important shit

Friday 14 June 2013

Day 367 How to Write Support

Day 367 How to Write Support

Within looking at what I will write about for this blog, I see that there are many different points that I require to look at. I realise the point of writing as a platform of assistance and support in walking self correction…is to write about any point within the day where I had a reaction/thought/feeling/emotion and investigate further…as like correlating the memory experience to what triggered the reaction outflow…and open the point up with self forgiveness. I see that there is so much opportunity to write everyday from the perspective that more than one or 2 thoughts come up within me throughout the day…and this is indicative of my self dishonesty…as I see and realise I have much work to do.

I was somewhat hesitant about beginning this blog as like not sure what point I wanted to write about today…and within this I see that my starting point for looking at what point to write about is unclear from the perspective that it’s like I'm looking and waiting for my thoughts to direct me into  choosing the point for me that I should write about. I see this as like choosing to write from the perspective of being directed on a train of thought…as like not being totally clear within and as directive principle.

I see how I can utilize what comes up within my mind as a point of support as like I can for instance see what I have the most resistance to writing about and write about that as a point of strength training so to speak…as like pushing myself within and as self willed directive principle as facing what I resist seeing that exists within me.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding how I can use resistance within my mind as a point of support in choosing what to focus my journey to Life blog upon for the day as a point of assistance and support in walking self correction. I realise and understand that sometimes my blog is a direct continuation from the previous day…in that I am continuing where I left off within investigating the topic/point that was opened up the previous day…and within this I see and understand how sometimes a new point opens up for me to investigate and self correct/realign as equality and oneness as a result of thoroughly investigating a point.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having avoided sometimes going into writing about points where I have lots of resistance and within this…looking for a point to write about where I don’t have very much or any resistance. I realise and understand that I am not really helping myself by avoiding to write about points of resistance and choosing to write about points where there is little to no resistance….I realise pushing a point where there is a little resistance, equal a little support…and pushing a point in writing where there is lots of resistance, equals lots of support.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing   myself for not realising and understanding the point of support within taking on points where I have lots resistance.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding that using resistance as a tool in writing opens up support I am able to receive from my writing

When and as I see myself having a strong resistance towards writing about a particular point, I stop and breathe and I realise and understand this is an indication of the point that is to be investigated and self corrected as I use resistance as my Life map as the way to get myself closer to Life as realising this is a pit stop destination on the Journey to Life.

When and as I see myself thinking about what to write, I stop and breathe, I look specifically at what I don’t want to write about that happened within my day…as I find the point of friction and Push myself to expose myself to myself I realise and understand how utilising resistance as a measurement indicator in determining what point I should give my immediate attention to.

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