Backchat Dimension:
When and as I see myself thinking that weed should be legal and grown everywhere, I stop and breathe and I realise the ridiculousness of creating a rebellious attitude and relationship towards weed. I realise I spawned the thinking that weed should be everywhere as a way to fulfill my desires for weed. I realise that I do not require weed to be fulfilled.
When and as I see myself forming perceptions and opinions in my mind about weed, I stop and breathe and I realise the ridiculousness of stroking my ego as current mind consciousness systems that are still existing within myself.
When and as I see myself thinking that I am smart for smoking weed and that smart people smoke weed and that people who are more intelligent generally smoke weed compared to people who are not intelligent, I stop and breathe and I realise the ridiculousness of fueling polarity friction within myself as within existing as a comparison character. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist as a comparison character.
When and as I see myself thinking that weed is like a sink or swim attitude and it's really just a truth serum, I stop and breathe and I realise I am in the process of disengaging mind consciousness systems that have been existing within myself and that to complete and effective with the removal of mind consciousness programming my mind consciousness programming will test me as awareness here to see where I stand within myself.
When and as I see myself thinking and believing that anyone who doesn't really like smoking weed is fearful of facing the fear within themselves, I stop and breathe and I reflect upon my backchat as words to consider applying to myself as like how I used weed as an escape as consequence of fearing to face myself.
When and as I see myself believing that anyone who doesn't really like smoking weed is fearful within themselves, I stop and breathe and I realise the ridiculousness bullshit of my backchat as creating blameprojectionss onto others as a way to keep me within mind conscious programming of self righteousness. I realise myself responsibility in not giving into skewed views/perceptions of reality. I direct myself to breathe in realising myself as being aware of my mind conscious programming. I forgive myself.
When and as I see myself thinking about smoking weed as being the key to understanding the mind, I stop and breathe and I realise that I am the key to understanding my mind. I realise the ridiculousness in projecting weed as like a saviour substance.
When and as I see myself thinking that smoking weed is the key to understanding the mind, I stop and breathe I realise myself as the key here.
When and as I see myself thinking that weed amplifies self realisations, I stop and breathe and I realise the ridiculousness of making a case for the greatness of weed.
When and as I see myself thinking that I should make a dessert and put weed in it and give it to my parents without telling them, I stop and breathe and I realise the ridiculousness of desiring to drug my parents. I realise the absurdity here.
When and as I see myself thinking that it would be a good idea for my mom to try smoking weed, I stop and I breathe and I realise and understand that I don't actually know that it would be a good idea for my mom to try smoking weed...and I realise the ridiculousness of projecting things I don't know to be true.
When and as I see myself placing emphasis about how great and important weed is, I stop and breathe and I realise the ridiculousness within process of releasing weed energies within myself.
When and as I see myself thinking that weed is a contributing factor to being/becoming smart, I stop and breathe and I realise the ridiculousness of weed.
When and as I see myself thinking that weed is like medicine for mind/brain, I stop and breathe and I realise I don't really know the extent of the effects/affects weed has on the mind/brain.
When and as I see myself thinking that weed was like my heroin, I stop and breathe and I realise the ridiculousness of pondering within backchat about past weed relations.
When and as I see myself thinking about weed as being whatever I need it to be, I stop and breathe and I realise the ridiculousness of making such a big deal about weed within my backchat.
When and as I see myself regarding weed as my true love, I stop and breathe and I realise the ridiculousness of my regards and I take a moment to have a smile/laugh/giggle as I realise ridiculous absurdity here.
When and as I see myself thinking that a friend in need is a friend in deed but a friend with weed is better, I stop and breathe and I realise the ridiculous absurdity of my past relations.
When and as I see myself believing/thinking that people who don't smoke weed aren't cool, I stop and breathe and I realise the ridiculousness of judging and comparing people and I realise the ridiculous absurdity of regarding smoking weed as cool.
When and as I see myself connecting the word cool to smoking weed as like a relationship to weed is the relationship with/as cool, I stop and breathe and I realise the absurd ridiculousness of drawing such connections within myself as mind conscious programming.
When and as I see myself holding onto beliefs/perceptions/ideas about the coolest ways to smoke weed, I stop and breathe and I realise the absurd ridiculousness of regarding any particular way to smoke weed as cool as like that's it...that's the cool way to smoke weed.
When and as I see myself making judgement comparisons about stoners, I stop and breathe and I realise the ridiculous absurdity of getting stuck/lost within judgement comparisons because all is a self reflection here as mirrored reflections to assist and support standing up and facing self as the self honesty of ourselves here as who/how/why and what are we doing.
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