Reactions of Emotions/Feelings Dimension:
When and as I see myself defining weed within memories as feeling really positive and happy about smoking weed, I stop and breathe and I realise the ridiculousness of reacting to memories with feelings or emotions as like holding and energy buzz within myself from the starting point of friction. I direct myself in discharging all energetic frictions within myself by making note of and as any polarized energies within myself as either positive or negative charge...and I investigate further to get to the roots of charges against myself. lol...I smile/gigle/laugh/joke as a moment of seeing the ridiculousness/funny here as part of walking process here.
When and as I see myself reacting to someone being really excited and or happy in realtion to weed smoking, I stop and breathe and I realise a reaction here indicates me not recognising a point within myself as having acted out the weed character in this particular way. I direct myself in releasing energetic friction within myself, I share the funny/ridiculousness of my past relationship with weed as a quick sharing of words of support without getting preachy and self righteous about weed. I LOL.
When and as I see myself reacting to people smoking weed, I stop and breathe, I realise the ridiculousness of taking people's doings personally. I see the funny ridiculous nature of reacting easily to people in my environment and I realise every reaction is an opportunity for a moment of clarity as gift giving here as opening up present of self realisation.
When and as I see myself getting into emotions and feelings about weed as like low energies or high energies, I stop and breathe and I realise the ridiculousness of mind fucking within the polarity spectrum of high's and lows and I realise I do not miss deliberatley mind fucking within the high's and lows of ups and downs as mind fucking.
When and as I see myself reacting to being around weed or sharing stories/realisations about weed as like getting worried and scared, I stop and breathe and I realise the ridiculousness of fearing crucifixion for exposing past relations with weed or someone getting in trouble for weed possession.
When and as I see myself reacting to someone feeling really satisifed with themselves after smoking weed, I stop and brethe and I realise there is a gift/opportunity here as a point of self realisation/correction in seeing a point that had been suppressed within myself. I realise the nastyness of jealousy and spite and I realise the ridiculousness of holding onto emotional regret as like self condemnation. I make note of any energetic movement within myself and I investigate further to release and discharge friction from within myself.
When and as I see myself craving the experience of getting high, I stop and breathe and I realise the support in checking myself with breath before I wreck myself within mind fucking. I realise I am faced with a point of transcendence here as to not be directed by my mind into temptation as like to escape my accepted and allowed emotional shit and get high. I make a point of investigating myself to see why it is I crave a high experience. I walk self-forgiveness and slef correction in real time as practical living moment to moment management here.
When and as I see myself reacting to people smoking weed as superior/inferior, I stop and breathe and i realise the ridiculousness of creating juxta position relations as like master/slave relations that lack real physical intimacy in sharing and expressing as practical living together here. I direct myself in changing my vision from limitation to equality and oneness as all being connected here.
When and as I see myself judging people smoking as like assessing how cool or not cool I think they are, I stop and breathe and I realise the fuckedness of creating and harbouring polarity frictioned judgements about people within myself and I realise that any polarity friction judgement I hold onto within myself is expressing the way in which I regard and accept myself to exist here. I walk process of correcting my relationship with myself here as self intimacy enhancement as in to me I see when and as I have any reaction.
When and as I see myself reacting with uncertainty to people smoking weed as like all of a sudden becoming stoned like in my expression as like being uncertain as to how I should express myself, I stop and breathe, smile as the ridiculous absurd funny in the moment as I realise the wow in mind fucking as like fucking wow, ok I get it, got it, self-forgive/self-correct breath inward and outward as new self expression here.
Behaviour Systems Dimension:
When and as I see myself projecting proclamations of positive feelings and emotions about how much I liked portraying/being a weed character, I stop and breathe and I realise the ridiculousness of going into a thought/feeling/emotion energetic possesion as like an unnecessary mind fuck that can be avoided. I direct myself in noting positive feeling energetic charge connotation and I face point of friction within myself and I allow myself to have a laugh/smile in seeing/transcending a point of fear as like moving through the ridiculous absurdity and seeing the funny within and as it.
Commitment Statements:
I commit myself to utilise my insight and understanding aboout weed and my relationship within and as using weed to assist and support others with insight and understanding as words of support that will facilitate clarity as like removing the fog/haze of drug abuse.
I commit myself to not being a self righteous preacher about weed.
I commit myself to play within what I say as words of practical support for people dealing with the point of weed addiction/dependency/abuse.
I commit myself to stopping particpation within reactions I have towards people smoking weed.
I commit myself to utilising self corrective scripts of support when faced with a point with regards to weed.
I commit myself to living the changes I wish to become.
I commit myself to greatness.
I commit myself to self-expression.
I commit myself to releasing all energteic friction from within myself.
I commit myself to sharing the ridiculous absurdity of my weed relations.
I commit myself to not judging peope who are smoking weed.
I commit myself to ending any and all conflict/friction about weed.
I commit myself to self-forgiveness and self corrective statements as real tools of self-support in giving/providing myself access to the Awe-So-Me-Nest of Life Awesomeness.
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