Are You Being a Fucking Loser?
Are You Being a Fucking Winner?
What is the determining Factor in Being a Fucking Winner or a Fucking Loser? Is it the how/who/why of Fucking?
Does our relationship to Fucking determine everything?
Is fucking the secret key to unlocking potential?
If You don't know you're a Loser and somebody informs You that Your're a Loser who's in what form?
Do we share form as information?
Is it our self-responsibility to inform each other of our understanding of each other?
Is it our self-responsibility to examine all information Here?
Without understanding youself as being a fucking loser how can you become a winner?
Is it necessary to be a loser in order to become a winner?
Is it possible to be a winner without ever being a loser?
If you're not a winner and you don't consider yourself a fucking loser, what are you?
What makes someone a winner or loser?
Are people defined as winners and losers?
Is it easy to be a winner when the majority are losers?
Do very many people want to be winners?
Would losers exist if no one wanted to be a loser?
Could losers exist if everyone agreed that being a loser is not possible unless You choose to be a loser.
why am I asking questions about winning and losing? Comparing the attitude perception contrast of either being a winner or a loser. Examining the possibility that a loser doesn't have to exist as the consequence of a winner existing.
Is it possible to be both a winner and a loser?
Is there such a good thing as a good winner and a good loser....like whether something is lost or gained it doesnt really matter because it's how the person handles the consequence of the pressure situation....like being a graceful loser and a graceful winner...the opposite of being a poor sport.
So can we be bi-winning if our losses/mistakes are valuable lessons we can learn from...and therfroe we gain even when we lose?
If we gain from a loss/mistake how can we ever be a loser?
Is a fucking loser someone who repeats the same mistake over and over again?
Why would anyone do the same thing over and over again if what there doing results in a loss?
Is attitude important in winning and losing?
Why would attiude matter if you are winning?
Why would attitude matter if you are losing?
Does attitude determine outcome of life as a winner or loser here?
Is it possible that winning and losing is a matter of self willed determination?
Does winning and losing require to be polarized as like winning is just good and losing is just bad?
Can winning and losing be both good and bad?
Is it possible that winning is good and bad and losing is also good and bad?
If losing is made good is it then considered a bi product of winning?
Is a winner also a loser?
Is a loser just a loser?
Can a loser also be a winner?
Is there equality within winner's and loser's?
Can equality exist within winning and losing?
Does winning refer to superiority as consequence of inferiority existing?
Are those who feel superior actually also inferior?
Inferiority is a consequence of beliefs about superiority?
Would winning exist if no one wanted to win?
Is winning associated with being the best?
Is it possible that everyone can be the best?
Does the best only exist as a pyramid system structure as like many at the bottom and less and less at the top?
Is the pyramid/triangle the best structure?
Why is it that triangles can always exist within circles?
What can understanding mechanics of static force do in determining our quality of being Here?
How does equality and oneness work as structured form?
Can various shapes/forms exist within equality and oneness?
can winning and losing exist within equality and oneness?
How is it that there can be winners and losers within and as the principles of equality and oneness?
Am I trying to force a particular outcome?
Does our force always determine the consequence here?
Is our force a reflection of our Life beingness here as self expression?
Is self expression forced?
Is self expression our Life Force?
what's Life Force?
Is our Life Force our will to do?
Do words exist as structured force?
Is force always structured?
Does the structure of the force determine the outcome of the force?
Are our structured forces always working together in harmony?
Is there conflicting forces existing?
How is it that, as consequence of conflicting forces existing, that what is always best prevails, as the consequence of what is always best will always prevail as the winner.
If words consist of letters and each letter exists as an individual structure and therefore a word is the acumulation of structures added together than howcome it is possible for communication to be engineered as absolute sound perfection?
Does the relationships within ourselves reflect the sounds and written words expressed externally?
Am I a sound architect?
Am I sound detective?
Do I realise the answers within questions?
Does the answer to any and all questions exist within myself?
Why did I structure my blog title as, "Being a Fucking Loser"
Can I see myself in all things all ways?
Is it possible that where I have difficulty seeing, is because I resist looking there, because I fear seeing myself there, as like the cross roads of being here?
Is the cross roads the point of conflict as Life force in being here as space and time?
Is space and time balanced?
Is my perception here limmited to my balance here?
Is it possible that I can see what I am capable of while exisiting within abilities that are less than capabilities?
Is it possible to know capabilities?
How can I know all capabilities if capabilities are unknown.
Is the unknown possible to be known as like maximum potential as like exercising all our capabilities as being influential in ways that are always best for Life?
Do we determine the essence of our Life?
Is our Life the essence of our Force?
What's the difference between essence and force?
Is essence how we express our senses?
Is force how we express our structured position as our stance?
Is my action always a re-action or can it be living action?
Is there a dfference between living action and re-action?
Is re-action a delayed response as consequence of non living action?
Is re-action fear?
Can I move beyond reaction?
Is responsibility beyond reactions as the ability to respond and give a response based on a particular action as repsonsibility is the ability to give the best response within one's abilities....as having the integrity and dignity to always pick the best response for every given situation as the best response is always required as our living action as our integral self-responsibility Here?
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