I had an interesting dream last night where I was at a friend's place and I discovered a hidden room...like this whole area within the house that I had never seen before. I was marveling about the area and was really quite pleased with discovering the area...and the cupboard closets were filled with goodies, like everything I could want...the words lucky charms come to mine as I think I recall there being lucky charms cereal and that was a really big deal to me...it's funny as I look at the word cereal, I sound out, "see real". What's also interesting about this dream is that after moments of marveling, I asked myself how I could have missed knowing about this space...and so I further examined the area re-tracing my steps to the back entrance and then I had an aha moment as it was like oh ya, well that's obvious that the stairs at the back of the kitchen also lead upstairs...I saw and realised how I had forgotten about this space in the house as a result of having neglected going up those stairs in the back of the house...how I had just avoided them...
This dream reveals to me the point of investigating that which I avoid doing/going where I resist going....and within this, the point that everything is here and how much access I have to see what is here is entirely up to me...as like whether or not I am willing myself to investigate the totality of here...as like all of myself...and the point of not just settling with less than a full investigation of reality here so that I can see for real...as like this is the self-investigative process...and the process is difficult from the perspective that one has to be constantly pushing ones own comfort zone as like the cure/prevention mechanism that insures there is no compromising settlements within one's process...as like giving up is not an option and there is no plea bargains so to speak...as only the best work/investigation/commitment is acceptable.
To be Continued....
Cool Mike!