important shit

Thursday 8 November 2012

Day 159 Greed Character Part 5

Self Judgment whether I believe judgement to be about myself or not I realise accepting and allowing judgement is self judgement as all points always reflect back to me here as the starting point.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding how I have existed as a greedy character and that as consequence of accepting and allowing myself to exist as a greedy character I have been neglectful of the self imposed imprisonment I have created as walls of self judgement as the accepted and allowed self imposed restraints and resistances weighing me down as stress upon my physical being.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not considering that accepting and allowing any form of judgement is a clear indication of greed as self righteous self interested separated from the group here as all as one as equal.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for placing restraints upon myself as judgement/stress/burden I carry within myself as accepted and allowed memories within and as a war taking place on my physical body as like being pulled and twisted in different directions as accepted and allowed paticipations within polarized energy charges as like existing within and as the consequences of constant aftermath of nuclear reactions playing out.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for abusing my relationships with others by accepting and allowing myself to take people's emotions seriously as like to allow myself to be victimized as energetic possession .

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for pitying myself and I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising how greedy I have been as self poity by deflecting to really examine the accepted and allowed self pity within myself and for deflecting the point as to acknowledge it in others as being greedy and to believe that I am separate from that specvific point of greed as self pity as consequence of accepting and allowing an automated mind egoic self defense system as like to put the blinders on as to create a resistance to seeing my mirror reflection in every moment as I moment to moment move myself here.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising how I limit my ability to effectively communicate myself here by accepting and allowing any form of judgement and I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for deflecting and denying consideration to the point of greed in relationship to judgement and the consequences that has on my ability to effectively communicate myself here and I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself being greedy in suppressing my potential here to assist and support myself in all ways as me is you and you is me and therfore realising that what I do to me I accept and allow you to do to you.

I realise accepting and allowing myself to fear consequence is greedy and unacceptable.

I realise accepting and allowing myself to to support any judgement is greedy.

I realise greed is consequence of not considering all life here as what is best for everyone.

I realise greed is  fear in a specific manipulative form as like a thirsting for power and superiority as self righteousness indignation as like an anger exsiting within self as consequence of not accepting and allowing self to exist here as equality and oneness and therfore stuck and trapped within the spectrum of polarized energy fluctuation as inferiority trying to become superiority.

I commit myself to exposing and undertanding all dimensions of greed that exist here as myself in all ways.

I commit myself to letting go of particpations within any and all forms of judgement.

I commit myself to being here as a being who is in process of self perfection

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