important shit

Showing posts with label message. Show all posts
Showing posts with label message. Show all posts

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Day 732 - Movie Review SubUrbia

Image result for suburbia

A really good movie for young people to watch. It really encourages the point of self-reflection into what one is doing with their life. What kind of potential oneself has...and how if we don't really challenge ourselves to move then we will just go through the movement moments of emotion and remain stuck in the same dead end until we die.

The movie showcased different character dynamics amongst young people and also the fact that immigrants to the western world are the ones often getting their shit together...working hard so that they can make something more for shows the point of apathy rather well...also the point of openness and how an open attitude can yield opportunity and potential development for oneself...regardless of where one it is at's like there is always room for improvement and when one is open and willing to improve their position and status and positioning in life...well the opportunity might just open itself up externally as a reflection of the internal attitude. Also showcases rather well the point of self-victimization and the destruction within self-talk as like kicking one's own ass within one's emotional disposition.

The movie is also an eye opener into self-responsibility...i would say this because it showcases the attitude of despair as kind of like bumbling along and not really having a high regard for oneself as a consequence really of being somewhat of a scatter brain from the perspective of thinking about so much stuff outside the scope of oneself here...and really if the starting point isn't first the regard and consideration for oneself...than the regards and consideration for others is futile...because really it's at your own expense and it is thought of as a like a distraction and a sort of preoccupation to avoid actually taking responsibility and directing the main problem which is oneself and the fact that one isn't really doing anything for themselves to their betterment and therefore is also in fact a detriment to everyone else because if one doesn't take regard and consider oneself to the highest degree...the likely hood of being able to give and contribute effectively to the lives of others is very much much so that the individual may in fact be a drain on the lives of others as a result of their own self inflicted abuse. 

This movie kind of reflects into the psyche of a young adult and really is a point of recognition towards the self-reflection in asking the question "do I have my shit together"...what am I doing for myself....what am I making for myself....what purpose am I giving to my life?  These questions I am learning are critical  in the development of oneself here and also within having the ability to critically give responsibly here. Responsibility starts with self and that is something worth repeating...daily...from moment to moment...responsibility starts with self.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for wanting to wallow at the end of the movie at the harsh reality of the fact that it is up to self whether or not one gets self-honest with oneself and takes self-responsibility as the Director of One's Life here...and this is it...You got to put in the effort to yourself to really get the life You want...the Life You are's a point of and as our Potential Here....I mean this is something that is labored into's like we have to cultivate and develop our potential....Yes we have a natural ability within and as the expression of our potential....the reality is to effectively exercise and express that Potential of ours...we need to be self-honest in and as the self-evaluation of our acceptances and allowances the way to maintain a clean body/mind relationship where just like we shit out the shit from the body...we take care to release the shit from our minds so as to make sure we keep farming the greatness which is in fact our true potential here....and keep growing developing new branches of our potential as the ways in which we allow ourself to connect and contribute to the lives of others so that they too can compliment in contribution to the lives of like the epitome understanding and realization to how in fact it is possible for the Merry go Round to function as our shared play ground working together reality here.

When and as I see myself looking at a harsh truth as like a deep rooted acceptance and allowance within myself....I take a moment to really look at what it is I have been accepting and allowing that I had not previously been really acknowledging. I face the emotion that comes with seeing something that I had been avoiding to look at. I look at the emotion that is connected to what I have accepted and allowed. I realize the gratitude in gifting myself the privilege and patience to actually take the time to self-examine the extent of my accepted and allowed conditioning. I really face myself as it...I see myself clearly within and as the point...I realize myself as the potential expansion from and as this accepted and allowed limitation. I realize and understand how to move beyond such a mistake. I make the decision to stop accepting and allowing myself to be enveloped within such a character condition of suppression. I embrace the change I see possible.

I commit myself to the development and expansion of my Potential.

I commit myself to learning from self-evaluation.

I commit myself to creating a life for myself.

I commit myself to contributing to the lives of others.

I commit myself to the regard and consideration of self-responsibility being a daily repetition from moment to moment.

I commit myself to sharing my realizations of self-responsibility as the Merry go Round as as the gratitude and grateful attitude in and as our shared play ground working reality here...and within this realizing and understanding that this starts with myself regards here as the working play ground. 

I commit myself to taking care of my body and my mind and within this realizing and understanding the necessity in giving myself everything I need to cultivate the full development of my potential here.

I commit myself to branching out my potential.

I commit myself to opening up my mind to new opportunities to develop my potential and then later share my creations and supportive contributions to the lives of others.

I commit myself to making the most out of my Life here.

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Day 722 - Cooler Than Cool Is Cold as Ice

Image result for cool to cold

It's interesting to see from a perspective of temperature how closely related Cool and Cold are. Is there an exact point/temperature reading that defined the bounds of Cool and Cold?  What's interesting is that Cool and Cold Compliment One Another! I see this as a movement play...the transition in direction as the change so gradual it's barely noticeable untill it's like dead obvious.

In my previous blog I mentioned the point of Cold Water therapy. I implore you to play with the point!

A point of support in making a great experience for you is to test the point gradually. Meaning it may not be the most practical to play with the extreme cold temperature as your body is not maybe so accustomed to it. perhaps work within the spectrum of Warm and Cool....and kind of play with degrees of warmth and then push it into degrees of Cool....and depending on how this goes, maybe push the temperature back up to warm...and maybe even hot. Now throw it all the way down real low...or not that low at all.  The point here is to play with the temperature gauge yourself in getting yourself acquainted with the water flow and feel as the temperatures you are.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for defining the word Cool as a positive thing...specifically with the positive feeling energy of Superiority....while at the same time being somewhat conflicted within the point where to hear that it is Cool outside can invoke a sort of Inferiority type energy experience of emotion as being less than as good a temperature as it could be if it was warm outside.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having conflicted definitions within myself as the word Cool...where I have one context meaning a positive energetic reaction and another context meaning an negative energetic reaction.  I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to create polarized reactions to COOL.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how holding onto polarized energy within myself with specific regards to COOL is rather restricting and a strangle hold of sorts in actually being able to live the word Cool without potential nuclear disaster at any given moment based up the unstable relationship elements within and as my world here.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the chemistry of myself here as a concoctions of words...and where the meanings are out of wack with various types of conflicting contexts as like a contradictory friction within myself that has the potential to be a disaster waiting to happen as like my very own self defined doomsday.  I forgive myself for not realizing and understanding the irony of and as my word and world relationships here.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for making believing a preference towards self-destruction as opposed to self-perfection and self-empowerment.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for using the differences within and as words as a detriment to myself development here.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the art of communication from and as the starting point of sounding the song so it can be sung as like the flow you make as like a cake that it baked....yes it can rhyme....regardless of the doesn't matter...Things are fine so long as you speak from the heart as the epitome self-realization as the all together Earth here, as the anagram play is clear...and there's little to no fear in sharing dimensions from the sea of seeing things here.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to get mixed up in the polarity play of comparison, while not realizing that everything is complimentary. I realize and understand that some compliments are not so complimenting and maybe even out of line as questionable all together...nonetheless...compliments are complimentary....just like complimentary angles are always the Right angles. I see realize and understand that when we learn to compliment each other in our endeavors this is in fact the weather that will produce a prosperous harvest for things are taking root in the plants that were planned for as the seeds of seeing things through to fruition as the sweet delight of the guts of the matter created here.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the subtle degree in variance from shifting from cool to cold as the attitude I am presenting.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for justifying the transition in attitude from a starting point of stubborn disregard for the patience required to stop myself from perpetuating the strain of my own self-appoint strain as like the creation of internal agony as a result of sword used improper as the meaning of words smeared within myself as less than complimentary in creating that which is most Awesome.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for getting caught up in being right that I forgot the whole point of what in fact is Complimentary....because in my quest to be Right...I created the apparent wrong as a win/lose scenario where the game is on,,,,keeping score within myself...whether i beat myself or lose to myself...either way it's a loss...because so long as there is a divide within one there is a split up a breakup...and when the whole point of standing together as one here...alone is undone.,..well, we have a humpty dumpty what a great fall.  I realize the absurd ridiculousness of getting my tongue tied as the word definitions I accept and allow that conflict with the common sense best applications Life is all ways What's Best.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for being mad about like regarding others as patients and being upset that I started the doctors practice of building bridges of support through and as the practice of Patience. I realize and understand the real meaning of patience isn't some long con energetic deception ploy of a play where it's a fight all the way,...rooted in clever deceit. No, I realize and understand the practical everyday sharing of Patience is what Keeps Opportunity and Potential Live and Well as the Farmer tending to his field...Everyday garnering the field of dreams, the scientific art of knowing how to be careful for what You wish for!

To be Continued

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Day 691 - The Dynamics of Creation

Continuing from my previous blog, Day 690 - What's Best for All - Guiding Me in Thought, Word and Deed.

Here I am looking at the relationship dynamics of Problem and Solution in and as the Creation process.

So, let me first begin with a question, which is an inquiry about the word Problem. Initially my thought is that a problem is bad or somewhat negative in scope. However, here I see it is important to regard the fact that a problem does not require to be limited to being "bad or somewhat negative." And for this reason, In my writing investigation here, to widen the scope of perspective perception, I will utilize the definition of the word "Problem" as follows:

Problem: an inquiry started from given conditions to demonstrate a fact, result or law.

OK, now lets look at the word Solution.

Solution: A means of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation.
                'The process or state of being dissolved in a solvent'

What's interesting about a Solution is that it has a relationship with a problem...where a Solution is in fact incorporated into a problem...This creates new dynamics.

Why am I looking at the relationship dynamics of Problem and Solution in and as the Creation process?


What jumps out at me the Dynamics of Creation...

What do I mean?

The potential connections in perspective outlook to support the growth in character ability of expression of thought, word and deed.

"If there's a Will, there's a Way"

"A Willing Way"

"Where there's Life, there's Direction"

"Movement is synonymous with Life"

I find it interesting to regard movement in and as Language.

What's interesting in Examining/Investigating a "Problem" is that the Answer/Solution is in the Problem....or more specifically...Not in the "problem"....Get it ? ...Knot in the problem! The particular conditions that frame the Conditions....the Context...

What's interesting I see here is the barometer of our word and world relationships. Because I see here how our words reflect and reveal the weather of our current conditioning here. What's interesting is that it appears to be mostly an unconscious thing that we all really want to share the truth of our weather/conditioning.....yet the irony is that so very often the truth of ourself expression here is suppressed and buried as like a cover up story. Interesting though, is the fact that talking about the weather in an external sense...or the "News" is popular socially practiced etiquette in conversing with one another on a daily basis...whether or not You know the person you are encountering very well or not. Interesting I see that this basic on the surface communication is more just a talking from the perspective of talking as like an acknowledgement of facts...without really getting into anything personal. Yet, I see here a potential correlation reflection with the accepted and allowed regard for ourselves here....Because, giving such regard for "chit chat communication" with the people we encounter is not a guarantee of's a maybe...And, OK, where am I going with this?

This here I question as the weathering of our current accepted and allowed circuitry as how we have wired ourselves together here as like just kind of functioning...happening...without really understanding and realizing the extent of How we in fact are happening to be functionally existing here in and as our complete capacity.

Why is this so?

I am reminded here of a Movie, "The Never Ending Story"...Where in this movie/story...the, "Nothingness" is taking over....and nobody knows what to do....the irony is that nobody is really doing anything...nobody has any real trust in themselves to look into and explore the Question/Journey as to Why the "Nothingness" is taking over, Except a Boy named "A Trail".  What is ironically funny here is the name games within this movie. Also the fact that the people of the land don't believe that "A Trail" can be a way to solve the "Nothingness" from taking over....because he is just a boy...and it is believed that you must be a Great Warrior Man at the very least in order to face the "Nothingness" and possibly save the land from total self-destruction. "A Trail" is sure of himself in terms of his commitment to facing and Stopping the "Nothingness" from taking over.

What's ironic here in regards to this the parallels with our accepted and allowed society...and how we have structured the positioning of labor positions...where there is emphasis on being a "professional" and that in order to be a must go through this education like gauntlet of a Schooling system...where you will be than typically ranked and categorized into your specific "job" based upon your scoring.
Now, the point I am bringing up that the way our schooling systems are not really an effective method for problem solving....and thus creating solutions that are best for all inhabitants here. Which is really quite ridiculously absurd.
I mean really, there is so much disconnect it seems with practical support in and as the Dynamics of Creation...Like...I mean, the fact that I am writing evidence.

My writing is evidence in fact.

Whether I say it so or So I say it is not.

Either way,

My writing is evidence in fact.

Question the evidence in fact.

You will Realize the Solution in Fact.

For it is the Solution in Facts,

That Will support the Questions in Fact.

Have You heard the Words,

"Everything is in Reverse"?

Even the Words and World we converse Inn....

Is not it Odd?

Birth to Death

When maybe it's actually,

Death to Birth


There's no After Life...

There is only Before Life.


Before Life is the Potential of Life...

Whereas, After Life...

There is no Potential.

Get It

Got It

God It


The Flow is the Wolf symbolism in and as how we together stand alone here and move together as One and equal Alone...ALL One Here....

See the Equality in and as the To Get Here...To Get There....we Move Together the All Together Here....

We Get it

We Got it

We God it

We Gooooooooooooooooood

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Isn't it funny !

The Dynamics of Creation ?

Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Day 548 Relationship Drama

I've been reflecting upon the point of relationship drama. I don't really have much if any drama in my life these days. I've come to realize and understand the practical living solution for resolving any issues of drama that come up within myself as the tool and application of self-forgiveness. I am committed to living self-forgiveness as who and how and why I am here. Self-forgiveness is perhaps the greatest gift I have been bestowed within and as. I've had extensive situations of drama within myself within past relationship particpations. What I've come to realize and understand about such particpations as acceptances and allowances is none of it was in fact real. Drama is fiction.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having created extensive amounts of drama within myself...and I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding that I was creating make belief within myself as like a juxtaposition posed prose of absurd ridiculousness as like super imposing an illusionary perspective reality upon myself within and as the veils of mind consciousness energetic distortion as a plethora of feelings and emotions.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having not realized and understood how I created and formed my mind consciousness system as like a perpetuating ongoing drama based upon and within and as myreactions to external reality. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how I was born into this world within an induced stupor where I would regard everything to be separate from myself as like being blinded from the actuality of my images and likeness within and as complete total self-reflection.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how addicted I became to inducing myself within a stupor as like make believing and perpetuating the delusion of drama/conflict/friction/separation.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the shame within choosing to create a make belief reality where I am in a perpetuating state of delusion as like the self-manipulated induced stupor of perpetuating my own self-hypnosis of fiction/drama.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the profound simplicity in utilizing the tool of self-forgiveness as the practical means necessary to self-correcting and self-gifting/giving myself clarity within and as the self-realization of myself here within and as everything.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how I conditioned myself to separate myself here from everything. I realize and understand the process journey to Life as like bringing myself all together here as life as like piecing myself back together. I commit myself to moving through the self-imposed restraints and conditions I bestowed upon myself as the words I accepted and allowed myself to speak and think as the ink that stained me within and as the consequences of physical traumatic abuse.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the shame within victimizing myself and all Life within and as the accepted and allowed perpetuated stupor I induced and encouraged as energetic reactions to external reality. I realize and understand how the design of humanity has been a shame as like being born into bondage as like energy resource consuming ridiculous absurdity. I realize and understand my decision to purify the law of my being here as Equality and Oneness.

I realize and understand that to continue to play out the time looping of my mind as a perpetual motion energy charging and enhancing physical Life consuming abuse/abuser is ridiculously absurd and bizarre. I commit myself to restoring self-dignity and self-integrity as a result of the labored digging up the buried design flaws within myself, and integrating physical structured Life support as what is always best for Life as the realization and understanding of Oneness and Equality.

I commit myself to sort through every point of drama/fiction/friction/conflict that comes up within my mind as I realize and understand this is the practical living way for me to insure the prevention of continuous cycles of abuse within myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the shame within perpetuating and inducing and glorifying continuous cycles of abuse within myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having thought before that I can just understand something within my mind and than that's it the correction has been made and I am changed. I realize and understand the extensive self-discipline and meticulous specificity required in laboring practical living change as the remediation of and as self-corrections for each and every accepted and allowed inaction within myself. I commit myself to the remediation process as I see and realize this is how the self-purification process works as a gifting/giving myself the opportunity to stand here as Life manifested/birthed in and as physical living reality.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having played so many deceptive games with myself as like running confusion and distortion programs within my mind as like operating within layers and layers of built up energy accumulation and like the cycling spirals built up and layered upon each other as like my self-created labyrinth.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for creating and perpetuating drama/fiction/conflict/friction/shame/despair/cowardice within myself as a result of denying the extent of what it means to stand within and as the humbleness of taking self-responsibility for physical reality as a being that is determined to clean up the mess as the false messages that I participated within and contributed to and passively accepted and actively encouraged and distracted myself from taking ownership for the extent of the evil heinous atrocities that exist here within and as our shared reality.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how self-responsibility is one thing that cannot stand the testaments of time within and as stimulation. I realize and understand how self-responsibility can be temporarily stimulated within oneself as like a bridge/crutch of support and assistance well one garners the self-direction and stamina to stand without the energetic impulsiveness of fear as like the roots of energetic manipulation that induce that extent of human harm and disregard for one another. I realize and understand committing to what is best for all Life is beyond any form of stimulation as it requires real physical labored movement/action that cannot be faked. I realize and understand how nothing would is required to be done within and as make belief reality as like to remain within a self-induced stupor of energetic reaction as the physical depleting life resource. I commit myself to preventing self-destruction. I commit myself to Life construction as the best self-construction as the self-realization and understanding of the process of self-forgiveness and self-correction as the required standing within understanding of Oneness and Equality being the starting point of Creation.

I commit myself to stand within and as all of existence here as the commitment to and as the manifestation of Heaven on Earth as that which is best for all Life.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for suppressing the sadness that exists within and as a result of reflecting upon my images and likeness as the internal and external horror stories of and as our reality here.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for making believe that the horror that exists within physical reality is not really real because of the belief that life is all about the here after. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for creating a mystery and therefore being lost from life as a result of not realizing and understanding myself as the missed tree of the consequence of not accounting for the Equality and Oneness of Life.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understand myself as the missed tree of life as the perpetuating mystery searching for meaning within knowledge and information that I could just believe as myself proclaimed justification framed reality.

To Be Continued

Friday, 18 October 2013

Day 484 Daily Blogging and Vlogging

The support that we are able to give to ourselves and others within blogging and vlogging is tremendous. Our words are seeds of support and assistance.  I know our days can be quite hectic with a jam packed schedule of time managed responsibilities and obligations.  What I do also know, is that even in a very busy day/week it is possible to have a few moments to write something down and or record some sharing words of support. The internet is an amazing thing we have here as global platform for all of us to come together. I mean, the words you share here, who knows who you may support and assist.  Our words are impacting change and influence. Our words are the building blocks of creation. Obviously it is cool to share the building blocks of creation with one another. Self-expansion is possible through sharing as a point of working and walking together.  Our words are a point of feedback for one another.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the practical point in sharing my words daily through blogging and vlogging as the gift I would like to receive.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having made excuses and justifications as to why I am not blogging and vlogging.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for neglecting to see the practicality in daily vlogging.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself having neglected to make time for blogging/vlogging.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for thinking that it's better for me not to blog or vlog at all if I don't have a lot of time available on a particular day.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for thinking that I write/speak a big amount of words or I don't speak/write at all.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for doubting the significance of a few words.

When and as I see myself making excuses and justifications as reasons I am considering within my mind as why I am not able to blog and or vlog today, I stop and breathe, I see and realise the ridiculously absurd limitation I am creating within my mind as a point of self sabotage. I realise and understand that I could make a vlog while travelling, or even taking a shit....I mean I realize I could take 2-5 minutes out of my day to record a video.  I realize I could take another 2 minutes later in the day to post the video.  I realize I could write a blog...or open up the beginning of a blog in a 5 minute window... i mean... I realize and see the possibility of utilizing my time....I realize I could put a blog together throughout the taking 5, 5 minute breaks to compromise a blog of 25 minutes of labor.  I realize there is so many ways for me to make it possible for me to share a daily blog and vlog. I realize I could write and or record a blog/vlog or a couple and post them at another time. I realize there is so many ways possible to effectively manage the time to share words of assistance and support.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for neglecting to realise and understand that there is so many ways for me to be creative in sharing words of assistance and support.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the tremendous value within sharing words of support on the internet.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the internet as like a global historical track record of and as our global positioning/stance as a daily reflection of who and how we are here within and as the living words.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for negating myself-responsibility within and as the living words.

I commit myself to utilizing the internet as a platform of assistance and support as a place to make and create a historical track record of my sharing process of living words of assistance and support as I journey to life.

I commit myself to giving as I like to receive.

I commit myself to receiving as I like to give.

I commit myself to writing and vlogging.

I commit myself to living the significance of words.

I commit myself to sharing words.

I commit myself to enjoying the process of sharing words.

I commit myself to encouraging others to share their words.