The physical body is always communicating. The physical body is an instrument of communication. The human body exists as a result of communication.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for neglecting to pay attention to my human body physical communication.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having many times just kind of ignored symptoms as specific human body communications because symptoms didn't seem severe.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for resisting to pay attention to communication unless I regard the communication as "severe"
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for believing that I don't have to pay that close of attention to things that are not in a severe state....because of the belief that things don't need to be fixed if they are not "severe"
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having limited my ability to regard physical body communication from the perspective of not really paying the much attention unless the I believe the human physical body symptoms to be severe.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having waited in many instances for myself to be in a severe situation before acting/moving myself.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for suppressing the communication understanding of prevention is the best cure and within this understanding it's important to regard and monitor as like take note of all communication that is existing within oneself/environment/world.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding the extent to which communication is everything.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding the interconnectedness of communication as sound-expression.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having neglected to take care to make sure all words that exist within me are planted from and as a starting point of equality and oneness as the roots of creation here as what is best for Life.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having neglected non-verbal communication.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for resisting to thoroughly investigate my non verbal physical reactions.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding the extent to which I am making a statement in every moment as physical body communication.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding the human body as the point of self-honesty.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding how my physical body assists and supports me to understand Life physicality as Oneness and Equality.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having had a bad attitude about physical body communication as like not really seeing and understanding the significance of self-maintenance/government.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding my physicality as a point of self-governance.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for neglecting to see physical body communication as a result of distracting myself with what I hear.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding the extent of what it means to see and hear here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have difficulty with common sense in some moments.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having resisted to listen to listen to my physical body communication.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for taking my human physical body for granted.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for neglecting to realise and understand the profound magnificence of my human physical body.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for taking my physical human body of profound magnificence for granted.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for suppressing the awesomeness which is is the human physical body as sound agreements working/playing together from the starting point of what is best for the whole body is best for me. I realise and understand the point that each part contributes to the whole connection and that each part is integral in being the best.
Thank You!
A treat, a serendipitous discovery/treasure/cool musical expression....In Joy!
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