important shit

Friday 14 June 2013

Day 361 Insignificance

Day 361 Insignificance

I just watched the movie “Insignificance”.  It a fictitious tale about Albert Einstein and Marilyn Monroe spending/sharing some time together. The movie parlayed the point about the ridiculousness of fame and how Albert Einstein and Marilyn Monroe both liked and sought for their own time…as like not liking all the publicity.

The point came up within me today where I was comparing myself to others within the tree planting camp from the perspective of thinking about how others had all kinds of free time because of lack of commitments/responsibilities. I was a little bit envious and jealous for a moment. I went into self-forgiveness at work for my thoughts about this.

After watching the movie I looked at the point about the functioning of existence as all contributing parts…meaning that all parts are vital to the functioning of existence. I looked at the ridiculousness of fame within humanity as like how people are worshiped as like false idols in a sense and how this contributes to the fuckedness/wackness/inhumane behavior of mankind.

The other day I saw Selena Gomez on TV and a few of her words stuck with me…specifically when she said, “how it’s important about having a positive circle of people around you as that’s key for success”…I might be paraphrasing slightly but the emphasis was being surrounded by positive people. I looked at this point in relation to fame and wealth as like I considered how wealthy people distance themselves from the poor. I looked at the point of how everyone is here whether rich or poor…and positive of negative…and I mean the positive and the negative is like two sides of the same coin... as I've come to see how the positive is fueled from the negative so to speak…and if you look at how war exists from the perspective of conflict its positive versus negative as like differing beliefs/perceptions on what’s good and what’s bad….as like it’s all relative so to speak…as like the person perceives themselves as good and the other as bad….and vice versa.

The point has come up within me many times where I think about how the gas station attendant is an important and essential job…and I correlate this specifically with how it’s ridiculous that a gas station attendant isn't regarded with the money of a celebrity or a doctor. Both the doctor and the celebrity are reliant upon the gas station attendant to fuel/service their vehicle.  The point has been made that it doesn't take a lot of skill/effort to be a gas station attendant and therefore gas station attendants shouldn't be paid as much as a celebrity or a doctor. This is ridiculous logical manipulation from the perspective of arguing for self-imposed limitation.

Were all relatives so to speak as were all here on the earth and everything is relative from the perspective that everything relates whether we choose to acknowledge the relations here or not.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for choosing to not acknowledge all relations here as everything being relative as like all is connected so to speak as like we are all here.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for judging and comparing my relatives and placing value upon relatives worth based on their functioning skills.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for being jealous and envious of people who I see as having no responsibilities/commitments.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for just wanting free time.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for being selfish in just wanting free time when I see and realise much work is required to be done to walk the self-correction process of my mind consciousness system and within this the total world systems so that we can get to a point where humanity is regarding all time as value as like all Life being of equal value.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to discriminate and judge others within time as like regarding my time as more value than others.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding how we are all together significant or independently insignificant as like a total agreement working together as a harmonious whole as the best functionality or chaotic sporadic independent free choice to function however we desire without consideration for all other parts/beings.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understanding how my Life is of no significance if I don’t live from the perspective of always considering all Life as like operating within and as the principle of what’s best for all Life here….because without regarding all Life within the equation of being here…a vital relationship connection is missed/lost and therefore any time here was essentially insignificant and wasted/abused/disregarded.

I commit myself to sharing/exposing the ridiculousness of fame.

I commit myself to sharing/exposing the ridiculousness of not valuing all time and Life Here.

I commit myself to sharing/exposing how everyone requires the best support.

I commit myself to learning how to live as what’s best for all Life.

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