important shit

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Day 475 Information F%$K YOU!

Hey, Check out the Youtube video I did "Information F%$K YOU!"

I had wrote a bit of a script...kind of a ranting and raving in relation to the point of wanting to fight others as a result of the accepted and allowed conflict within myself.

So, below is the script/ranting and raving I wrote out about the point....and following this sharing...I'm going to go into self-forgiveness on the a point of self-support.

I want to fight You…but I don’t know Why I want to fight you…but I want You to fight me back…and if you are not fighting me back…I'm going to get more reactionary…like a nuclear reactor that want’s to explode….you know like some serious terrorist activity…as I terrorize you to show you that I am being terrorized within myself….and what’s typical is blame…like being lame…by saying its because your so this….and being so convincing in being lame…that I  mean like what the fuck….being blinded by the veils of self righteousness…that I know and understand things…and knowing and understanding being possessed by a feeling/emotion/train of thought…thinking…is a dangerous kind of knowing….and so …I've come to see that what the fuck of such behaviour….and I mean…really ….I am so done…with looking for fights….why the fuck would I want to fight with anyone…I mean fighting is a point of inflicting punishment upon  another…and getting punishment pain, force inflicted upon yourself….I mean its really ridiculous how I allowed information to be a point of pain and punishment inflicted upon myself….as like OK…I can fight myself with this information…like…maybe I wont be consciously aware of it…and I just have a self righteous reaction because… all reactions are some form of self righteousness…and when I'm being  Mr self righteousness…I cant really know anything…which is like the perfect number…for fighting…because when your self righteous you cant feel/sense/be aware of anything….like perception is totally distorted….and I suggest avoiding such wackiness all together…by taking a deep breath and realising all reactions…are nuclear…like radiating terror within are self….that is a threat and compromise to our life and the lives of others… wonder…in the news….the big topic of  terrorism...and the war on terror…..we humans are our own terrorists…at least I was…and I didn't even know that the extent of my education was harboring me as a terrorist waiting to exploded….picking and choosing random event to totally blow up on….energy storms…brewed like volcanoes within the human body….sorry body for all the abuse….it;s time I quieted and settled the storm….

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for wanting to Fight You.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding that You is Me within wanting to Fight You.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding myself as a nuclear reactor just waiting to explode every time I have a reaction and I passively accept and allow it to exist within myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding the consequences of passively accepting and allowing reactions within myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for neglecting to take action as self direction on points of reaction within myself as like giving myself the gift of forgiveness and looking at the absurd ridiculousness on the point of reaction...and realise and understand that if I can't see the absurd ridiculousness on the point of reaction...its because I'm caught within a point of self righteousness that is blinding me from seeing my own absurdity that is overwhelming in ridiculousness.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for pointing the fingers of blame upon others as like a coping mechanism of neglecting to really care and take responsibility and accountability for myself. I realise and understand the absurd ridiculousness of such behaviour and I realise and understand how lame blame is as I realise and understand that blame is the epitome of lame.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for neglecting the danger of passively doing nothing after I have a reaction...and that by just not participating within the reaction is not enough of a safety preventative measure...because the reaction is a point of abuse...and by not realizing it from within myself with self-forgiveness in real like...allowing it to accumulate within myself as a memory that formed as a point of information...where I gave a a particular energetic charge....and the math of giving so many energetic charges within a resultant explosion/harm/abuse to the physical body...and possibly reactionary behaviour is the cause of abuse in this reactionary behaviour is without any compassion, care, and consideration for well being and is completely irrational.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to cycle within particular thought patterns over and over like thinking these are OK...and not like some more negative thought patterns....and within this I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for categorizing and holding onto though patterns that I believe to be positive....and I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding the self-righteousness connection with positively charged I see, realise and understand how self-righteousness is in the roots of positive energetic charges...and is in fact why when you are possessed within positive have noooooooooo fucking retarded you in fact are...because it's a point of being blinded by the light....

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be totally fucking retarded within positive energy as a point of self-righteousness....and I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding how getting focused on the positive energy actually perpetuates mental retardation and blindness from physical reality.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to numb myself with self righteousness

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to numb myself with reactions.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for perpetuating numbness to information within myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for being so possessed within energetic charges in relationship to words/information/observations

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for casting spells of blame.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself fro resisting to dare to look at the extensive nature of lameness within myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for believing that looking at lameness within myself is just a point of judging myself and that I shouldn't judge myself as lame because that;s negative and I should rather just twist my word relations/information around so that I view regard myself only in a positive way/ that I can trick myself instead of treating myself to actually being a person of integrity and dignity...who wants what;s best for myself and all life.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for neglecting my body as my body...and I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be at war with my body within passively accepting and allowing reactions/thoughts/feelings/emotions to exist within myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for confusing self honesty with self righteousness....and within this not taking the time to breathe and observe the energy charge that is always in play within and as the tell tale sign of physical instability.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for being dishonest within myself when believing myself to be just within having an emotional reaction/explosion projecting energetically charged words onto a point of not being able to handle my shit...and not caring who has problems dealing with my shit...cause...I don;t want it to be my problem...and I just gotta get it out of me by projecting it onto others.

I commit myself to stop fighting with myself and others.

When and as I see myself fighting with myself and or another, I stop and breathe...I realise and understand the absurd ridiculousness of such behaviour....I smile as I realise crisis adverted within stopping and breathing. lol. I direct self-forgiveness in the moment, as I see and realise the physical practicality of moment to moment application of self-forgiveness as an installed application within myself is like a DIY physical body purifier.

When and as I see myself having a reaction, I Stop and breathe...I direct myself into utilizing  my installed application of self-forgiveness as my go to tool of support within myself. I enable myself to see and realise the absurd ridiculousness in relation to the particular point of reaction as I apply myself within and as the process of self-forgiveness. I see and realise how I receive awesomeness as like the funny of understanding the abusrd ridiculousness of a point within forgiving myself for a point because the dimension of funny is connected to every single point as are all dimensions connected to every single point...and I realise and understand the support within utilizing funny as a tool to assist and support self-expansion as like a way that makes process always fun.

I commit myself to fun within and as the process of self-realization through applying the physical application of self-forgiveness.

I commit myself to sharing the stellar awesomeness of self-forgiveness as a global solution that must be implemented on an individual level.

I commit myself to living the physical installment of self-forgiveness as like an application that is ingrained into the law of my I realise and understand the starting point of creation is within I see and realise the starting point of creation as Equality and Oneness.

When and as I see myself manipulating information to paint and portray a positive light/energy...I stop and breathe...and I realise and understand the fuckedness of such participation...I move myself to investigate my behaviour within running the application of physical self-forgiveness.

I commit myself to physically ingraining self-forgiveness into myself as a point of common sense like one and equal to the point of a point of my physical embodiment as a point of self-support and self direction in being here as a real living being who cannot be compromised...and who stands for all Life as what is best for all Life.

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