So, a little while ago I worte a blog about 21 day natural sleep experimentation. I put the blog series on hold because I wanted to observe my sleeping and waking up from sleep patterns and behaviours.
In examining my waking up from sleeping, I noticed a particular pattern where I accept and allow backchat immiediately and I desire to sleep more...it's been like an automatic reaction upon waking up...as like an, 'ahhhh what time is it....i'm going back to sleep regardless of what time it is" I see that I would use the time reference within my backchat as a reasoning justification to sleep more as like believing it ok for me to get more sleep. I see also that I have been greedy about my sleep as it's become ingrained within myself that I don't like getting up and moving myself about upon first natural waking up experience. I've recognised that upon waking up, I go into this feeling of, "I don't feel like beginning my day yet"...or "I'm not ready yet...just a bit more time".
Recently I have had the fortune or misfortune of "not having to get up immediately" meaning there wasn't an immediate money obligation at the beginning of my day. Within reading my words that I have just written about "not having to get up immediately", I see that my words indicate accepted and allowed abdication of self responsibility of what is best for all Life here. I recognize that I was creating, and accepting and allowing an excuse as reasoning and justification as a way to logically manipulate myself into a behaviour pattern of self interested emotion/feeling indulgences. I also realise the misfortune I created as apparently being fortunate for, "not having to get up immediately"
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be influenced and directed by backchat/reaction/emotion in the morning.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to desire to sleep more.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be greedy about sleep indulgences.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to always indulgence in extra sleep atleast a couple of times after my initial natural wake up in the morning.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to finally begin my day's after accepted and allowed emotional turmoil as backchat greedy self interestetedc desires indulgences for more sleep.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe myself fortunate to have the opportunity to be greedy and selfish in wasting my time by over indulging within sleep.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have been at the mercy of my backchat in the morning.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be disapointed and angry with myself for indulging within my backchat in the morning and choosing to sleep more when I was initially capable and had the opportunity to get up and begin daily living applications of assistance and support here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to experience shame and regret for giving into backchat with regards to the sleep point.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to give into emotional energies with regards to waking up and the desire to sleep more.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to resist the physical self movement in getting up in the morning.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to put on extra weight as consequence of physically weighing myself down as consequence of being greedy in consuming more sleep time than I need and therfore giving into fear energies as like fearing to get going and wake up and actually live.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have been stubborn in really seeing how negligent I have been with regards to sleep in maximizing my time efficiencty here as process of self realisations and self corrections.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand that utiliziing self forgiveness in the morning when the backchat comes up is a cool motivating force to assist and support me in dropping the weight of excess restraints holding me back from living self expression here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realise and understand the wight of waiting get heavier and heavier and that moving through the resistance of waiting gets more and more physically challenging as conseqeunce of the weight piling on from waiting.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to utilize self forgiveness imediately in my morning rises as a point of self support enhancement as the measns necessary to practically living words.
I realise the self support I am giving to myself by pushing myself to jump up in the morning and begin moving into self forgiveness applications as backchat presents itself.
I realise I am capable and able to say, "till here no further do I accept and allow myself to be greedy with sleep and given into temptation as the desires to over indulge because that's what I feel like doing as consequence of accepting and allowing resistance to waking up and facing myself today.
I realise myself responsibility in waking up and facing myself today.
I realise there is not a moment to waste in process of self application here.
I realise I don't have time to waste indulging within greedy self interested desires.
I realise I am committed to walking process of daily self realisations and self corrections as practical living words as self support life enhancement here as I embrace equality and oneness as the starting point of creation.
I realise the will I am am as the way forward in making a choice/decision as what is best for all Life here and walking the choice/decision as what is best for all Life here.
I realise myself responsibility in sticking to self commitments as a means of living the words integrity and human dignity.
I commit myself to integrating integrity as all ways best.
I commit myself to human dignity as dignified livinng for all Life here.
I commit myself to utilizing the tool of self forgiveness in assisting and supporting myself to kick starting my day.
I commit myself to living words as Life support and assistance here.
I commit myself to creating a new wake up pattern that is in the best interest of Life.
When and as I see myself accepting and allowing myself to think/backchat about giving into temptation/greedy self interest to go back to sleep...I stop and breathe, I jump out of bed and I begin self forgiveness application and self correction as I realise the power of living words.
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