important shit

Friday 14 June 2013

Day 358 Awakening to Purpose

Day 358 Awakening to Purpose

I just read Creations Journey to Life Blog “Day 390 Awakening to Purpose”. I suggest reading it.

Within reading the blog it assisted me in facing the point that participating within the Journey to Life blogging is showing where you stand within process and is a measurement of self-respect...and within this how each being regards all of existence.

I’d like to take this opportunity to do some self-forgiveness with regards to my blogging participation.  After writing the blog “Day 356 Figure It Out”  I was unsatisfied with my writing and kind of embarrassed that I would share such a blog. Also, within the blog I mention the point about the importance of words as being like a point of influence and how it is essentially my word relations that is why I am existing the way I am existing within my ego. Also, I felt like that blog I wrote was just kind of a free flowing ramble…like I was searching for I don’t know what…as like I was experimenting so to speak in just writing without direction really…as like I was trying to find direction as support within just having written a little bit about a point that had come up within me with regards to the phrase, “figure it out” Also I experienced extensive judgement within myself about that blog…and also some judgement and resentment bout the blog, “Day 355 Just Justifying Juxtaposition” as within this blog it’s like initially I had a positive reaction about writing this blog…and it kind of showcases how I have often tried to put positive spins on things…and within my writing’s and day to day living place myself within and as a position of superiority.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding the point of respect within writing and participating within the 7year Journey to Life blogging commitment.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for holding onto the emotion of embarrassment for the blogs I have previously written and within this I realise and understand how I can use my blogs as a point of support in walking self correction as I realign self-respect from ego self interest to what is best for all Life.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for reacting to the writing of blogs as within my blogging I expose my acceptances and allowances as like where and how I stand and what I am one and equal with and as.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having resentment about past writings as like what I accepted and allowed myself to exist as….and within this I realise the patience and discipline required in correcting myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for putting positive spins on things as like a way to manipulate reality from a point of self interest where I am a beneficiary at the expense of others…and within this I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for being abusive to Life as lie disregarding Life for personal selfish reasoning.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to for blogging from a point of superiority and for living from within the perspective of being better than others…and it being of importance to my day to day living as holding onto my ego so to speak as like me being better/smarter than other beings.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself fro neglecting Life respect within  my writing as like disregarding and dismissing the importance of my commitment to walking the Journey to Life Process. I realise the importance and practicality of writing daily as a measure of respect for Life as a visible way to share the process of change as like this is a real act of intimacy so to speak because in bringing up points this is a sharing/opening up of myself as vulnerability and willing myself to face the brutality of my ego nature and let go of myself as a brutal ego so to speak…as like a return to nothingness so that that I prove myself capable and able to reprogram myself as that which is always best for Life.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for submitting blogs within the point of just writing something down that is within me to share as like to show that yest I am committed to writing and see I have written something today…..and within this I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have written blogs without self-direction and like mind rambling backchat as my acceptances and allowances as like my view/perspective within thoughts/feelings/emotions as like just saying shit.

When and as I see myself dismissing the importance of my sharing of words within blogging, I stop and breathe and I realise and understand the practical  assistance and support within sharing words…as like I realise and understand words to be a measure/reflection of myself as where I am at within process.

When and as I see myself writing without self-direction…as like just putting stuff down for the sake of putting words out there as like to represent myself as applying myself within Journey to Life process….and within this I realise and understand the absurd ridiculousness of misrepresenting myself as what is best for all  Life…as like essentially being a faker/fraudster of what is best for all Life.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for being a faker/fraudster of what is best for all Life within and as disregarding the point of respect within writing my blogs.

When and as I am beginning to write my blog, I recall the point of respect as I realise and understand I am writing for me and you as you is me so to speak as like you is me in another Life and I am you in the same way…and within this I place myself as writing to and all of existence.

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