I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist within the behaviour pattern of reacting to self resposnibilites with backchat as like, "I don't want to do that right now"
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand that as consequence of not taking self responsibilites for the backchat, "I don't want to do that right now"..I become the backchat character as "I dont want to do that right now"
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to give into backchat in moments of self responsibility and as consequence sabotage/disregard any self responsibility here.
Imagination dimension:
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand that when and as I exist as the character of 'I dont want to do that right now' I am making comparisons within my mind based on what I can imagine myself wanting to do.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for using my imagination in a way that disregards my well being here as consequence of creating a friction within myself that as consequece contribute to me existing as the "I don't want to do that right now" character persona.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand the ridiculousness of creating excuses and jsutifictaion within my imagination as to what I would prefer doing instead of the task at hand which results in the consequence of me existing within and as the acceptance and allowance of the character persona of "I don't want to do that right now"
Thought dimension:
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing to not realise and understand the ridiculousness of perpetauting the consequence of myself existing as the character persona, "I don't want to do that right now" because of the justification/excuse/belief that my thought pictured me doing somethin else just now.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand the ridiuclousness of self compromise as consequence of the thought dimension contrinuting to myself existing as the "I dont want to do that right now" Character
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to create consequence of myself existing here as the "I don't want to do that right now" Character as consequence of choosing to follow my thoughts in moments of self responsibilites/tasks/obligations that are required to be completed.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to utilise thoughts as a way to avoid self responsibilites.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand thought as resitance I am required to push through as the way to establish self responsibility within myself.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand that in moments when a thought comes up within myself and I have a task/obligation to complete, I stop and breathe and realise the ridiculousness of getting side tracked from the task/obligation as consequence of indulging within the thought....and that indulging within thoughts brings about and encourages the existence of the "I dont want to do that right now" Character.
Backchat dimension:
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to tell myself reasons and justifictaions as like ways for me to take an alternate direction from and as self direction.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand that when and as I am existing within internal converstaions within my mind, I am existing as the "I don't want to do that right now" character... because existing within internal conversations within my mind means that I am not physically pressent within and as my obligations/tasks and duties as self responsible practical in the moment living Here.
I forgive myself fro accepting and allowing myself to exist as the, "I dont want to do that right now" Character as consequence of choosing to particpate within and as internal conversations as like a distraction from and as physical reality.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand that particpating within internal conversations is a point of resistance that I am required to push through as that is what is best for all Life here because internal conversations is like a mind consciousness act of trickery to keep one within programmed conditoning as less than what's best for Life here in all ways.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to channel surf within backchat while existing as the character persona, "I don't want to do that right now" as consequence of accepting and allowing multiple conversations within myself.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand the ridiculousness of internal conversations.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist as the "I dont want to do that right now" Character as consequence of saying to myself internally, "I don't want to do that right now"
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to neglect self responsibility for removing character persona's as consequence of backchat.
Reaction Dimension:
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand the ridiculousness of myself exsiting as the "I don't want to do that right now" Character as consequence of having feelings/emotions within myself towards the task/obligation that I am in the moment faced with.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to compromise my practical living of daily tasks and obligations as consequence of having feelings of wanting to do something else instead of what I am required to do as a mandate for upholding practical living self responsibilites here as what is best for all Life.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand the absurdity of choosing to exist as the "I don't want to do that Right now" Character as consequence of accepting and allowing myself to be influenced and directed by a negative emotion or a positive feeling when I am about to begin a task that I am committed to completing.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand that any feeling/emotion is not valid reasoning/justifcation/excuse for me to neglect practical living here myself commitmens.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist as the "I don't want to do that right now" Character as consequence of choosing to particpate within feelings or emotions as reactions.
Fear Dimension:
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand the root of the character persona "I dont want to do that right now" being Fear.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand that all character dimensions of the character persona, "I dont want to do that right now" stem from within and as Fear...because as the consequence....fear is the root cause
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear self commitments and daily tasks/obligations.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to disregard my physical well being as consequence of accepting and allowing myself to be rooted within and as fear constructs.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand that the dimensions of thought, backchat, reaction, imagination and behaviour system are derivatives of the fear dimension and that all these other dimensions exist as consequence of fear wihtin and as myself existing as the character persona, "I don't want to do that right now"
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise that seeing the ridiculousness of all things here is to see/realise the fear within all character assoications here because fear is totally ridiculous.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to perpetuate myself as being ridiculous as consequence of existing as the character persona, "I dont want to do that right now"
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand that when and as I see myself existing as the character persona, I don't want to do that right now, I stop anbd breathe as I realise the ridiculousness of fear and character persona's being rooted in and as fear. I allow/enable/give myself access to seeing the funny as understanding the ridiculousnes of fear here as the consequences and so I take a moment for myself to enjoy process of self correction as a means of gifting myself nourishment here as that which I would like to receive.
behaviour system dimension:
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist within and as the behaviour pattern of "I don't want to do that right now" as consequence of accepting and allowing myself to exist as the character persona, "I dont want to do that right now" as consequence of accepting and allowing fear within myself whether it be a direct fear or an indirect fear as like the thought dimension, imagination dimension, reaction dimension, backchat dimension or the behaviour system dimension.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and undertsand the interconnecedness of the character dimensions as consequence of fear as like fear being the root cause of the various energetic frequencies as polarized energies as accepted and allowed manifested friction and conflict and separation from and as Life as what is always best for Life.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand how the behaviour pattern of exisiting within and as the character persona "I dont want to do that right now" is triggered by particpation within anyof the character dimensions because each character dimension is a consequence of self suppresion as fear compromises Life integrity.
I forgive myself for accpeting and allowing myself to not realise and understand how all behaviour systems here within and a fear are compromising Life integrity.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand, that when and as I see myself existing within and as a behaviour system that is rooted in fear, I stop and breathe and allow myself to step out of character persona so that I can exist here with and as Life integrity.
I realise the self commitment required in becoming Life intergity as what is always best for Life.
I commit myself to Life integrity as what is always best for Life.
Self-Corrective Statements:
When and as I see myself utilising my imgaination, I stop and breathe...I check the starting point of myself in using my imagination to make sure that I didnt just stumble into my imagination as an undirected energetic movement that would result in myself existing as a character persona that is less than Life. I realise the ridiculousness of participating within imagination as like a mind consciousness automation as a means of mind conciousness trickery to keep me within time loops of memories as self inflicted programmed condtions of imprisonment.
When and as I see myself within thought, I stop and breathe,...I realise the ridiculousness of distracting myself from and as daily practical living here as physical labour...and I smile and grimace as I realise myself as stepping out of character persona's as less than Life and into physicality Here.
When and as I see myself within internal converstaion, I stop and breathe....I realise the ridiculousness of perpetuating internal conversations within myself as that is a total disregards for physical presence and gifts as opportunities Here as self expression is born and birthed from physical movement from within and as the starting point of equality and oneness.
When and as I see myself within fear, I stop and breathe and I realise the ridiuclousness of accepting and allowing myself to exist within fear as like a polarized energy that is the root enabler of dimensions of self imposed imprisonment. I smile and grimace as I step out fear restraints.
when and as I see myself within reactions, I stop and breathe, I realise the ridiculousness of reactions as like a brutal self induced consequence. I realise the point of utilising a reaction when and as it happens as a means of flagging the reaction so as to stop and breathe in the moment as a way to step out of timeloop and patterned energetic play out.
When and as I see myself within and as behaviour pattern, I stop and breathe....I realise that stopping to breathe is how I shor circuit mind consciousness automated programming as like exisiting as a zombie robot.
When and as I see myself exisiting within and as the character persona, "I dont want to do that right now", I stop and breathe as I realise stopping to breathe is the first step in disengaging mind consciousness programming. I examine the point with self forgiveness as I realise self forgiveness enables self realisations that would have been otherwise unforseen. I realise myself responsibility in releasing all character personas as like mind conciousness behaviour systems that I go into as consequence of mind consciousness programming triggers.
I commit myself to utilising the tools of self forgiveness and self corrective statements in ways that are constructive in quantifying my process of self realisations in becoming Life Here as always existing as what is best for and as Life.
I commit myself to utilising character persona dimensions to assist and support with stepping out and releasing myself from and as polarized bondage as character personas that exist as less than Life.
I commit myself to becoming more and more and more specific with communication so that I am always able to articulate words to others in ways which they can be compreheneded with particular ease of great assistance and support as like almost being hypnotic in structure in that it's like a copy and paste relationship in the sense that what I am giving/sharing can be used as is...as like no fear copy right infringement because my words can be copied right as like right on...right on the money...right on...as writing and riding onwards as the living words which is always best and can therefore stand eternal Here.
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