I commit myself to Gifting Self Expression Here as Life beyond Fear.
I commit myself to practically living Self Expression Here as Life beyond Fear.
I commit myself to becoming Life as orgasmic self expression always as the raw hereness of being here always all ways from the simplicity of moment to moment management.
I commit myself to becoming self responsibility as what is always Best for Life.
I commit myself to self-correction when and as I see an opportunity for self-correction.
I forgive myself for accepting accepting and allowing myself to rape myself with fear.
I commit myself to facing every point of fear within myself.
I commit myself to tracing the origins of all my conscousness thought back to fear as the root source coding of and as mind consciousness programming.
I commit myself to becoming an Author of Life as always what's best for all Life as knowing and living the principle starting point of Creation as Oneness and Equality.
I commit myself to living the simplcity of the Equality eqautions of 1+1=2.
I commit myself to making sure I always understand the Equality equation in practical living application Here.
I commit myself to keeping what's good and recycling what's bad so that Everything is always acounted for as the simplicity of 1+1 Equality and Oneness equation of what is always best for Life.
I commit myself to sounding self forgiveness and self corrective statements and self commitment statements as living words Here.
I commit myself to stabilizing myself within and as Living Words.
I commit myself to sharing ScienceOfAweSoMe experiments.
I commit myself to sharing the ScienceOfAweSoMe.
I commit myself to embracing the simplicity of walking daily process applications within self honesty, self trust and self forgiveness as like the father, the son and the holy spirit = A Man Here living the prayer as always the best applications Here as obvious Common Sense.
I commit myself to living service of what's Best as Always All Ways Here Life as the beginning and the end
I commit myself to Life Service.
I commit myself to Living self-responsibility as Life Service
I commit myself to equalizing myself in the Beginning and the End so that I remain Equal and One Here always as what's Best for Life
I commit to knowing what it means to be Here as Life birthed from the Physical
I commit myself to keeping all things simple with application of Equality and Oneness Equation of 1+1=2
I commit myself as the Journey to Life Here
I commit myself to Life simplicity
I commit myself to realising and understanding that the Journey to Life is through the valley's of the shadow's of death untill Death is faced and transceneded.
I commit myself to using what is Here as assistance and support in manifesting Heaven on Earth in all ways.
I commit myself to living the principle, "Fuck Fear" as a tool of support in always facing Fear with integrity and dignity as a means of Fear Prevention Here. LOL aha HA HA! Got It!
I commit myself to Serendipidious Fortune as Eternal Life
I commit myself to MyKey Here as Assistance and Support always Best.
I commit myself to knowing each Being Here as the Key to Life as the way to break through boundaries of limitations and the suppression patterns of perpetuated abuse
I commit myself to sharing the normality of the Equality and Oneness Equation.
I commit myself to not hold judgement.
I commit myself to realising the heaviness of holding onto judgement as an unnecessary burdenful cross to bear.
I commit myself to reaping what is sown as the Planter and Receiver of Life.
I commit myself to Keep Sowing Seeds of AweSoMe
I commit myself to self discipline and patience
I commit myself to instilling and installing Life as what is Always Best Here as Equality and Oneness.
I commit myself to the Dance of Life as the willing way as the Will of I Am as Who and How always equate within the simplicity of the mathematical common sensical equation of certainty as always counting what's best as 1+1...till each point as what is best is tilled as the garden and planted in always, insuring and securing an excellent result installed as the sequential programming playout of unravelling the seeing of DNA as How We sow the seeds We wish to reap.
I forgive myself for accepting and alloiwng myself for not realising the profoundness within the statement, "Becareful as full of care for what You wish for....because what you wish is what you get as how You say it so and sow it is said as the seeds said sowed so We Know because OUR Wish is OUR Command as what is Best is all ways given as Life Like to receive...as the ways is always all ways all right as fucking right on, spot on perfection perfect timing as the rythym of sound perfection symetry within the silence to hear our cells Here as parts of ourselves working together in sound uni-son as the starting point principle Creation, Equality and Oneness, Our Saving Grace, as All Ways Protected Here.
I commit myself to the profoundness with the statement,"Becareful as full of care as what You wish for...because what You wish is what You get as how You say it so and sow it is said as the seeds said sowed so We Know becauce OUR Wish is OUR Command as what is Best is all ways given as Life like to receive...as the ways is always all ways all right as fucking right on, spot on perfection perfect timing as the rythym...rhythm of sound perfection symmetry within the silence to hear our cells Here as parts of Ourselves working together in sound unison as the starting point principle Creation, Equality and Oneness, Our Saving Grace, as All Ways HERE
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