This blog is partly in response to reading Creation's Journey to Life, Day 351: Desteni, Equal Money, Zeitgeist, and Occupy Wall Street. Also, Day 352: Occupy Wall Street and Zeitgeist: Can the 99% Count? http://creationsjourneytolife.blogspot.com/
I remember watching Zeitgeist years ago and other documentaries about global corruption and I became really apathetic about changes being made that are best for all Life coming through democratic processes. In fact, I believed politics to be a comical broadway production. I looked at the word politics and I saw poly-tics...meaning to me, many blood suckers....and the information I had taken in through various well researched documnetaries outlined and detailed scenarios of shady business. Including economics, politics...assasinations, war, religion, mind control experiments, government, media/hollywood, millitary expenditures, propoganda, psychology, spirituality, pharmaceuticals, medicine and health
For a long while, I became consumed with anger about the state of world affairs and really just experienced a sense of hopelessness as like ya I'm mad is fuck and I just want the world systems as they exist to collapse and within the collapse we can re-build a world that is best for all. I figured I would always be able to survive no matter what type of crazy shit storm I was within...and so within this apathetic view I had about worldly indevours as basically justifying that it is not necessary to work within the system to change because I believed everyone and everything is just to far gone...like totally hopeless....yet within this all, I didnt realise the point of myself created hoplessness within myself as consequence of self righteousness...because I wanted and I still do, to manifest Heaven on Earth...yet I didnt believe everyone was capable of wanting Heaven on Earth to manifest...it's like I felt special in knowing how messed up things were and It seems at an unconscious level I was possessed by my own anger addiction as like a self righteous indignation....and so, I was of the thinking well...I might as well just have fun...do whatever the fuck I want because nothing matters, everything is going to collapse eventually.
I didn't realise the point of disempowering myself within this frame of mind of just living for the experiences of today as like a well the world's fucked up, I dont want it to be fucked up but there's nothing I can do because people are to fucked up and are never going to change. It's like I had created this defense mode within my ego as like a self preservation mechanism to prevent me from stepping out of my self defined lens of perception and seeing that change that is best for all Life here is practical and simple and is a matter of self willed determination here as utilising the structures here to bring about the means necessary which is always best.
In Creation's Jourey to Life blogs, that I mention above, the point is noted about the majority vs the minority...as like was shown in the occupy wall street movements as 99% vs 1%....and the point was noted within political processes of needing 51% of the vote...and well if you look at the numbers of people here as the 99% vs the 1% it's clear that if the majority of people here work within the system to change the system to what is best for all Life through democratic processes...than solutions which is best for all Life becomes self evident.
The point was also noted how resistance is fuelled through accepted and allowed conflict. This is obviously exposed within protests/revolutions...as like the anarchist type behviour results in increase of chaotic mayhem results in more security systematic upgrades of security measures taken to protect the status quo as that being government rule.
So, I'd like to take this opportunity Here, to forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for contributing to the global mayhem existence as consequence of doubting myself and my fellow human beings as consequence of buying into apathetic helplessness as a spawned self righteous indignation burried within my unconscious programming.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to resist moving within the system structures to my greatest potential as consequence of doubting the impact of my movement as a standing as what's best for all Life and within this, my ability to initiate and facilitate change that will lead to the manifestation of Heaven on Earth.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to think, "shit is just to fucked up and most people are just to fuuucked for any realy great change to happen through a democratic process and that the world must totally collapse through chaos as consequence of everyone realising the fuckedness of the situation and just reacting within a crazy stuper as like manifested consequence of harboured self righteous indignation."
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand that through particpating within the current world system it is possible to change the world system to a world system that is best for all Life.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that I should just focus on myself interested ways of entertaining myself here and let the world system remain as it is because I cant do anything because things are just to messed up and it's going to take people in more powerful positions within the world system to decided that they want to chnage the system to something that is best for all Life.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to give power to the minority global elite as like the 1% here by believing that they hold the power in determing global relations as the quality of living for all Life here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand that it is the self responsibility of the 99% to take self directed action in realising our duties as creators here to fix the problems that we've accepted and allowed through and as abdication of self responsibility.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand that the 100% of Life will benefit from an Equal Money System because even those who don't believe in an equal Money System do not realise how they are harming themselves in fact and are therefore suffering from a mental delusion and therefore require mental help.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have been addicted to apthy as like a helplessness within myself as like this is just the way things are and there's nothing I can really do about it...so I might as well just try to create as many as positive energy experiences I can for myself...because I don't want to consider the fact that I am staring great change in the face and Im the authority in enabling great change and therfore I am also the tyrant suppressor of great change as consequence of not realising myself responsibility to enact myself as a leading example of great change through starting with myself corrective processes of self forgiveness as I place myself to work within the system in the most effective ways and share my expression of myself here as a branded Life commitment as what is always best for Life and being and becoming the manifestation of Heaven on Earth here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to forget about myself as the authority figure in determing my story here as the author of my very own creation in manifesting Heaven on Earth Here and that my story is connected to Your story because all stories are connected as our history Here and it is our self responsibility here as beings within History to create that which is all ways great so that greatness can be our contribution to future generations and we change the cycles of abuse from a devolution to an eveolution greatness of living here as what is always Best.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to create reasoning and justification and reasoning within my mind to remain within my mind consciousness programming as abdication of self responsibilities here to assist and support in establishing an Equal Money System as a World that values money on the starting point of and as Life being of the highest value and is in no way compromisable in integrity and dignity.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to look at others within disgust and hopeless as consequence of seeing the extent to which mind consciousness programming limmits individual self expression and seeing common sense simplicity as that which is always best for Life.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear coming off as self righteous in talking straight forth about the situations that are presented here for all to face within and as self responsibility.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to make assumptions about beings based on my feelings and emotions and thoughts.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand the extent to which I have argued for my self imposed limitations as consequence of pplacing my trust and faith and hope within thoughts/feelings/emotions.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to take on the attiude of I don't want to have to get too involved with the whole process of changing the world system.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to judge and compare myself to other beings within the world system.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand that the process of manifesting Heaven on Earth as that which is always best for Life is in no way a competition because the manifestation of Heaven on Earth in all ways is an agreement as Life Equality and Oneness merged and fused into creation as self becoming the living words always Here as life birthed from the physical as consequence of purifying the law of our Beingness as that which is all ways best.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to bitch and moan and complain beyond measure about the extent of global fuckedness.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to take the extent of the problems personally Here as like to place myself within and as states of emotional/feeling instability as consequence of indugling within mind consciousness as polarized energies.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise the resistance of believing that just sending positive and law vibrations is the way to facilitate great change within our shared reality.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand the mental delusions of positive thinking brainwashing as like a form of self hypnosis as consequence of accepting and allowing the dark nastiness as the depths of fear within and as our beingness to remain in tact as consequence of fearing to face self as the nastiest mother fucker of all time.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand the simplicity of the solution to creating as world which is best for all Life through and as the democratic process as the means to facilitating an Equal Money System so that Life is regarded as the highest value Here.
I commit myself to releasing all conflict and friction within myself.
I commit myself to walking process of self change through and as self forgiveness and self corrective statements.
I commit myself to re-scripting myself in ways that are always best for Life.
I commit myself to moving through each and every memory within myself to face the energetic acceptances and allowances as characterizations within myself.
I commit myself to working within the system to change the system.
I commit myself to understanding how to work within the system to change the system to that which is always best.
I commit myself to sharing the simplicity and awesomeness of manifesting Heaven on Earth Here.
I commit myself to a Leadership Position within sharing the simplicity and awesomenss of manifesting Heaven on Earth Here.
I commit myself to speaking words of assistance and support as the menas necessary in fostering self realisation and practical living solutions that are always best for Life.
I commit myself to becoming the world I wish to see.
I commit myself to utilising what is here as the means necessary to facilitate change that is best for all Life.
I commit myself to enjoy process of letting go of that which is not best for all Life and playing with that which is best for all Life Here.
I commit myself to sharing myself expression Here as Awe-So-Me as the science of Awesome as You is Me in another Life and Me is You in another Life...so the message is clear that, that which is best for all Life is always the Best as I am always included within the equation of that which is always best because I gift myself with self forgiveness and I realize and understand the principle of give as you would like to receive.
When and as I see myself projecting blame and justification, I stop and breathe, I realise the ridiuclousness of such actions, I smile and giggle to myself as I realise myself responsibility Here within and as my self-trust and self-honesty as the integrity and dignity to walk process of facilitating that which is always best as the Law of my Being here.
When and as I see myself thinking about giving up on myself, I stop and breathe, I realise the ridiculousness within thinking about giving up on myself as like no reason is acceptable as I am Here as the authority author of me to write/live become the story as that which is always best for Life and giving up on myself as the gift and opportunity as eternal Life glory and greateness cannot be let go of because it is the core of my beingness as always that which is best for Life as my Life force essence.
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