I am engaging myself in a 7 year journey to Nothingness. Meaning I am writing myself here...all the way through my mind, birthing my Life Potential within and as my physical body and Being Here. I re-structure myself within and as words. I am sharing my process of self-forgiveness, self-corrective statements and self-realizations as I walk my journey to life. Cheers and Enjoy.
Friday, 28 February 2014
Day 598 Morning Rhythm Self-Corrections
When and as I see myself regarding my morning as whether I have to go to work or not, I stop and breathe, I realize and understand that my morning exists as the beginning of my day and within this that there is so much potential opportunity to do things for myself within and as my morning here. I realize and understand the absurd ridiculousness of limiting my outlook on my morning within and as only focusing on whether or not I have to get up early. I commit myself to exercise and utilize the potential opportunities that exist within and as my mornings...and within this I commit myself to effectively planning out my mornings in a structured way where I give myself the time to spend doing self-supportive things that I like to do. I commit myself to making a habit of enjoying my morning time.
When and as I see myself dreading the morning, I stop and breathe, I face the points of resistance in relationship to the morning, I realize and understand that I enjoy doing things for myself within the morning and that I have in fact an extra mini little day when I get up early in the morning. I commit myself to giving myself extra mini little day's by creating the habit of continuously rising out of bed early in the morning.
When and as I see myself manipulating my mornings with fear and desire, I stop and breathe, I realize and understand the absurd ridiculousness of such particpations, I have a laugh and walk the self-correction in real time, I commit myself to expanding my self-expression here by living my mornings as a point of self-support that exists beyond emotions and or feelings. I commit myself to living the word "morning" without any emotions/feelings, as I realize the morning is the morning without any feelings and or emotions and that my self-expression is born when in fact I allow myself to exist beyond the self-imposed limitations of emotions/feelings.
When and as I see myself making justifications about my morning to induce myself within an particular feeling/emotion, I stop and breathe, I see and realize and understand the absurd ridiculousness of such participation, I commit myself to let go of the self-imposed limitations within the moment as a point of real-time practical living self-responsibility. I commit myself to being and becoming creative with the time I am able to spend within and as my morning. I commit myself to giving myself things I would like to receive within my morning. I commit myself to doing things I would like to do within my mornings. I commit myself to looking forward to every morning. I commit myself to liking every morning. I commit myself appreciating my mornings. I commit myself to being grateful for my morning.
When and as I see myself creating conflict about my morning, I stop and breathe, I realize and understand the absurd ridiculousness of self-sabotaging my morning as a result of following within a negative backchat that came up within my mind about my morning. I commit myself to stop self-sabotaging my morning. I commit myself to realizing and understanding the awesomeness of the morning and within this the equality and oneness within and as the word morning and how here exists the constant consistency as the living words morning awesomeness equality and oneness.
When and as I see myself creating difficulty for myself in the morning, I stop and breathe, I have a laugh out loud and smile as I realize and understand I am the creator here and that it is myself-responsibility to create that which is best for Life as I am Life here. I realize and understand the absurd ridiculousness of creating that which is less than what is best for myself. I commit myself to creating and giving myself that which is best for myself as I realize and understand that I like to receive that which is best for myself here. I commit myself to giving myself the best assistance and support.
When and as I see myself creating conflict between morning and night, I stop and breathe, I realize and understand the absurd ridiculousness of creating a battle between morning and night, I commit myself to practically living the words morning, day and night as the simplicity of the words they are without attaching/associating any feelings/emotions about the words. I commit myself to practically living the morning, day and night. I commit myself to allowing my morning to compliment my day and night...and allowing my day to compliment my night... I commit myself to allowing my night to compliment my morning and day. I commit myself to practically living the word compliment(s)/complimentary as a point of assistance and support. I commit myself to the realization and understanding that all words are inherently equal and that every word is a point of assistance and support. I commit myself to assisting and supporting myself with the effective living of words from and as the starting point of oneness and equality and the self-realization that self-expression within and as the living of words exists beyond energetic associations to words as either positive/negative/neutral energies. I commit myself to making sure my vocabulary is harmonized within and as the starting point of oneness and equality. I realize and understand the ridiculous absurdity of disharmony.
Thursday, 27 February 2014
Day 597 Morning Rhythm
I have noticed a couple patterns that have been playing out with regard to my participation within the mornings. I'm either go go go...or slow slow slow. It's interesting and ridiculous because in both particular scenario's the rhythm of my movement is justified/enforced by the force of my feeling/emotion. Like for instance when it's go go go...it's because if I don't I will be late for work because I give myself only so much time in the morning so that I get myself moving quickly. This mentality has created the opposite effect if I do not require to go to work early in the morning...where it's like I go into a rebellion character acting out because I believe/feel like...and I'm being influenced by my feelings and emotions to just kind of doddle around.
What's interesting about all this is that I see and realize how I respond in directing my morning movements is a result of what I am giving myself to receive.
I see here how I would like to forgive myself for what I have accepted and allowed myself to receive from myself in relationship to morning movement/flow/direction/participation/practicality.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for defining my mornings in relationship to whether or not I am going to work...work from the perspective of it being labor in which I will be paid for.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how the relationship associations I have created within my vocabulary about I see and perceive the morning have had a direct effect in my ability to function to my utmost potential within and as the morning time here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for fucking with myself in the morning from the perspective of using fear to motivate myself into movement and getting up in the morning.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for believing that only fear can motivate and stimulate myself into action.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for calibrating my morning routine to levels of fear.,,,and within and according to the established levels of fear...I will co-ordinate my movements.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for aligning and hard-wiring my morning's with fear.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for making my decisions and choices to move myself within the morning entirely based upon fear.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be conditioned according to fear.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for creating polarity within my mornings as a result of comparing and judging which morning it is based upon which day of the week it is.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for creating conflicting values in relationship to the morning.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for manipulating and self-sabotaging myself within and as the "morning".
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for polarizing morning within and and as positive and negative energy associations.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how my participation within creating conflicting outlooks about the morning has influenced my effectiveness in the morning from and as the perspective of my sound stability in the morning.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself of redefining the morning as good or bad and within this associating good with positive energy and bad with negative energy.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for desiring for all my mornings to be filled with positive energy.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for creating negative energetic experiences for myself within the morning as a result of channeling and desiring positive energetic experiences in the morning.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have difficulty facing in the moment the point of my acceptances and allowances and within this...forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for accepting things that compromise my best interests from and as the starting point of Oneness and equality as that which is best for all Life is best for me.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for creating conflict within myself between day and night.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for deliberately using fear as a motivational point of movement for myself within my morning/day/night.
To Be Continued
Tuesday, 25 February 2014
Day 596 Rhythm
I'm looking at the word "Rhythm" and how everything has a "Rhythm" like a timing and a co-ordination...how things move within a movement/moment...and I am looking at the point of rhythm here because I see how sometimes I have lacked real flexibility and versatility in my movements/moments...and I am taking the opportunity here to write this out as a point of support for my self here.
I was just questioning the rhythm within classical music and noticed how the rhythm within classical music has pauses and stops unexpectedly and goes in all sorts of directions...like the rhythm and harmony cannot be expected...like the music can take unexpected twists and turns...and really just move in ways that you have no idea where the music and the sound is going to go until it comes out in the moment and you hear it so.
I've been looking at and questioning the sometimes seemingly unpredictable nature of weather...and Life self expression...like the result is an accumulation effect...yet the the turns and twist and the pauses and stops are what are seemingly unexpected....like the speed of how fast or how slow things will go...the timing and co-ordination...is kind of like the play...within how I say and see the rhythm of dance and prance...as how things go and move about....
This writing here is me playing with my rhythm and really what I find interesting about all this is the fact that I see my ability to be creative within and as my rhythmic self-expression. "Rhythmic self-expression?" Self-expression encompasses rhythm and is an important component in and as how one expresses one self here. What fascinates me about this is the stopping and starting and the in between stopping and starting...like the speed at which one operates and initiates particular movements/sounds...like how to orchestrate the play of what you say and how you play with and as the moves you make.
I'd like to share some self-forgiveness in relationship to what I see and realize about rhythm:
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for becoming inflexible with my rhythm where I feel that breaking out of a particular pattern of behaviour just seems too difficult/hard.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the harmony of life self-expression as being in tune with classical music.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how much potential I have for self-direction within every moment.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the plethora of options that exist within and as my self-direction within and as a moment of breathing here with awareness...as like how I play with the in and the out of my breath..and the in and the out of my sound...as how I move me within and and as physical sound around.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding myself as "rhythm".
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding my abilities and capabilities for orchestrating creative rhythms within myself as cool points of self-expression.
I commit myself to embrace rhythm as a cool word of support to assist and support harmony within and as life self-expression.
I commit myself to play with and as the word/practical living of rhythm.
I commit myself to live the word rhythm.
I commit myself to stop limiting greatness potential within and as my rhythm here as what's best for life.
To Be Continued
Sunday, 23 February 2014
Day 595 Mourning Morning!
Mourning sounds like Morning.
Mourning is what people typically do when someone they like/love dies.
Is it possible every time you wake up from sleeping, You die a little bit more?
I've heard it said that sleep is the cousin of death.
Interesting how many many many people are challenged by the waking up in the morning point.
Interesting how the word relationship to Morning may be be impacting how the practical living of the word Morning is put into application. It's like if a word exists within ourselves with a particular programmed behaviour condition/reaction/energy that can result in us not realizing and understanding why some things are so seemingly difficult.
The word "Morning" is a word I have not taken the time to really investigate and play with for myself within and as a point of self-in-to-me-I-see...hehehe....self-intimacy!
As part of my playing around with the Morning I am taking it upon myself to begin my writing exploration and self-forgiveness process/applications...and self-corrections in the morning as a way of playing with me here in the Morning.
More Ning!
To be continued
Friday, 21 February 2014
Day 594 Postponed Greatness and Self-Forgiveness
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to suppressing my living potential here on planet earth.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how I have suppressed my living potential of greatness here.
I commit myself to to living my full potential of greatness here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the self-responsibility within living my full potential as greatness here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for postponing the living of my full potential of greatness here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for becoming frustrated/irritated/angered/annoyed/agitated within suppressing my full potential of greatness in and as my physical self-expression here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself ofr not realizing and understanding how I have been postponing my living full potential of greatness in and as self-expression here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding my full potential here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not regarding and questioning my full potential here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not educating myself within and as my full potential here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing less than greatness to exist within myself as my potential here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for requiring to learn through horrendous consequences as a result of my acceptances and allowances that are less than great.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how I in fact can prevent horrendous consequences for myself.
I commit myself to preventing horrendous consequences for myself.
I commit myself to educating myself within and as the process of becoming my full potential of greatness here.
I commit myself to assisting and supporting others to reach their full potential of greatness here.
I commit myself to creating a world of full potential of greatness.
I commit myself to the profound greatness of Heaven on Earth.
I commit myself to harvesting the fruits/efforts of my labor as greatness potential here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for judging and defining thoughts/feelings/emotions as absolutely fucking retarded.
I commit myself to taking self-responsibility for my thoughts/feelings/emotions and within this not accepting and allowing myself to be burdened or weighted down by my thoughts/feelings/emotions.
I commit myself to utilizing my thoughts/feelings/emotions to assist and support myself within and as the process of self-perfection here as the physical embodiment of Oneness and Equality in and as living practicality here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for contributing to the creation of hell on earth here as a result of not realizing and understanding my self-responsibility within and as the living of my full potential of greatness here.
I commit myself to stop postponing and preventing myself from expanding my potential.
I commit myself to physically structurally aligning myself within and as Heaven and Earth.
Day 593 Postponed Greatness?
Planet Earth is the place Here as Heaven on Earth. Obviously the living potential on planet earth is being largely suppressed due to the conditioned nature of humanity. Within and as this consideration, the question comes up, "Why are we postponing the living of Greatness as Heaven on Earth Here? I mean what the fuck?"
So within exploring this point and seeing how I have enabled the point of postponement to exist within myself at an individual level, I see and realize how collectively...humanity...as a species is creating disharmony and Hell on Earth. I see Greatness as the end game result of our potential...and the question here is why the fuck do we postpone access to our full potential as greatness. Obviously that isn't a very great thing to do...and were at a very primitive point within our education process where were learning through horrendous consequences the result of our own self inflicted postponement/acceptances and allowances.
Like for instance, lets look at how even accepting and allowing a point of lets say, "Things just can't be perfect...a Heaven on Earth is like some bullshit fairy tale dream." Why perpetuate such a belief and outlook? What good does this serve? Does this just contribute to the postponement of seeing that you know, Heaven on Earth is in fact possible through and as the fruits of our labor here? So if Heaven on Earth is in fact as simple as the end results of and as the fruits of our labor here, Why the fuck would we postpone the self-direction in and as the harvesting of our labored efforts as what is best for Life? Obviously there is some educational issues here that require reassessment.
It's interesting to see how absolutely fucking retarded our thoughts/feelings/emotions can be...I mean within really investigating the extent of our acceptances and allowances it becomes ridiculously obvious how at an individual level we have created the Hell on Earth that exists within and as the human condition...as like the walking dead...walking zombies...and this point of zombification is the result of our self-automated perpetuation within and as our constant and continuous reaction as the rooted nature in and as our thoughts/feelings/emotions.
So, what has become ever so blatantly apparent to me is the self-responsibility I bestow to take accountability for my every thought/feeling/emotion. I mean really look at how ridiculous it is to create a justification as an excused way out of participating within and as a point of greatness. It's like as a result of our education here we've been taught to forge connections and make sense of things as our justification within and as just if I see a tie on...I can tie everything all together and make sense of everything as my reasoned justification/excuse/validation/belief/religion...that this is the way things are/ours as a result of my/our forgery/crime against Life education indoctrination.
What we resist will persist. So if we resist greatness than resisting greatness will persist...but I mean this is completely ridiculously absurd and if we keep at a point persistently than we actively activate the potential to exist in learning to understand/realize/create the impossible...making the impossible possible as simply becoming I am possible within and as the realm of possibilities that always exist.
To be Continued
Thursday, 20 February 2014
Day 592 Postponement
I notice that I am very flexible to re-adjusting/re-scheduling/delaying participation within particular engagements. I am questioning this flexibility because I see it as a false sense of flexibility in certain circumstances because the point of postponement becomes like a reasoned excuse to justify my self-diligence within particular moments where I require to be steadfast within staying on task and making something work.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for neglecting to regard the consequences of postponement.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how I have used the point of re-scheduling/postponement in a self-deceptive manner.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having become self-reliant on postponement as a way of coping with my accepted and allowed reality.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for being lazy within and as my self-responsibility of and as my self-direction here in every moment.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for talking myself out of commitments.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for postponing commitments.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for using the point of postponement and re-scheduling as a way to avoid commitment.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for dreading commitment.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for creating conflict towards honoring myself-commitments.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for creating justifications as the reasoned excuses that I give value to.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for placing value within justification...and within this I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the absurd ridiculousness and self deceptionwithin placing value in justification.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding that the word "commitment" starts within and as myself here. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding that any particular area of my life where I struggle with commitment reflects and an opportunity/gift for self-expansion because by thoroughly investigating the dimensions of the point in question, I am able and capable to transcend my own self-induced limitations.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having allowed myself to be influenced by positive and or negative energies as the source of reasoning/justification in order to orchestrate moments of postponement.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the extent of irrationality within being influenced by emotions/feelings/thoughts that randomly come up that act as a trigger reaction in deflecting my self-directive commitment and course or practical living self-responsibility.
When and as I see myself orchestrating reasons/justifications to change plans to accommodate thoughts/feelings/emotions that have just come up within myself, I stop and breathe, I realize and understand this reflects self-sabotage and that the root origins of my mind as thoughts/feelings/emotions is fear based and that any resistance towards a particular commitment/task is a clear indication of the importance and responsibility of myself to step into the point of resistance and direct the point into conflict resolution as a result of effectively and efficiently walking through the resistance. I realize and understand that any time that I suppress a point of resistance/commitment, I am in fact perpetuating a cognitive dissonance towards that particular point and moving through the point will seem more tedious/difficult. I commit myself to stop suppressing points of resistance/commitments. I commit myself take self-responsibility for my commitments and to exercise the living of self-diligence within and as my self-commitments here. I commit myself to stop being flexible within and as the point of postponement from and as a perspective of being willing to deviate from personal responsibilities because of a particular thought/feeling/emotion energy came up within my mind. I commit myself to stop accepting and allowing myself to be ruled and controlled by thoughts/feelings/emotions. I commit myself to investigating my thoughts/feelings/emotions as I realize and understand the self-reflection within and as my thoughts/feelings/emotions as a way to expose my self-dishonesty here. I commit myself to self-correct my self-dishonesty. I commit myself to stop fearing to face myself dishonesty. I commit myself to be humble within facing my acceptances and allowances.
Wednesday, 19 February 2014
Day 591 Self-Satisfaction
Satisfaction is pleasure/gratification/harmony within and as the physical alignment of the fact of the matter here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how I have self-sabotaged the living of satisfaction as pleasure/gratification/harmony within and as the physical alignment of the truth/fact of the matter here as a constant and consistent movement of and as my physical self-expression here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how I created, perpetuated and expanded the existence of disharmony within myself as a result of accumulating energetic impressions upon my memories.
I forgive myself for not realizing and understanding the extent to which it is my urgent self-responsibility to release myself from my self-imprisoned disharmony as a result of the inner conflict that I have created throughout my life as my positive, negative and neutral energy/thought associations as the plethora of reactions that I have had in relationship to and as my participation here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how I can in fact live the word satisfaction as a point/tool/life support and assistance in walking the journey to life as the process of self-realization/self-forgiveness/self-corrective application. I realize and understand myself within and as Satisfaction.
When and as I see myself suppressing/self-sabotaging my self-satisfaction here, I stop and breathe, I see/realize/understand how ridiculously absurd this is, I face the point of self-suppression/self-sabotage, I commit myself to resolving the cognitive dissonance that exists within myself. I commit myself to self-satisfaction within and as the process of self-realization/self-forgiveness/self-correction. I commit myself to self-satisfaction,
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for postponing the living of self-satisfaction as what is best for all Life here.
I commit myself to living self-satisfaction as what is best for all Life here.
I commit myself to seeing/understanding/realizing how real physical self-expression exists within and as the self-trust of self-satisfaction here.
I commit myself to the pleasure/gratification/harmony within and as the physical alignment of the truth/fact of the matter here as what is best for all Life here.
Monday, 17 February 2014
Day 590 Sad is Faction
Continuing from my previous blog post
Sat is past tense of sit. Is is past tense of be. Fact is the physical truth here. Ion is an atom or group of atoms.
Sit + be + the physical truth here + an atom or group of atoms = Satisfaction
Playing around with Satisfaction:
Sad is Fashion.....Sad is Faction.....it is sad when a disharmony exists because this represents a point of unresolved conflict...it is most unfortunate when unresolved conflict exists
Said Is Fact Ion...Said Is Faction
How can I live the word satisfaction as what is the absolute best?
Can the word satisfaction be lived in an unconditional sense...like as a movement and a commitment from moment to moment? Physical Existence. The Fact of the Matter. Here.
I see how I have compromised the unconditional living of "satisfaction" from moment to moment within and as a constant consistency. I realize and understand how defining satisfaction to exist within me as a conditioned nature that is linked to expectations and future projections that are charged up within my mind as positive energy is ridiculously absurd...and totally out of alignment as what is physically best for all Life Here.
I Forgive Myself for Accepting and Allowing Myself for Compromising the Unconditional Living of Satisfaction from Moment to Moment within and as a Constant Consistency of what is Always Physically Best for All Life Here.
I Forgive Myself for Accepting and Allowing Myself to Define Satisfaction to Exist within Me as a Conditioned Nature that is Linked to Expectations and Future Projections that are Charged Up within My Mind as Positive Energy.
I Forgive Myself for Accepting and Allowing Myself for not Realizing and Understanding how Ridiculously Absurd it is to Allow the Word Satisfaction to Exist within Me as a Conditioned Nature that is Linked to Expectations and Future Projections that are Charged Up within My Mind as Positive Energy.
To Be Continued.
Saturday, 15 February 2014
Day 589 Satisfaction Question
I started questioning what is "satisfaction"?
Sat is past tense of sit. Is is past tense of be. fact is the physical truth here. Ion is an atom or group of atoms.
Sit + be + the physical truth here + an atom or group of atoms = Satisfaction
satisfaction in google dictionary has this to say:
Sat is past tense of sit. Is is past tense of be. fact is the physical truth here. Ion is an atom or group of atoms.
Sit + be + the physical truth here + an atom or group of atoms = Satisfaction
satisfaction in google dictionary has this to say:
noun: satisfaction; plural noun: satisfactions
- 1.fulfillment of one's wishes, expectations, or needs, or the pleasure derived from this."he smiled with satisfaction"
synonyms: contentment, pleasure, gratification, fulfillment, enjoyment, happiness,pride;
smugness, self-satisfaction, complacency"he derived great satisfaction from his work"- LAWthe payment of a debt or fulfillment of an obligation or claim."in full and final satisfaction of the claim"
synonyms: compensation, recompense, redress, reparation, restitution,repayment, payment, settlement, reimbursement, indemnification,indemnity More
- what is felt to be owed or due to one, esp. in reparation of an injustice or wrong."the work will come to a halt if the electricity and telephone people don't get satisfaction"
- CHRISTIAN THEOLOGYChrist's atonement for sin.
- historicalthe opportunity to defend one's honor in a duel."I demand the satisfaction of a gentleman"
Middle English: from Old French, or from Latin satisfactio(n-), from satisfacere ‘satisfy, content’ (see satisfy). The earliest recorded use referred to the last part of religious penance after “contrition” and “confession”: this involved fulfillment of the observance required by the confessor, in contrast with the current meaning ‘fulfillment of one's own expectations.’
To be Continued
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