I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand the dedication and time required within and as the process of and as the Journey to Life.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand that the commitment to Journey to Life means that busyness is part of the process.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand the delays I have put on my process as consequence of having lacked the discipline to always keep myself busy within points that require to be self-directed and within this I realise that just because I am busy doent mean there isn't time for moments of play...but I realise the self discipline required in sticking to the task at hand as the labor required to birth myself as Life from the physical.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to half ass my Journey to Life process as consequence of taking more time to rest than I need.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to abuse the point of entertainment on my Journey to Life.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have had resistance to the work and discipline required in directed self movement as the Jounrey to Life.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing to not realise and understand that the challenges I am faced with are difficult and challenging because the Journey to Life is the most difficult and challenging Journey an Being has ever embarked upon.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feel like shit when I realise my mistakes.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be embarassed of mistakes.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand the ridiculousness of dwelling within mistakes as like there is no time to waste on the Journey to Life and dwelling is an unnecessary delay/mistake that can be avoided by realising and undertanding mistakes as positive feedback as like a seeing the way forward as self honesty within and as self direction.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have fucked with myself on the Journey to Life as consequence of judging the journey when in actuality I am journeying into the the complete unknown darkness and to judge the process of into the unknown darkness is ridiculous.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand the awesome opportunity it is Here to Journey to Life.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to take for granted this awesome opportunity as the Journey to Life.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand how fortunate I am to be commited to the Journey to Life.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to neglect the importance of every single aspect of the Journey to Life as each part of the Journey is of equal importance as the Journey is an accumulation of points/parts as like putting together the whole of myself Here as Life.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand the Journey to Life is not automated as like moving as consequence of a buzz/high/positive energy and that movement within and as the process as the Journey to Life is from the starting point of Oneness and Equality as what's best for all and will therefore be a working progress/process as bit, by bit,...word, by word,...piece by piece...I piece myself back together again as like a final at peace as to be no more existing within and as conflict/friction.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising and understand my mistakes as key points of assistance and support in assiting and supporting myself with self direction so to balance myself as what is always best for Life and within this have preventative measures in place that I have established to keep me from falling astray on the Journey to Life.
I realise this most awesome opportunity as the Journey to Life.
I realise myself responsibility as this most awesome opportunity as the Journey to Life.
I realise I am committed to the Journey to Life.
I realise Journey to Life is like a Life-Time commitment to work as hard as possible.
I realise Journey to Life commitment is a full time responsibility.
I realise I am dedicating myself Here to the Journey to Life.
I realise there's no backing out of the Journey to Life.
I realise I will face great challenges on the Journey to Life and that I have the tools to handle and work through all challenges presented to me.
I realise challenges are life opportunities/gifts as like points of transcendence in moving through resistance and therfore strengthening the standing up on the Journey to Life.
I realise Journey to Life is a commitment to work and being busy doing all that I can to assist and support myself as what is always best for Life.
I commit myself to stop dwelling upon mistakes.
I commit myself to stop repeating mistakes.
I commit myself to learning from mistakes the first time so that making the same mistake twice can be avoided.
I commit myself to efficiency on Journey to Life.
I commit myself to doing whatever it takes to walk process as the Journey to Life.
I commit myself to realising my Life Force essence beyond consciousness.
I commit myself to becoming comfortable with working through discomfort.
I commit myself to Journey to Life.
I commit myself to sharing my Journey to Life.
I commit myself to all labor required in and as Journey to Life.
I commit myself to utilising ressitance as support as my Life road map in and on and as Journey to Life.
When and as I see myself faced with a point of resistance, I stop and breathe and I realise resistance is a point of self direction I am required to move through as a point of harnessing self honesty and self trust.
When and as I see myself resisting resistance, I stop and breathe and I realise the risk I must take in moving myself through resistance within and as self honesty and self trust....as I realise the Journey to Life is not without risk as I am learning to direct myself within the darkness of myself.
When and as I see myself creating excused and justifictaions within myself as to why I cannot do the labor required to be done, I stop and breathe and I realise myself responsibility Here as a working process/progress and that labor is an integral part of and as the Journey to Life. I do work.
When and as I see myself taking more time to rest than I require, I stop and breathe, I direct myself to get back to work as I realise and understand the importance of working as hard as I can as I am the work that I do. I realise taking more time to rest than I need is greedy and a point of self sabotage that is a consequence to avoid because it is not what is best for all Life.
When and as I see myself being encouraged to take more than I need, I stop and breathe and I realise what I need within and as self honesty and self trust....and that I cannot be coerced into greedy actions as consequence of living self trust and self honesty.
When and as I see myself neglecting fulltime commitment to process as Journey to Life, I stop and breathe and I realise my purpose of being here as the Journey to Life. I realise myself responsibility here as commitment to becoming Life.
When and as I see myself going into consciousness automation, I stop and breathe, I realise myself commitment to the Journey to Life and I flex my muscles as an act of orgasmic self expression in aligning myself within and as physical stability as I continue within and as Journey to Life process.
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