Thought Dimension:
When and as I see myself projecting images within my mind as me looking cool and relaxed while smoking joints, I stop and breathe, I realise the ridiculousness of perpetuating these thoughts, and I realise myself responsibility in letting go of these thoughts as realising the process in discharging the accepted and allowed accumulated energy charged frictions/conflict that exist within my body as consequence of having smoked copius amounts of marijuanna.
When and as I see myself looking at a picture of myself within thought as perceiving myself as someone who is regarded as a stoner because that seems cool, I stop and breathe and I realise the ridiculousness of connecting the word cool to using drugs and thinking that using drugs is the epitome of cool. I realise the aburd ridiculousness of thinking drugs as the epitome of cool.
When and as I see myself holding onto ideas as images of myself as like someone who just likes to hangout and smoke weed, I stop and breathe, I realise the ridiculous absurdity of such ideas and I realise that I am in the process of discharging my mind consciousness programming.
When and as I see myself looking at images of myself within my mind as sitting back and busting/cutting up some weed to mix with tobacco to put into a joint, I stop and breathe and I realise I am in the process of changing myself from consciousness to awareness and that the points of my mind consciousness will come up within my mind as part of the process in testing me as to whether or not I have cleared the energy charge addcition within myself as like part of the after shock still lingering within myself.
When and as I see myself accepting and allowing myself to hold onto images of myself rolling joinsts as like a way to define myself as a weed character as like ya that's me that's who and what I am, I stop and breathe and I realise the simplicity of letting the thoughts go and not particpating in them as I realise myself commitment to transcending consciousness and moving into awareness.
When and as I see myself holding onto and looking at images of myself laying back and smoking blunts, I stop and breathe, I realise the ridiculousness of giving my time and attention to thoughts as like picking and choosing to watch a commercial based on accepted and allowed energy charges existent within myself. I realise myself responsibility in letting go of thoughts. I use thoughts as a tool of support to show me where I can continue the application of self forgiveness within myself based on any reaction to the thought that comes up within myself. If there is no reaction to the thoughts that come up within me I just let it go and I realise I am in the process of discharing consciousness energy particpations as polarized friction/conflict within myself.
Imagination Dimension:
When and as I see myself imagining myself smoking weed in different scenarios, I stop and breathe and I realise the ridiculousness of perpetuating a mind fuck within myself by creating a bubble world fantasy as like to drift of from actual physical reality within and as mental delusion. I direct myself in returning to reality by flexing my muscles in breath and realising myself responsiibility in walking process of stopping mind consciousness systems.
When and as I see myself creating future projections of myself smoking weed as like imagining myself doing it, I stop and breathe, I realise myself commitment in stopping weed addiction and I take another breath in awareness as honouring my decision to stop weed addiction.
When and as I see myself creating scenarios in my head where I am regarded as cool for smoking weed, I stop and breathe and I realise the ridiculousness of mind fucking withi myself about weed.
When and as I see myself creating smoking weed fantasises within my head linked to being sexually serviced by women, I stop and breathe and I realise the ridiculousness of making a big deal about weed and connecting weed to being sexually serviced by women. I take a moment to laugh/gigle/smile about the ridiculousness of the situation.
When and as I see myself imagining myself being famous as consequence of my weed smoking, I stop and breathe, I realise the ridiculousness of placing myself worth within weed as like being a point of superiority as like more than me. I take another breath and flex some of my muscles as a hereness body communication movement.
When and as I seem myself imagining weed growing everywhere, I stop and breathe, I realise the ridiculousness of obsessing about weed and desiring weed to grow everywhere. I realise myself in process of discharging energetic charges within myself. I apply self forgiveness to any reaction that comes up within myself.
When and as I see myself imagining everyone in the world smoking weed, I stop and breathe, I smile/laugh at the ridiculousness of such a particpation and I realise the ridiculousness of having desired everyone in the world to be smoking weed.
When and as I see myself imagining weed being bombed from the sky as like a smoke show and everyone getting stoned for about a week, I stop and breathe, I forgive myself for any desire that exists within me regards to this happening, I realise the ridiculousness of such imaginations and I realise my process in releasing all polarized mind conciousness energetic charges from within myself.
When and as I see myself looking at houses and regarding myself or the owners of that house enjoying to smoke weed within it, I stop and breathe I realise the ridiculousness of my imagination, and I apply self forgiveness on any energetic movement with regards to the imagination and I realise myself in the process of taking self responsibility for my mind conciosuness systems.
Fear Dimension:
When and as I see myself fearing to keep self commitment to stopping weed participation, I stop and breathe and I realise myself commitment to stopping weed particpation. I realise the ridiculousness of fearing to continue stopping weed smoking.
When and as I see myself fearing to get in trouble for having smoked weed, I stop and breathe and I realise the ridiculousness of creating fear within myself for having smoked weed.
When and as I see myself justifying using weed because of the belief that it intensifies all experiences within myself as like being fuelled with fear and either I would move through the point of fear or be trapped within the point of fear, I stop and breathe and I realise the ridiculousness of holding onto or projecting and justifications about using weed.
When and as I see myself thinking about experiences I felt/experienced from weed as consequence of harbouring fear within myself, I stop and breathe and I realise it is not necessary to indulge myself with weed memories as like a day dreamin nostalgia. I realise the ridiculousness of making such a big deal about weed.
When and as I see myself suppressing the understanding of dependency and addiction I created towards weed, I stop and breathe and I realise the ridiculousness of weed addiction.
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