarettes as consequence of accepting and allowing myself to desire cigarettes.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding how I had created the experience and belief of stopping desire to smoke cigarettes to be difficult because I didn't want to let go of desire.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have created a desire to smoke cigarettes based on feelings and emotions.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have separated myself from and as smoking cigarettes as consequence of accepting and allowing myself to create experience of desire perpetuated by emotion and feelings.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing to have been impulsed by desire to smoke a cigarette as like a feeling/craving within myself and to have acted on that feeling/impulse...even though I realised that feeling wasn't really me but a reaction in me.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have deliberately fucked with myself about the point of desire and addiction.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have disregarded the consequential timeloops as consequence of choosing to fuck with myself as like believing that I can handle my desires with ease and that consequence won't exist.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have argued for my limitation within and as fighting for desires as like perpetuating time loops.

I realise the ridiculousness of choosing to particpate within desire when the consequence is seen in all ways and is clearly not the way to go as what is best.

When and as I see myself accepting and allowing myself considering to fuck with myself by chasing desire when I know the ridiculousness of chasing desire, I stop and breathe and I have a laugh at the close call I gave myself by considering to have choosen a timeloop as consequence of chasing desire. I realise the ridiuclousness of chasing desire as like accepting and allowing myself to be under the influence of feeling/emotion as like unstable crazy person.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Day 260 I'm Experiencing Anxiety, I want a Cigarette

This is the 4th blog in the series of 21 blogs about quitting smoking.

Today I was driving back into Canada from the Unites States. At the Boarder crossing me and my girlfriend were interrograted and our vehicle was searched meticulously by Boarder police. After finishing this ordeal I really wanted to have a cigarette. I experiencedsome nerves throughout the experience and got a few moments afterwars I was thinking of reasoning so that I could justify the temptattion to deal with the temporary anxiety I was experiencing.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have used cigarettes as a copping tool to deal with and surpress anxiety.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to depend on having a cigarette when experiencing moments of anxiety.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to think about giving into temptation to feed craving for cigarette as feeling like I need a cigarette to surpess and erase experience of anxiety after interrogation experience at the boarder crossing.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be so ridiculous within myself at the boarder crossing as like fearful, nervous anxiety.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have been a little bit angry at the boarder patrollers for searching my vehicle meticulously and intensively interrogating me.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for getting upset with the whole issue of imaginary lines as boarder crossing seriousness.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have taken getting searched and interrogated at the boarder slightly personal. I realise the ridiculousness of taking things personal as like a mindfuck that is able to be avoided by not going there.

I realise that taking a few moments to breathe and let go of the urge for a cigarette as like a coping mechanism for anxiety was cool way to face accepted and allowed anxiety within myself and push through resistance and continue to let go of mind control patterning behaviour about cigarettes.

I realise I have conditioned myself to want cigarettes within certain moments and that by being patient with myself in breathing here makes being able to see the detail of whatever situation I am in, easy and clear.

When and as I see myself experiencing anxiety and craving a cigarette, I stop and breathe as I realise the ridiculousness of needing a cigarette to subdue inner experience within myself. I realise the ridiculousness and irrational experience of anxiety and therfore in moments of anxiety I direct myself to smile/laugh/giggle at the ridiculousness of anxiety.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Day 259 Quitting Smoking is Easy, Day 3 of 21 day series

I'm on a mini vacation with my girlfriend at the moment and I'm in a country where cigarettes are much cheaper to half price....maybe even a better deal than half price.

So, the point came up within me a few different times throughout the day as like, "I should atleast see how much cheaper cigarettes are here"...."of all the times to to choose to quit"....."should I just have one smoke"......"a cigarette would be nice".

I breathed and let go of each thought every time it came up within me. I realized that indulging in the thinking about smoking and cigarettes was a ridiculous mind fuck. Like the price of cigarettes is irrelevant for me in sticking to my commitment to quit. In not giving much attention to thoughts about smoking, I forget about the thoughts and not having a cigarette becomes no big deal.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to think about welching on myself commitment to quit smoking because I can buy alot of cigarettes for cheap.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to consider for a moment, maybe I should just indulge while I'm here...or till untill all these cheap costing cigarettes runout that I could buy and bring back to my country.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to entertain myself with thoughts about smoking cigarettes and cigarette prices and fifferent kinds of cigarettes and cigars.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have been triggered a few times today by the smell of smoke, like reacting in an obsessive type way, as like where is that smell coming from who's smoking....snif, sniff , sniff...let me get another smell and try to see where that aroma is coming from.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be triggered by tobacco smoke.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to think about smoking when I smell tobacco.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be jealous when I see or smell tobacco smoke.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for wanting to see people smoking cigarettes in public places today.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for thinking and hoping that there was areas in the country that I am in at the moment where people are allowed to smoke inside establishments.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for desiring to be around tobacco smoke.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for connecting tobacco smoke to comfort and relaxation.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that comfort and relaxation can be separate from myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to make a big deal about quitting tobacco in the environment that I am in.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having made an extra big deal about stopping smoking in the past.

I forgive myself for not realising the mindfuck of making a big deal about quitting smoking as like holding onto feelings/emotions about smoking.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to make quitting smoking a process in the sense...that i'm going through emotions/thoughts/thinking about smoking.

I realise that following through with a commitment is easy when when there has been preparation laid out as support in walking self commitment.

I realise that I enjoy honouring self commitments to myself as and on behalf of Life.

I realise I'm gifting myself the opportunity to Life by letting go of emotions and feelings about smoking.

I realise I am able and capable of taking this point of walking the mind change with smoking and apply it on other relationship points wihtin my mind.

I realise that If I understand all the dimensions of one relationship than I am capable and able to apply that one relationship understanding to all other relationships within and as the principle of oneness and equality as the same image and the point being essentially the same difference so to speak.

I realise taking the time to write this blog series on the process of quitting smoking and how to effectively change patterned behaviour is a gift I am giving to myself.

When and as I see myself accepting and allowing myself entertaining myself with thoughts/backchat about tobacco/cigarettes/smoking, I stop and breath. I smile as confirmation of realising the ridiculousness of choooooosing to particpate within a mindfuck that is like a waste of time as like just a total waste...and therefore utter absurd ridiculousness.

When and as I see myself accepting and allowing myself to contemplate giving into temptation, I stop and breathe. I realise the ridiculousness of giving into temptation as like pondering on whether or not to choose to go into a state of energy possession. I engage myself in my immediate environment and pull my eyes out of the back of my head as like getting my head out of my ass so to speak...and making a point of being physical as a means of preventing mental mindfucks.

When and as I see myself accepting and allowing myself to create mental mindfucks, I stop and breahte. I laugh, I see the funny in creating mental mind fucks, I realise the ridiculousness of indulging mental like a road of regret.

I commit myself to mastering my mind through understanding all the points that come up within my mind as backchat.

I commit myself to goinginto forgiveness about all the points that comeup within my mind as backchat.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Day 258 Quit Smoking Cigarettes Day 2 of 21 day series

I had a dream last night where I was being tempted to smoke...and in the dream, lots of time had passed since I quit smoking.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to think that it is ok for me to give into temptation to smoke because it has been along time since I have smoked.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be curious about trying smoking and stopping self commitment made to quit smoking for this lifetime.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to consider welching on self commitment to quit smoking.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe I need a cigarette when I have this feeling within my stomache area.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fantasisies about having cigarette.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to indulge within memories where I was smoking and believe myself to be having a good time because I was smoking,

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have particpated within the statement, 'Just one more time, and then I'll stop"

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having defined cigarettes as cool since I was a little kid and I could get candy cigarettes to pretend smoke and eat.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for thinking that stopping an addiction is hard and difficult when in fact all I do is just not do ignore the thought/feeling.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having desired to be stimulated by smoking cigarettes as assist and support with alerteness.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to use cigarettes as like a social crutch as my way of fitting in, so that I am engaged and doing something while being in the presence of others.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having wondered how I will behave if I am never again smoking in the presence of others while socializing.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having habitually had cigarettes when particpating in social settings.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for thinking I wouldnt know what to do in social situations if I didn't have a cigarette as like a buffer zone between me and other that im not like required to engage others...but that I have the option to do so.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have used cigarettes to regulate anger and all forms of emotions and feelings.

I forgive myself for not realising and understanding how much I related smoking to feelings/emotions.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for thinking about defining smoking cigarettes as bad...and to make myself out as like a hero for not smoking cigarettes anymore...and for finding it easy to stop smoking.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for thinking that stopping smoking is easy because I am certain about self commitment to change behaviour...wheras in the past I approached stopping from the point of lets just see how long I can go before I experience a craving/urge/strong desire to have one.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have made not smoking in the past like a a difficult thinkg as consequence of not making a total commitment to changing behaviour.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to wrestle within addiction as like creating experience scenario's where I want to smoke and not really comitted to changing relationship...yet kind of what to change relationship.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand that self commitments are difficult to follow through on when self isn't fully commited to like trying to do something half assed without full commitment.

I realise the ridiuclousness of making half assed like kind of wanting something but not totally commiting to making sure that happens as self willed determination.

I realise stopping habitual pattern requires self discipline in moments of cravings/desire as like taking a moment to breathe and let go/ignore craving/desire and see how it is forgotten.

I realise quitting is easy for me because I have quit before.

I realise quitting and not falling back into cigarette smoking is new way forward for me.

I realise I got this point as till here no further with cigarettes.

I realise emotions and feelings totally warp self experiences and abilities and capabilities to be clear headed.

I realise emotions and feelings cloud judgement.

When and as I see myself accepting and allowing myself to experience thoughts about having a cigarette, I stop and breathe. I have a laugh as I realise the ridiculousness of accepting and allowing particpation within a mindfuck as like going in a direction that I did not want to go in.

When and as I see myself having strong feelings/cravings about having a cigarette, I stop and breathe. I laugh as I realise the ridiuclousness of accepting and allowing myself to be controlled and regulated by feelings/emotions.

When and as I see myself making excuses/reasons/justifications wihtin my mind as like why it is ok for me to compromise self commitment in quitting smoking, I stop and breathe. I laugh as I realise the ridiculousness of my mind in attempting to fuck with me, I realise I am committed to conquering my mind and that giving into bullshit mindfucks is a sure way to be conquered by the like being totally mind controlled.

Monday, 18 February 2013

Day 257 Cigarette Release Day 1 of 21

So, I've smoked many ciggarettes and I've had lots of positive feelings about smoking cigarettes...and I stopped/quit smoking cigarettes many different times to show myself I was capable and able to do so...yet I never really closed the door on cigarettes...because it was always just, ok I'll stop for a bit or awhile but I'm not letting totally go,...why should I?

The cost of cigarettes is reason alone not to smoke. The price of cigarettes is ridiculous.  It's even more ridiculous that I would pay for cigarettes when I am quite fine without cigarettes.

The more I would smoke cigarettes....the more I would like to smoke cigarettes.  Every time I stopped and started's like I would get back into habitual use.

I didn't believe all the information about smoking...I figured if I was going to smoke than believing that smoking is going to fuck me up is pretty stupid. I believed the effects cigarettes had on a person's body was linked to a person's attitude/beliefs about smoking.

I defined smoking as cool and awesome and fun and enjoyable.

I connected positive feelings and positive feeling memory experiences to smoking.

When I would stop smoking initially it was difficult because I would  be triggered sometimes by seeing people smoke...or thoughts as backchat would comeup and I would have a strong urging feeling to follow through with the train of though. Through these experiences I learned how easy it is to choose to indugle in a mindfuck as a moment of weakness. Also, However, I learned that it is quite easy to let go of temptation as mind fuck craving indulgence by just letting the thought go. What's interesting about this all, is that I noticed the process of smoking or not smoking boils down to a choice, I want to make commitment to smoke or not smoke.

I decided to write this blog series as a way of support and assistance for anyone who is battling addictions.

My relationship with cigarettes was kind of funny in that every time I stopped for awhile...after while...I would get curious about having a smoke...or what it would be like to have a smoke. And everytime I followed my curiousity it's like I went back into the habitual pattern of smoking...and what was interesting abou it is that...i would go through the whole process smoking daily habitually for awhile before I was like ok, lets cut this out. I knew I was fucking with myself because I figured I would make a total commitment to myself to stop smoking cigarettes...but I was just making temporary I wasn\t going full out with my commitment...and I knew that because I wasnt going full out with my commitmnet that I was essentially fucking with myself and looping within this pattern of smoking/not smoking untill I changed mny behaviour and made a full out commitment.

I see that I've been ridiculously righteously absurd in having deliberately fucked with myself on a point of habitual addiction indulgence. I justified such behaviour as testing myself.

I've already made the decision to quit smoking for the rest of this life, so I don't think that this will be difficult at all...because I am aware to a certain extent how my mind works and how I have chosen to particpate within mindfucks in the past. I've decided to write this blog for 21 days because in the past I found that following a stopping of a point of addiction dependency for 21 days to be helpful as like the triple 7 winning way.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fuck with myself about quitting cigarettes as like quitting but without actually making a commitment to quit smoking cigarettes.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define cigarette experiences with positive feeling associations.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to connect a flux of emotion/feeling to cigarette use as like cigarettes being like a mood a baby sucking on the tit or the soother.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to become dependent on having cigarettes to soothe myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for creating cigarettes as a physical comfort.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to use cigarettes as a point of stress/anxiety relief.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to get angry at people who talk shit about cigarettes and tell me that it's bad that I smoke.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define myself as a smoker.....and I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to associate smoker with rebellion and cool, and fun, and awesome and enjoyable.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have created a ridiculous relationship with smoking.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to judge the relationship I had with cigarettes.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for attempting to over indulge in cigarettes in an attempt to become mad/disgusted at/with cigarettes.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having made a big deal about cigrarettes as like investing alot of feeling and emotion in relationship to cigarettes.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to think that people who don't ever smoke are less cool.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for fearing being a non smoker.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having desired to be defined by smoking.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have used cigarettes to surpress fears within myself.

Day 256 Anger Management

Anger as a stimulated energetic reaction is absolute total self induced an absurd funny because it's sooooooooo ridiculous.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to perpetuate moments of absurd ridiculousness within myself as self induced anger.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to create reasoning and justification for the validity of going into experiences of asserting anger as like a point of self righteous indignation.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to connect points of blame as consequence of holding onto an experience of self induced anger within myself as consequence of reacting to stimuli within my environment.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to react in anger to the actions and reactions of stimuli within my environment.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to give myself the electric chair so to speak by shocking myself within the experience of accepting and allowing myself to self induce anger experience as perpetuate reaction by not choosing to stop ridiculous absurd experience as energetic charged anger.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to create reasoning within my mind as like forms of backchat as to why holding onto anger energteic charge within my mind is valid.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realising the absurd ridiculousness of choosing to validate and justify participation within and as experience of energetically induced anger.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising the absurd ridiculousness of validating any reactions as anger within myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for holding onto experiences as angry reactions.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fuck with myself in the most brutal of ways by choosing to participate within moments of reaction as anger outbursts.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be addicted to energetic charged experiences of anger.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to block moments of funny within myself by choosing to go into experiences/moments of energetic charged anger.

When and as I see myself facing a moment of anger reaction,  I stop and breathe. I laugh, I see the ridiculousness of perpetuating self induced fuckedness as like giving myself the electric chair as like shocking my beingness in the most brutal of ways. I realse the absurd ridiculousness of accepting and allowing energetic charged anger within myself.

When and as I see myself creating reasoning as backchat as a way to validate and justify anger reaction, I stop and breathe. I laugh. I see and realise the ridiculousness as the consequential outflow of particpating in any and all forms of energetic self induced anger.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to create points of blame as reasoning/justification/validation as ways to assert anger as a form of self righteous indignation.

When and as I see myself particpating within backchat as blame as a way to induce enrgetic charged anger within myself, I stop and breathe. I laugh. I see and realise the ridiculousness of blame as being lame.  I realise myself as the ridiculous joke and how particpating within energetic anger has shitty consequences and is a bad joke that is best to prevent acting out as it is like a self induced zing/jolt than can be avoided.

When and as I see myself getting frustrated and irritated with a moment of anger reaction, I stop and breathe. I laugh. I see and realise the ridiculousness of beating myself up with frustration and irritation. I realise frustration and irritation are consequential manifestations of choosing to particpate within angry energtic charged reactions as likt the outflow vortex of fuckedness that has built up momentum as consequence of not taking self responsibility and directing the point of energetic charged anger.

Friday, 15 February 2013

Day 255 Self Forgiveness on Points of Self Interest

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to get lost within self interest as like losing sight of reality as what's happening around me as consequence of being preoccupied with fulfilling desires as my immediate self interests.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize my behaviour within and as self interest reflects the legal system construction of self interest.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing myself as a point of reflection in examining self interest within the legal system.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for resisting to see myself as being controlled by self interest as like personal indulgences as what I place value in with postive feelings.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for seeking out positive feeling experiences as self interest indulgences that I define as ok and acceptable as like morally ok from and as the starting point of my moral compass as what is best for life.

I forgive myelf for accepting and allowing myself to connect positive feeling experiences to what's morally best.  I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize the moral lie within looking and seeking out what's morally best from within and as the perspective of satisfying desire cravings for postive feeling experiences.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to obsess about points of self interest as like consuming myself within points of self interest as like energtetic feel good energies.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have a difficult time not operating from and as a state of buzz as an emotional low or positive high.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how I have been controlled and regulated by my self interests as feelings and emotions attached to self interests.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for fearing to let go of every single self interest.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize and understand how holding onto even one point of self interest is like accepting and allowing self limitation as control of beingness here from within and as the starting point of fear of loss.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having initially fought myself about self interested relationships.  I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize the exstensive fears that existed within me with regards to self interests as like assigned values I feared letting go of because I attached it to a positive feeling I didn't want to let go of.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to participate in self interest from and as the starting point of feelings as like always moving towards what feels good.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having limmitted and suppressed self expansion as consequence of fighting and wrestling within myself to hold onto self interests as like believing it to be too difficult to just let go.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fight for limitation.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to defend limitation and suppression.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize the consequences of indulging in positive feeling self interests as perpetuating and insuring inevitable emotional lows as like balancing out the highs.

 When and as I see myself creating a self interested positive feeling experience, I stop and breathe I
have a laugh/smile as I realise the ridiculousness of accepting and allowing myself to particpate within an energetic high experience.
When and as I see myself experiencing an emotional low experience, I stop and breathe and I have a laugh/smile/giggle at the ridiculousness of my acceptances and allowances. I realise the
ridiculousness of accepting and allowing myself to particpate within emotional low energetic
 I commit myself to examining both positive and negative feelings and emotions on a daily basis as a means of assisting and supporting myself to release both the positive and the negative energetic charges within myself and eventually all together stop exisiting within positive or negative energies.
I commit myself to equalizing myself.
I commit myself to utilizing what is here as assistance and support in equalizing myself as physical
oneness and equality.

Day 254 Self Interest Investigation

I'm gonna start with some definitions of self interest that I pulled off google:

Self Interest:

opportunism: taking advantage of opportunities without regard for the consequences for others.
1.Selfish or excessive regard for one's personal advantage
2. Personal advantage or interest.
Noun 1. self-interest - taking advantage of opportunities without regard for the consequences for others
selfishness - stinginess resulting from a concern for your own welfare and a disregard of others
2. self-interest - concern for your own interests and welfare
trait - a distinguishing feature of your personal nature
Ok, so I've been asking myself how do I exist not from the starting pont of self interest? Or is it that I have to re-align self interest as all Life that when I say self it's not exclusive?
I've been considering the following point:
 Self interest from the perspective of what's best for me is best for everyone as I take care of myself I take care of everyone else.
In re-reading above statement I see there is possibility of lack of consideration and care.
statement would be best re-phrased as:
Self interest from the perspective of what's best for everyone is best for me as I take care of everyone because everyone takes care of me, as we are all interdependant beings here.
Therefore it is in my best interest to give as I like to receive because the care I give, I also receive.
I'm writing about self interest because I'm looking to give myself clarity within myself with regards
to what I have accepted and allowed within myself with specific regards to self interest.
Writing myself out here as like investigating my insides as I pour out words as my acceptances and
I've been studying law and within law there is lots of mention and focus how the laws are based in
protecting and preserving self individual autonomy is seen as the result of self interest.
I never considered that our laws reflect our being here as independent individuals with free choice....when in fact no being existing here is independent because we are all dependent upon each other,
nature, etc...
We are independent as a group collective here as planet
Where am I going with what I am saying? I'm making point about Law. Within our legal system we exist as separate entities that are not recognized as part of a total for
example separate legal persons...although there's some question of connectedness as children are not regarded as legal persons due to their age and therfore have legal guardians/parent.  The word Legal Guardian is kind of funny....because it seems to signify legal protection/protector/enforcer......
So Legal system should be rather simplistic shouldn't it? From the best perspective, Yes, legal
system should be simplistic. Why is legal system complicated? Starting point of self interest. There
exists misalignment within legal system with regards to best interest of ourselves here.
I had been examining the question, "why is it that new laws are created every year?"
I came to an answer today: Fear
Our legal system is complex because we as independent beings here believe we are free to choose
whatever fears we like....and it's our individual private self interest mentality as separate from the
actuality of ourselves as an interdependent transparent collective bargaining agreement individuals
here without the choice of fear.
More laws created reflects disharmony and's like fear corelates to complexity as the whole
spectrum of feeling and emotion represents absurd ridiculousness.
To be Continued

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Day 253 Strenghtening Effectiveness within University Studies

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to make a big deal about doing my university studies.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to avoid working on university studies.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to react to doing university studies with tiredness.

 When and as I see myself making a big deal about doing my university studies, I stop and breathe. I laugh at the ridiculousness of making a big deal about my university studies as like something worth stressing about.

When and as I see myself stressing about my university studies, I stop and breathe. I laugh at the ridiculousness of accepting and allowing myself to stress about university studies.

When and as I see myself avoiding to work on university studies, I stop and breathe. I move through the resistance towards working on university studies. I laugh at the ridiculousness of making university studies seem challenging as like something I wish to avoid. I realise the ridiculousness of fucking myself by avoiding to work on university studies.

When and as I see myself reacting in tiredness to doing my university studies, I stop and breathe.  I push myself to engage myself within my university studies. If tiredness remains, I take a 5-20  minute break from my studies and come back to my studies with fresh eyes.

I commit myself to effectiveness within univeristy studies.

I commit myself enjoying working through university studies.

I commit myself to laughing at ridiculousness of self imposed resistances towards moving through univsersity studies.

I commit myself to give myself breaks within working on university studies for extended/lengthy periods of time.

Day 252 "The Gift of Slavery"

Here's the link to a cool writing by Bernard Poolman, "The Gift of Slavery"

"Within the depths of forgiveness I discovered something I am sure all would like to share with all mankind

In every point where we are challenged--lies a gift--I call this the gift of reversal

The secret is here to take what you have experienced and see how it assisted you in becoming more aware and specific. To look what you have become an expert in not accepting again for yourself or for any other life. Then look at what seemingly reveal as not acceptable--and search within yourself how this experience or event may be used to find a way where you may unfold from the experience a gift. Take this gift that will reveal as the essence of your inner strength and live it practically in this world in a way which will assist others to discover their own life essence. " (Bernard Poolman, The Gift of Slavery)

We have a natural ability to learn. We are capable and able to expand everyday as receiving the gift of Life and all the presents that come with being Here.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to disregard all the presents that are available to me on a daily basis as opportunities to enhance self expansion process.

I forgive myself for not realizing and understanding the process of self expansion.

I forgive myself for not realising and understanding myself as the present/gift/presence

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to perceive presents/gifts as separate from myself.

I forgive myself for not realising and understanding the gift of reversal.

I forgive myself for not realising and understanding myself as the gift of reversal.

I realise the simplicity in living here daily in pushing myself to the depths of my being here and all the gifts I receive as like treasured truths as consequence of going to the depth of my being.

I realise that by really understanding all points of something that challenged me...I have foresight as like clarity in the basically becoming the the solution to the challenge as like being the anser because I examined myself as the question.

I realise the gift of reversal as being an opportunity that surfaces as consequence of effective self forgiveness applications.

I realise I am grateful for all words of assistance and support.

I realise gratitude for words of support and assistance as keys to self expression expansion of character as what's best for all life as the epitome of equality and oneness.

When and as I see myself just kind of going through the motions of the day as like being here but not really like not totally present....I stop and breathe and I allow myself to access the core of my being here as a radical being that realizes that every moment is christmas from the persepctive of presents/presence as the gift of Life and opportunities are tremendous. I specifically direct myself to examine my presents/presence as what I am receiving here as being gifted to myself as consequence of my challenges.

I commit myself to giving myself the best presents

I commit myself to utilizing the gift of reversal.

I commit myself to sharing gifts daily.

Monday, 11 February 2013

Day 251 How to Stop Slave Labour

I just watched the documentary, "Food Inc"

The documentary exposed many points of ridiculousness within the Food Industry with specific regards to food production.

One of the points that was exposed in the documentary was how big corporations use foreign workers and pay them very little amounts of money for unsafe work.  Specific examples  shown, include, foreign workers rounding up chickens and cutting meat.

The fact that we have rich countries and poor countries is so ridiculous...that we even label countries as 1st world or 3rd world.

The way the money system exists at the is predictable that the gap between wealthy and poor will continue to widen. Exploitation is profitable...and when the money system exists from a starting point at making as much profits without regard for human dignity....we have the situation here of serious disregard for human dignity.

Implimenting a slight change in the capitalism money system, can make huge great change for the benefit of human dignity. Equal Money Capitalism is the solution. See

Equal Money Capitalism is a slight change from simply capitalism because the value of money shifts from debt/slavery to Life.

It's ridiculous to even say that we exist here as Life when we don't even value ourselves as Life....I mean our capitalism money system reflects our relationship with and as Life...and it is Slavery/Debt.

How can Life have any value if Life is enslaved upon birth?

This is the ridiculousness of our current shared situation here, every one is born in sin/debt...because the money system is based and perpetuated by debt.

This is so ridiculously absurd and everyone is so enslaved/indebted to the system that change is difficult because we are at war with one another, trying to climb the ladder of we have a real pyramid system structured hierarchy of slave labour.

What's so ridiculous about this is that people fear working to change the system because then we will have to give up their position on the totem pole...and it's bizarre really....because everyone is getting fucked along the totem pole. It's like were just dealing with dimensions of fuckedness like trying to find the positive within the fuckedness, which is totally mental insanity.

The solution is Equal Money Capitalism.

Collectively we decide our desteni as agreement of what is best for Life.

We are Rewarded by changing our starting point within capitalism, to Equal Money Capitalism because we give ourselves value and make a decision that, Yes, Life has value...Equal Value...because all Life is here one and equal.

In Equal Money Capitalism, Labour is a human right/responsibility. Labour practices will be based in common sense principles as, what is best for Life. Very Simplistic and awesome.

Labour will no longer exist from a starting point of like trying to win...out of fear of losing out and like fighting over greed. Labour will exist as real physical expression of love in working together contributing to the whole of Life excellence as Life will be the highest value.

Imagining a world where Life is valued in always is like trying to imagine a colour that doesnt exist, because it's not here...yet...although it can be here in our future as we mix our colours together and paint the perfect picture as the big picture as our new colour...the best colour.

In Equal Money Capitalism System, children will no longer be born in sin/debt because of the sins/debt of their parents. Parents will be contributing to a better world as having a meaningfull life.

Everyone having a meaningfull life sounds pretty cool! At the moment our shared existence has been suppressed of the greatest meanings of Awesomeness. Join us in unwrapping the greatest meanings of Awesomeness in facilitating the changes necessary to bring forth Equal Money Capitalism.

See the link here that will assist in answering questions about our destiny and YOU joining the Desteni group as the focal point of for Being's coming together as an act of self responsibility in making the choice/decision to give a shit about Life and therfore make a contribution to Life and create a Life that's worth Living as what is best for All Life Here.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Day 250 Some Bad Jokes

1) Money is like a carrot on a stick

2) Cheap food is expensive

3) Expensive food is cheap

4) Professional Sports is a form of religious entertainment

5) Poverty

6) Homelessness

7) Depression

8) Suicide

9) Bullying

10) War

11) Cost of War

12) Politicians

13) United Nations

14) Universal Declaration of Human Rights

15) Health Care

16) Santa Clause and Christmas

17) Easter Bunny and Easter

18) Trick or Treating and Halloween

19) Education System

20) what it means to be 'scholarly'

21) NASA

22) CIA

23) Terrorism

24) Murder

25) Bad Genetics

26) Birth Defects

27) Debt

28) Legal System and White Collar Crime

29) Rich vs Poor

30) Slavery

31) Hate Speech

32) Sweat Shops

33) Bailing out Banks to save Economy

34) Global Warming

35) Consumerism

36) Paparazi

37) Celebrity Gossip

38) Celebrities

39) Popular Music

40) Advertising

41) Focusing on the Positive in a Negative World

42) Ignorance

43) Self Righteousness

44) Masturbation

45) Porn

46) Pyschiatry

47) Psychology

48) Western Medicine Practices

49) National Anthems

50) Fear

Saturday, 9 February 2013

Day 249 The Ridiculousness of Funny!

This woman is laughing at something funny.

The real funny here is ridiculousness. Funny is exposed ridiculousness. Access to funny is determined by self realization as facing accepted and allowed ridiculousness. It's like we don't get the joke when we don't realize ourself as the joke as like we are always the butt of our own joke as exposed ridiculousness. The ability to see ridiculousness in others stems from our ability with brutal self honesty in facing our accepted and allowed ridiculousness.

Fear is Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidiculous. Notice I am emphasizing the word Ridiculous here. Fear is funny because it's sooooooooooooooooooooooooo ridiculous. Like WOW, holy fucking shit!

The ability to laugh therfore is a result of letting go of fear.

Genuine Laughter is the result of a fearless expression as like an AHA moment...I fucking I get it...wait...I got it....I shit, I fucking Got It....because I am always....ALWAYS the source of it.......Self Reflection.

Uncontrollable Laughter is like a form of orgasm because it's effortless easy that is the reward of self enjoyment as self comfort as self support and assitance in facing self here with brutal self honesty....and not being a scaredy cat about it.

Lets look at a situation where you are being can go with it....errupt in uncontrolable laughter....very much like a wild sexual orgasm....uncontrollable body movements....jolts like realeasing the tension and strain of always existing in control as fear as like on edge.

Notice the word knowledge. Knowledge can encompass fear if the starting point of knowledge carries a polarity charge....which it most often does. Knowledge....Know like knowing the ledge as the self creating edge based on the asigned energy value given to the information as knowledge. Knowing the ledge as the edge as the accepted and allowed point of control is ridiuclous......RIIIIIIIIIDICULOUS.......fucking ridiculous....because this is how we fuck ourselves in the most unpleasant ways possible.

Why fuck ourselves in the most unpleasant ways? Isn't that totally ridiculus?

Feelings and emotions expose our accepted and allowed ridiculousness!

Family is possibly the source of the most ridiculous family life is the epitome of funny manufacturing. Why? Soooooooooooooooooo much emotion and constant reactional play outs.

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many types of funny encompasses EVERY personality.....

Funny Funny fun funnny fun fun funny ....funny...funny.

Examples of some types of funny include, stupid/smart/witty/clever/devious/crazy/extreme/outrageous/serious/intensely/righteous/greedy/sincere/mean/nice/brutal
good, bad, wow...classifying the type of funny is even like a piece of funny as like a fragment of the like you know, a comedy bit.

I'm just sharing a little bit....pieces of the whole shit....yet each piece of shit...every little bit contributes to what makes up the holy know the whole shit...the whole story our history and herstory as his and her story....the story of Ridiculous Being....

How many ridiculous beings is there? Is anyone not ridiuclous? Really? Isn't this ridiculous?

Our shared reality is totally Riiiiiiiiiiiiidiculous!

Wouldn't it make be actual common sense, since were all only accept and allow the most Ridiculously Awesome Shit? Like, I mean that which is absolutely ridiculously awesome for Everyone....You know? !!!....So we can all share a laugh together....You know? !!! A laugh at our own expsense.

Our own expsense? That sounds expensive doesn't it? Like really fucking HOLY FUCKING SHIT...All calculated expenses to include Everyone an All Expenses paid accomodation to being part of the venue/event of Absolute Ridiculous Aweomeness as the Absolute Best Everything in Always.

Wait a second....take a breath....hold it.....wait for it....hold it.......


WHAT? What the Fuck? Really?



Are YOU Serious?


Are YOU Fucking Kidding Me?

Is this a Joke?

A Real Fucking Joke?


The Most Riduclous Awesome Joke Ever?

Like what's Best for All Life?

Like even the Animals?

The Bugs too?

The Fucking BUGS? !!!!

So let me get this straight.......ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LIFE.....Like Every-One is included and makes the the best most ridiculous Awesome Joke Possible?

Whhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? ? ? ! ! ! ! !

HOLY FUCKING SHIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Is this for real?

Like, be Serious for a moment....I'm not joking around....this isn't a Fucking Joke!



Talk about an all encompasing unified Orgasm Man.

This is one hell of an Orgy.................

Go figure,

It's Hell on Earth Right Now...


about the venue for tha main event,,,....which is,

HERE.....always right in the middle of NOWHERE....



what the fuck?



THE Middle of Nowhere is the middle of Now HERE.......!

Holy Shit!

Were at the Centre/Center of the UniVerse.....AHa.....hahahahha hahhaha hahhaa hahhahaa....I fucking get it....ahaha oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiit...

I fucking understand

It's up to us to make the most amazing shit totally legit....

Legit? You mean we gotta leg do the leg work...walk the walk....Standing Together in Awe for a moment at the Awesomeness as the aha moment of Everybody getting it....because we all got it to give....Our Laughter as Confirmation Agreement Sound Signature of Total Practical Common Sense Understanding Ourselves as Ridiculous Awesomeness to the extreme as the Best in all ways that is Best as Perfect Physical Structure Alignment as Equality and Oneness aha...

hahahhahahahhaha hahahahhahahah hahahahhahhaha

All Agreed! ! ! ! ! !

All Agreed? Like all is a greedy as we all share the same we are all greedy together in wanting the same the same thing being that which is best for everyone?


So Everybody WINS?

Why haven't we been exisiting like this already?

That's Fucking Ridiculous!

Equal Money Capitalism is the way forward.

Become a major facilitator in the great way forward in helping orchestrate One hell of an Orgy

Support Destonians...Become a Destonian....check out Destonians......Assistance and Support Available Here: 

The Best Funny is the Most Fun! Join Us!

Friday, 8 February 2013

Day 248 Is it Possible to Stop Perpetuating Fuckedness?

Yes, it is possible to stop perpetuating fuckedness.

Each individual being is the key holder as the way.

Finding the way becomes sharing the way as Life is for-giving.

Forgive Everything.

To Forgive Everything is to give for every the epitome of understanding the principle, 'give as you like to receive'

The hardest thing to realize is ourself as source of fuckedness. What? Me? But I'm just one individual being......
It's gotta be some other beings to blame as who are responsible for the perpetuating fuckedness existing here.........BULLSHIT....Each being here is the Source of situation here.

Attempting to shift the blame away from self responsibility here is Lame,,, I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to shift the blame away from self responsibility here.

Facing myself with brutal self honesty means facing Everything,

Self Forgiveness, self honesty, self trust, and patience is the recipe formula as how to utilise key to stopping perpetuation of fuckedness.

I have found out that self forgiveness is only difficult when self honesty/self trust is being fucked with as consequence of accepting and allowing the choice.

What's more important than stopping the perpetuation of fuckedness?

Who is more important than stopping the perpetuation of fuckedness?

Who's responsible for the perpetuation of fuckedness?

Agreed is the individual greed shared collectively as the same greed as the same point of agreement....aligning the greed to what is best as the best interest of what's best for you is best for me is the basis of a sound agreement where all is agreed here as oneness and equality together as sharing in greatness/awesomeness/excellence/perfection as what is best is common sense agreed understanding, everyone knows as knowing thy self here is understood as the root cause of why what is best can be predictable.

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Day 247 How I Stopped Weed Addiction

Self Forgiveness was the key tool of self support in letting go of weed addiction. Self forgiveness assited me alot with weed addiction because I forgave myself on all the positive memory experiences I had associated with weed. Initially stopping weed was tough for me because I had some many positive feelings about weed and I would have seemingly random thoughts come up within myself about having an urge/craving to smoke weed as like to have a postive feeling experience.

Through applying self forgiveness exstensively on my relationship with weed...I released the positive feeling energetic charges I was holding within myself about weed.

Inititially I was flip flopping between feeling and emotions about I would go from it being a positive thing to a negative thing...and this was a total energteic mind fuck that I had induced as consequence of trying to direct my decisions/movement in relationship to weed based upon feelings and emotions.

It's interesting that I tried to facilitate stopping smoking weed based on creating negative emotions about weed...because that is like the flip side of the coin of positive feelings.

Within stopping weed addiction I realized the ridiculousness of movement from within and as the starting point of positive feelings or negative emotions. I noticed how everything I would want to do would be based upon positive feelings as like forms of desire to gratify self interest indulgences...and everything I would not want to do would be as consequence of accepting and allowing negative emotions about like resisting what I don't have good feelings about.

Through intensive examination of myself within my acceptances and allowances in relationship to weed, I realized how operating from within and as the principle of what is best for all Life here is beyond existing within and as feelings and emotions. I learned that all feelings and emotions are rooted in and as forms of Fear. I realzed that untill I release all accepted and allowed forms of fear from within myself as feelings/emotions,...I am in process of self correction, purifying the law of my being, establishing myself here as equality and oneness as my starting point for existing.

I realized that I had started smoking weed and enjoyed smoking weed because it made me feel like existing within and as positive feelings. I realized that weed was assisting and supporting positive feelings within myself and was helping me to relax and feel at ease because I was actually quite surpressed and had lots of negative emotions existent within myself. I realized that smoking weed just kind of camoflauged my inner issues and therfore provided me with a temporary escape from my regular day to day internal stress that had been accumulating throughout the years.

I realized that I had perpetuated self suppressions within myself by continuing to smoke weed for years...and that I was just burrying shit that I wanted to forget about within myself...But...I realized that forgetting like releasing all the energetic charges as feelings and emotions on past memories/events is only possible with the application of self forgiveness as like the gift giving to like forgive and forget go hand in hand.

I realized I had made letting go of weed addiction seemingly difficult at times because I accepted and allowed letting go of weed addiction to be difficult.