1) Money is like a carrot on a stick
2) Cheap food is expensive
3) Expensive food is cheap
4) Professional Sports is a form of religious entertainment
5) Poverty
6) Homelessness
7) Depression
8) Suicide
9) Bullying
10) War
11) Cost of War
12) Politicians
13) United Nations
14) Universal Declaration of Human Rights
15) Health Care
16) Santa Clause and Christmas
17) Easter Bunny and Easter
18) Trick or Treating and Halloween
19) Education System
20) what it means to be 'scholarly'
21) NASA
22) CIA
23) Terrorism
24) Murder
25) Bad Genetics
26) Birth Defects
27) Debt
28) Legal System and White Collar Crime
29) Rich vs Poor
30) Slavery
31) Hate Speech
32) Sweat Shops
33) Bailing out Banks to save Economy
34) Global Warming
35) Consumerism
36) Paparazi
37) Celebrity Gossip
38) Celebrities
39) Popular Music
40) Advertising
41) Focusing on the Positive in a Negative World
42) Ignorance
43) Self Righteousness
44) Masturbation
45) Porn
46) Pyschiatry
47) Psychology
48) Western Medicine Practices
49) National Anthems
50) Fear
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