important shit

Monday 17 February 2014

Day 590 Sad is Faction

Continuing from my previous blog post


Sat is past tense of sit. Is is past tense of be. Fact is the physical truth here. Ion is an atom or group of atoms.

Sit + be + the physical truth here + an atom or group of atoms = Satisfaction

Playing around with Satisfaction:

Sad is Fashion.....Sad is is sad when a disharmony exists because this represents a point of unresolved is most unfortunate when unresolved conflict exists

Said Is Fact Ion...Said Is Faction

How can I live the word satisfaction as what is the absolute best?

Can the word satisfaction be lived in an unconditional as a movement and a commitment from moment to moment? Physical Existence. The Fact of the Matter. Here.

I see how I have compromised the unconditional living of "satisfaction" from moment to moment within and as a constant consistency. I realize and understand how defining satisfaction to exist within me as a conditioned nature that is linked to expectations and future projections that are charged up within my mind as positive energy is ridiculously absurd...and totally out of alignment as what is physically best for all Life Here.

I Forgive Myself for Accepting and Allowing Myself for Compromising the Unconditional Living of Satisfaction from Moment to Moment within and as a Constant Consistency of what is Always Physically Best for All Life Here.

I Forgive Myself for Accepting and Allowing Myself to Define Satisfaction to Exist within Me as a Conditioned Nature that is Linked to Expectations and Future Projections that are Charged Up within My Mind as Positive Energy.

I Forgive Myself for Accepting and Allowing Myself for not Realizing and Understanding how Ridiculously Absurd it is to Allow the Word Satisfaction to Exist within Me as a Conditioned Nature that is Linked to Expectations and Future Projections that are Charged Up within My Mind as Positive Energy.

To Be Continued.

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