I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have repeatedly denied myself access to the Gift of Self Expression Here as Life beyond Fear.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand that I justified/validated/excused any self responsibility for self imposed limitations within myself as thoughts/judgements/reasons/rational/logic for not acting in the best interests of Life as practically living the gift of Life as orgasmic self expression always as the raw hereness of being here always all ways from the simplicity of moment to moment management.
I forgive myself for accepting accepting and allowing myself to rape myself with fear.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having resisted tracing the origins of all my consciousness thought back to fear as the root source coding of and as mind consciousness programming.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have held myself hostage from life as like resisting myself the Gift of Self Expression Here in every moment as who I am from and as the starting point of creation as Equality and Oneness as an individual Author Here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand how mind consciousness programming knows all the tricks as all the accepted and allowed knowledge and information as the coding that can fersure induce a mindfuck as tried tested and true in the past and that without documenting existence here as an Author of Life from the starting point of Equality and Oneness....well Holy Fucking Shit....there's a serious fucking problem...because without proper documentation as a scientific experiment as the science of Awesome as awe-so-me-ness in full exposure detailed outlined in self forgiveness and self corrective statements as a sounding of Self responsibility Here.....removing the Bad and keeping the good....in fact recycling the bad through self forgiveness...then holy fucking shit...we got a major terroist equation here as the math that doesnt add up as what is always best as one plus one.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have neglected the the utter simplicity of walking daily process applications within self honesty, self trust and self forgiveness as like the father the son and the holy spirit of religion as the prayers I utilise as tools of support as parts of myself in application always as what is best Here.
I forgive myself not realising and understanding the significance of the statement, "the father, the son, the holy spirit, A-Man" from the living perspective of self honesty, self forgiveness, self trust in becoming self realised and self corrected as a Man here that is always best as in Living service of what's Best as Always All Ways Here Life as the beginning and the end and the end and the new-beginning because a new is always birthed at the end of a beginning because it's always the beginning of the end...as the equality and oneness in the end is the beginning and together merged as absolute awesomeness as Fuuuuuuuuuck Ya, Life everlasting Here, mathematically sound as 1+1 structured simplicity.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have surpressed self expression as consequence of fearing to give up self induced restraints and limitations as egoic realms of polarity equated scenarios of energetic reactional friction as always an unbalanced scenario as consequence of the great division/separation of fears.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have resisted sticking to basics as like keep it simple stupid.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to complicate the simplicity of walking process of Equality and Oneness as the Journey to Life Here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having fought for complexity and difficulty in understanding as consequence of delusional reasoning in beliefs as consequentially profound logical self induced manipulations that I blamed in self righteous indignation as the reasoning as to why I know it all as the knowledge and information as consciousness enslavement that keeps me trapped within the automation fear coded realms of consciounsess as like living in search of the anomally as the way to break the code as the patterns of perpetauted abuse while mostly sleep walking the way there hoping for any opportunity of serendipidious fortune as having stumbled through a mis-take as an accidental leap of faith in walking self trust and saying, "Fuck Fear"
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand each being here as the key to Life as the way to break through the boundaries of limmitations and the suppression patterns of perpetuated abuse as the holy shit realisation as the mathematical annomally as the common sense simplicity of 1+1=2. LOL
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to judge the journey to Life every step of the way and not realising the ridiculousness of such applications as inherent restraints in potential progress being made as the way created forwards out of fuckedness as the real next step taken as the beginning and the end and the end of the beginning because a process as Life commitment has be instilled and installed as what is always Best Here, Yesterday, Today, and Tomorow.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to judge the legs of my journey to Life as the position and situations of myself here as I move myself as the dance of Life as the willing way as the will of I Am as who and how always equate within the simplicity of the mathematical common sensical equation of certainty as always counting what's best as 1+1...till each point as what is best is tilled as the garden and planted in always, insuring an excellent result installed as the sequential programming playout of unravelling the seeding of DNA as how we sow the seeds we wish to reap.
I forgive myself for accepting and alloiwng myself for not realising the profoundness within the statement, "Becareful as full of care for what You wish for....because what you wish is what you get as how You say it so and sow it is said as the seeds said sowed so We Know because Your Wish is my Command as what is Best is all ways given as Life Like to receive...as the ways is always all ways all right as fucking right on, spot on perfection perfect timing as the rythym of sound perfection symetry within the silence to hear our cells Here as parts of ourselves working together in sound uni-son as the starting point principle of creation, Equality and Oneness, Our Saving Grace, as All Ways Protected Here
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