important shit

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Day 591 Self-Satisfaction

Satisfaction is pleasure/gratification/harmony within and as the physical alignment of the fact of the matter here.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how I have self-sabotaged the living of satisfaction as pleasure/gratification/harmony within and as the physical alignment of the truth/fact of the matter here as a constant and consistent movement of and as my physical self-expression here. 

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how I created, perpetuated and expanded the existence of disharmony within myself as a result of accumulating energetic impressions upon my memories.

I forgive myself for not realizing and understanding the extent to which it is my urgent self-responsibility to release myself from my self-imprisoned disharmony as a result of the inner conflict that I have created throughout my life as my positive, negative and neutral energy/thought associations as the plethora of reactions that I have had in relationship to and as my participation here.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how I can in fact live the word satisfaction as a point/tool/life support and assistance in walking the journey to life as the process of self-realization/self-forgiveness/self-corrective application. I realize and understand myself within and as Satisfaction.

When and as I see myself suppressing/self-sabotaging my self-satisfaction here, I stop and breathe, I see/realize/understand how ridiculously absurd this is, I face the point of self-suppression/self-sabotage, I commit myself to resolving the cognitive dissonance that exists within myself. I commit myself to self-satisfaction within and as the process of self-realization/self-forgiveness/self-correction. I commit myself to self-satisfaction,

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for postponing the living of self-satisfaction as what is best for all Life here.

I commit myself to living self-satisfaction as what is best for all Life here.

I commit myself to seeing/understanding/realizing how real physical self-expression exists within and as the self-trust of self-satisfaction here.

I commit myself to the pleasure/gratification/harmony within and as the physical alignment of the truth/fact of the matter here as what is best for all Life here.

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