important shit

Saturday 6 October 2012

Day 130 Self Honesty

It’s like brutal. It’s like admitting my shit as like facing me as acceptances or allowances or it’s like hiding/avoiding points of myself that I’m like aware of but I don’t really want to trying to forget about something without applying self forgiveness.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for being self dishonest with myself as like picking and choosing when to be good or bad like I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to flip flop between characters as like the realm of polarity frictions.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having denied myself and I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having avoided looking at myself as like who I am as acceptances and allowances.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for reacting to my process of facing myself as brutal self honesty.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having suppressed facing myself as brutal self honesty as like consistency as like certainty as self trust in and as self willed movement as like a living manifestation of self forgiveness in application as principled common sense living as like a knowing of the law of equality and oneness.

I realise the brutality of self honesty.

I realise that facing myself as life brutality as charges against life is the necessary process for releasing myself from the accepted and allowed life brutality as charges against life.

I realise that sharing myself forgiveness process in blogging can act as a track record of my consistency in application as taking self responsibility in releasing all accepted and allowed charges against me.

I commit myself to facing and releasing accepted and allowed brutality within myself as like charges against life support as all as one as equal.

When and as I see I am reacting to the brutality within myself...I stop and I breathe  as I recognise the point of friction/resistance as like the point I got to face with and as brutal self honesty...and I allow myself to enjoy working through and releasing the charges I put up against/placed upon myself.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, Mike

    What I suggest to do is the following:

    - Add desteni buttons to your blog(desteni, equalmoney, dip, eqafe)

    - Add links to heavens/creations/earths journeytolife

    - Add sharethis buttons:

    - Use linkifyer to link the words with eqafe products:

    If you have any questions just browse/ask here: or contact me.

