I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding who I am today is the result of a price tag as like my whole life as been dependent upon money.
I forgive myself fro accepting and allowing myself for not realising and considering that all my memories are reflected within money as like the price tag associated with my experiences.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding the influence money has on who each human being is here as character persona's.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for being a slave to money.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having separated myself form and as money.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for thinking about money at work as like how much money I will make today.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having a polarized relationship with money as like either positive or negative depending upon the amount of money I have at my disposal.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding how good feelings are connected with having lots of money and how bad feelings are associated with not having very much money.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding how my whole Life from birth till now has been dependent upon money and that it is my self responsibility to calculate the price tag as to account for all instances how money has determined who and how I am Here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understand how my Life has been in slavery despite having privileges within getting to make choices as a consumer as how I will spend the money I do have.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for playing the role of a grateful slave...as like feeling grateful that I've had a better Life than people with less money.....I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for being grateful that I wasn't born into a family who has no money.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for comparing my fortune to the less fortunate and regarding myself as lucky because I've been able to play while the majority of humanity struggle to survive by trying to get money to exist.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for thinking this is just the way things are...some people will always have lots of money and many people will not have much money.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding that it is each person's responsibility who has money to speak up about the ridiculousness of our slave money system and that a new perfect system is possible where all Life is valued.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for getting lost within the bliss and joy...as like believing that things are ok in the world because I have money and have experienced the High Life as being like an energy slut/whore...as thirsting on positive energy experiences as like just worrying about entertaining myself...and neglecting the fact that my good times are coming at the expense of others slavery.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding the extent of our shared reality as like a prison planet...as like a slave world....as like everyone is enforcing the situation of slavery...and therefore it will take everyone Here to stop slavery....because all is enslaved or none is enslaved there is no middle ground.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for resisting to talk and joke about the ridiculousness of the slavery situation Here,,,as like a brutal joke everyone is a part of.
I commit myself to show that a way out of slavery is possible through collective agreement in bringing into fruition an Equal Money System that supports and values all Life Here.
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