important shit

Sunday 11 November 2012

Day 161 Greed Character Part 7

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for neglecting agreement within myself as living what is best for life always as consequence of accepting and allowing myself for fearing to lose what I have obtained as relationships/sex/money/possessions.

I realise Ive accumulated physical stress on my body as consequence of accepting and allowing my primary relationship with myself to be from the starting point of greed as like  my actions proving that I agreed in choosing self dishonesty so many times as self righteous disregard for myself here as all life.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for getting lost within dimensions of greed as like creating an internal conflict within myself as like having difficulty making decisions from the perspective of trying to decide which pathway I have judged as having more value and therfore being a better deal for me as a greedy character getting more rewards for choosing option/pathway A vs option/pathway B.

I realise I have existed here within suppression as consequence of accepting and allowing my starting point of movement and decision making as choice to be from the starting point of greed as my agreed upon principle belief within myself as to how and why I should move and do what I do.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for justifiying my particpations here as the greed character.

I realise I agreed to accept and allow myself to exist as a greed character here and that it is myself responsibility to let go of my accepted and allowed inheritance as a greed character here.

I forgive myself for accepting annd allowing myself for trying to create arguments within myself as thinking as like a form of self judgement as like an accepted and allowed self sabotage as like a justification within self righteouesness based on competition as a greed character here that is looking for attention and praise here for greedy accomplishments as like statistics of completed righteous desires that I had defined as having exstensive value as like being great for bragging about as my life of fulfillment.

I realise life is not a competition of winners and losers and that life is equality and oneness as like saying life is the winner and loser here together as like being bound together and you cant have one without the other and therfore winner vs loser is just a role reversal as like the flip side of the same coin as in fact an actual self reflection and therefore Life is equality and oneness here.

I recognise I am working through my memory experiences so that I can remove the charges as energy fluctuations placed upon myself as like consisting of different values as like the winner/loser concept based on assigned worth as love as a feeling as like and eneregtic possession that I formed a devotion to.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for experiencing hesistation within myself as like doubt as like fearing to let myself as the greed character disapear because if I let go of myself as the personified greed character-who am I here?I don't know who that is at the moment because that is completely unknown.

I realise accepting and allowing myself to resist letting go of self imposed limmitation as existing here as a personified greedy character is in facty greedy/self righteousness in actuality as a mirror refelction of having made the choice to fear loss.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having not considered the point of fearing to lose breath till right like I take in breath...I hold breath and I release/give back breath. Within this consideration the point I am focussing on with regards to greed as fear of loss is that if I don't let go of my breath and I refuse to let go and release my breathe with the intent of self directed will as like love in physical action-I'll be forced into action as consequence of accepted and allowed pressure buildup that requires a physical release. I realise being forced into physical release is not the most pleasant way to experience a that's like extreme difficulty because that's liking choosing to exist as personified greed character and therfore enduring pain and suffering as consequence of refusing to share and give equally to life what you would like as life here.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for withholding forgiveness from myself here as that which I would like to receieve.

I realise I cannot receive what I am not willing to give.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for judging self forgiving and |I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having applied forgiving from a starting point of judgement as like an energetic charge placed against myself as manifested separation as like choosing to disconect myself as equality and oneness here.

I realise I am in the process of re-connecting myself as equality and oneness and effectively reconneccting myself as equality and oneness is the result of brutal self honesty and I realise self honesty is to simply face myself without judgement and walk process of self realisation as self perfection as a I allow myself to let go of weight as like what I have been holding onto as greed that is in no way best for life here.

I commit myself to continue probing myself as a Greed Character here until I have reached the depth of me being here.

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