important shit

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Day21, Presents of Pushing Through Resistance

Ok, so I had a bunch of resistance to really talking to this one dude on the bus and it was kind of weird because well I liked this dudes the way he carried himself and his humor...very much just like me...yet I recognised that i was judging him as like nah he’s not gonna be interested in I’m not interested in talking to was kind of weird how I had this mind resistance as thoughts about like no don’t go there avoid making a connection here...and ya I was looking at this point as I see and realise the point of always reflecting everything back upon myself as ya any reaction I have is always showing me a point suppressed within myself... like me not see something that I should see and realise.
So, I start talking to this dude and it’s opens up a whole bunch of awesomeness like a whole bunch of laughs and jokes as were both stand up comedians who like to push the boundaries of acceptances and allowances and ya...a whole bunch of awesome sharing resulted in me pushing through bullshit mind created resistance.

I forgive myself for not realising that people I have resistance to are like me and that a point of me as the other person is being suppressed and there’s an obvious similarity that I’m denying to see.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for creating resistance to people who seem to be a lot like me because than there is no conflict and so many of the relationships ive participated in have been from a starting point of this person isn’t exactly like me.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for creating resistance within myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for sabotaging myself with resistance to others.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for judging who I should or shouldn’t talk to.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for allowing my direction and self expression to be influenced by thoughts that just come in to my head.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising the wowness as the point of always pushing resistance as I realise pushing through resistance is like a road map as life support.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself fearing myself.

I forgive myself for not realising that I feared strengthening a connection with people that are a lot like me because my ego would be challenged and the point is further exposed that I am not special and other people are just like me.

I forgive myself accepting and allowing myself for fearing self intimacy in every moment as brutal self honesty as self trust in every moment is self intimacy as pushing through resistance.

I realise that my reflection is everywhere in all ways.

I realise that fearing self intimacy is ridiculous because I am always with myself and everyone I communicate with is me in another life...and therefore there is no reason to be hesitant in expressing me to me.
I realise the awesomeness of sharing.

I realise the wowness as the point of always pushing resistance as I realise pushing through resistance is like a road map as life support.

I realise that people I have resistance to, are like me and that a point of me as the other person is being suppressed and there’s an obvious similarity that I’m denying to see.

I commit myself to always push through the point of resistance.

I commit myself to learn and grow and expand myself by always pushing through resistance.

I commit myself to sharing myself realisations as I push through resistance.

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