The support that we are able to give to ourselves and others within blogging and vlogging is tremendous. Our words are seeds of support and assistance. I know our days can be quite hectic with a jam packed schedule of time managed responsibilities and obligations. What I do also know, is that even in a very busy day/week it is possible to have a few moments to write something down and or record some sharing words of support. The internet is an amazing thing we have here as global platform for all of us to come together. I mean, the words you share here, who knows who you may support and assist. Our words are impacting change and influence. Our words are the building blocks of creation. Obviously it is cool to share the building blocks of creation with one another. Self-expansion is possible through sharing as a point of working and walking together. Our words are a point of feedback for one another.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the practical point in sharing my words daily through blogging and vlogging as the gift I would like to receive.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having made excuses and justifications as to why I am not blogging and vlogging.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for neglecting to see the practicality in daily vlogging.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself having neglected to make time for blogging/vlogging.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for thinking that it's better for me not to blog or vlog at all if I don't have a lot of time available on a particular day.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for thinking that I write/speak a big amount of words or I don't speak/write at all.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for doubting the significance of a few words.
When and as I see myself making excuses and justifications as reasons I am considering within my mind as why I am not able to blog and or vlog today, I stop and breathe, I see and realise the ridiculously absurd limitation I am creating within my mind as a point of self sabotage. I realise and understand that I could make a vlog while travelling, or even taking a shit....I mean I realize I could take 2-5 minutes out of my day to record a video. I realize I could take another 2 minutes later in the day to post the video. I realize I could write a blog...or open up the beginning of a blog in a 5 minute window... i mean... I realize and see the possibility of utilizing my time....I realize I could put a blog together throughout the taking 5, 5 minute breaks to compromise a blog of 25 minutes of labor. I realize there is so many ways for me to make it possible for me to share a daily blog and vlog. I realize I could write and or record a blog/vlog or a couple and post them at another time. I realize there is so many ways possible to effectively manage the time to share words of assistance and support.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for neglecting to realise and understand that there is so many ways for me to be creative in sharing words of assistance and support.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the tremendous value within sharing words of support on the internet.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the internet as like a global historical track record of and as our global positioning/stance as a daily reflection of who and how we are here within and as the living words.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for negating myself-responsibility within and as the living words.
I commit myself to utilizing the internet as a platform of assistance and support as a place to make and create a historical track record of my sharing process of living words of assistance and support as I journey to life.
I commit myself to giving as I like to receive.
I commit myself to receiving as I like to give.
I commit myself to writing and vlogging.
I commit myself to living the significance of words.
I commit myself to sharing words.
I commit myself to enjoying the process of sharing words.
I commit myself to encouraging others to share their words.
Very Cool - Thanks Mike!