I've been watching this show called, "White Collar" which is about a con expert who specializes in fraud and theft.
As a result of watching the show, the point has come to mind that there is so much effort that goes into committing forms of fraud/theft....and the point that if as much effort when into planning cons as planning the necessary steps for a new world system that would be best for all Life here, than we would in fact have a perfect system in place.
It's interesting to consider that everyone here is a part of the ultimate con which is our world systems in place...as like the daily living as the rules and regulations about how commerce functions...as like it is OK for a system to exist which deliberately results in extreme exploitation of Life.
If we look at our individual participation within the ultimate con it's about self interested accommodations at the expense of everyone else...as like fuck it as like as I get my reward/prize/loot than whatever else happens...that's just part of the con game...and everyone is responsible for making sure they got what they need...and if they don't...then well there's just not that smart and deserve to get conned because it's a survival of the fittest mentality...where if you are not ruthlessly deceptive than you are the victim or ruthless exploitation which is like justified as this is just how things work...it's part of Life...it's how Life functions...
Someone said to me the other day in reference to humans survival instincts as like survival of the fittest and harming other life as a means of self subsistence...to just look at the animal kingdom and see that they do the same type of things as humans....
I asked this person if they considered that it was self evident that humans are the dominant species on the planet on account of our deceptive ruthlessness as like looking at the effects of humanity on planet earth...and within this to consider that the animal and insect kingdoms are a reflection of the human kingdom from the perspective that the human kingdom is like the parent to the animal and insect kingdoms as like a point of care and support...and within this to see that we are doing a really brutal job of providing stable living conditions for all animals and insects here....I mean, as humans...were not working together within the functioning of our designed global systems......
These insights have forced me to challenge my own participation's here and to see how my starting point has always been about my own personal amusement and just really about sustaining a good life for myself without really regarding all Life around me...which is totally absurd...and so,
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for neglecting all Life within the decisions I make.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for expecting someone else to be accountable for figuring things out and working towards a better world.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for wanting a world that's best for all Life...but thinking that I can continue to exist as a representation of disregard for all Life by just focusing on self interested pursuits for my own personal amusement.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for thinking that if I just care a little bit about all Life here...and do a little bit to support all Life here...than I am OK to continue to leverage the ultimate con that is in place for my benefit at the expense of those who weren't as ruthless and deceptive as I was.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding myself as a con man as a result of myself leveraging a good life within a system that is totally corrupted...and neglecting to really contribute ways that are best to alleviate the corruption in the current system so that a new world order can be created that assists ans supports all Life.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not wanting to see my behaviour and participation's as ruthlessly deceptive.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for resisting to always operate from the starting point of what's best for all Life...because that goes against me pulling a fraudulent act where I am able to benefit self interested pursuits that is totally legitimized as acceptable and regarded as OK within existing in this world as part of the ultimate con game being played/pulled.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to limit my intelligence and abilities/capabilities to contributing to the creation of a world that is best for all Life because I am able to exist within the current con game with effortless ease...as like a person who is able to get by within the ultimate con and satisfy self interested indulgences/desires.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not wanting to see and understand my starting point for existing here as being rooted in self interested indulgences/desires as like points of preoccupation to distract me from existing a person of the highest integrity and dignity, as like a person who will do whatever it takes to create the necessary planning for the implementation of a new world order which supports the living well being of all Life.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding what a waste of time it is to be here and to not regard what is best for all Life at all times...and to be actively participating in looking at the problems that exist here by creating solutions as the necessary problem solving as the necessary actions required to put a stop to the ultimate con game.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for trying to juggle ego self interest and have compassion for all Life...as like playing both sides of the fence...I realise and understand the middle road as the greatest deception...and I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for taking a middle road approach within being a part of the ultimate con existing here as the ruthless exploitation of life for self interested benefit as like the pursuit of individual happiness at the expense of keeping other individuals hostage from the pursuit of happiness...and I realise and understand that to make a life for myself where I am able to just indulge in self interested pursuits and not give a shit really about the world around me, like not really do anything to be actively remedying the problems that exist, is in fact an indication of a mental disorder as like a total disassociation as Life which is in fact to exist here as like a waste of space an resources.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for neglecting my resourcefulness in assisting and supporting the facilitation of a new world order which honors and values Life with integrity and dignity.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for expecting others to be accountable for Life before I should have to be accountable for Life...and I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for waiting to dedicate my every breath to becoming Life as what's best for all Life.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for being resistance to changing in all ways that is best for life...out of fear that I will get screwed in the ultimate con game existing here as a result of giving up participation within and as contributing player in the human deception.
I commit myself to stopping the human deception which is the disregard for all Life.
I commit myself to aligning myself in ways that I can be resourceful in assisting and supporting the facilitation of a new world order which is best for all Life here.
I commit myself to stop limiting myself from being resourceful and creative in bringing forth solutions that are best in solving the problems that exist here.
I commit myself to giving myself integrity, dignity and honor as the words necessary to becoming the living accountability and responsibility as what's best for all Life.
I commit myself to actively solving problems as like making problem solving a life vocation as the self-realisation that problems require solutions that are best for all Life here...and that I am capable and able of solving problems with the basic mathematical simplicity of 1+1=2 as common sense understanding and reasoning.
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