important shit

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Day 19, Blame Game Justification Stupidity

Ok, so in realising how I had accepted and allowed love connections in my previous blog where I accepted and allowed myself to define certain things as positive and would allow myself to be very positively charged as a result of these things, like an obsessive possessiveness. Anyways..i noticed that I was being spiteful about smoking and that It was coming up in my backchat as like fuck, smoking is to blame for me having thoughts/feelings/ if I never smoked I wouldn’t have brewed up positivity as a result of compounded emotions. It’s like in realising one point I’m looking to blame the point on everything else as the reason why I am the way I am...when in fact this is just one contributing factor in the way in which I formed and developed relationships. Like the smoking relationship I had formed was similar to the hockey relationship I had formed when I was younger...and I realise to blame anything as separate from me as being at fault is to further mind fuck with myself as really avoiding facing the truth of myself as mind fuckedness as that’s what I’ve formed in my head in so many ways as various relationship charges...and it’s all have levels of me like polarities of good me’s and bad me’’s like many values have I accepted and allowed within myself? It seems to be so simple and easy to keep clarity and simplicity with the law of equality as oneness...meaning no is what it is what’s. it us here our, we they I is all the same as all our referencing wordings for and as us to communicate with and about and to each other as each one makes up every one.

Ok, I’m perhaps going on a bit of a rambling tangent about the simplicity and the common sense clarity of oneness and equality as the absolute law of beingness.

Point I will open up is some judgements I had accepted and allowed myself to mind fuck about in my head with regards to smoking as a point of blame.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for blaming smoking as a negative thing because I saw how i was charging love and positivity about smoking and I see and realise charging love as positivity energies resulting from and as conflict of negative energies is fuckedness.

I forgive myself for not realising how I started taking on the opposite of positive polarity charge about smoking as negativity by accepting and allowing myself to judge smoking as bad and the reason for myself channelling positive energies.

I forgive myself for not realising that smoking is innocent and it’s me who has accepted and allowed myself to create value system energies about things as positive/negative/neutral...and therefore accepting and allowing a defined balanced imbalance within myself as energy fuckedness.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising the simplicity, practicality and common sense of equality as agreement as self lived realisation as practical living here in every moment as who I am in all ways.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for charging polarity conflict frictions as energy value systems within myself as positive, negative or neutral. I forgive myself for not realising that the unconscious mind represents the point of negative energy the sub conscious is the point of neutrality and the conscious is the point of positivity.

I forgive myself for trying to justify everything as all good, pure positivity as a way of fear of facing the ugly truth as negativity and the accepted and allowed conflict within myself as mind resulting in negative, positive and neutral.

I forgive myself for not realising that wow how abusive it is to turn negative energy into positive energy as funneling through the mind consciousness systems from negative in the unconsciousness to neutral in the sub consciousness to positive in the consciousness.  I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for separating my minds into different realms/worlds of myself as either I’m in my conscious mind, my subconscious mind or my unconscious mind.

I forgive myself for not considering the interconnectedness of my minds as unconscious/subconscious and conscious together making up the totality of and as the mind consciousness system.

I forgive myself for not realising how much separation I was accepting and allowing as the various mind consciousness systems as being at battle/friction with each other as a means of mind survival.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for considering myself to be a super consciousness system because I’ve used various drugs to explore my minds as unconscious, sub conscious and conscious.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for always wanting to give context to points like as good or bad or kind of who would I be without using a rating scale of 1 to well the rating scale can still be the rating skill based on quality...each value is equal and one as its value as it simply is what it is.

I forgive myself for not realising it is me in relationship with words as values and marks as scores as and allowing judgements as polarity charged energetic experiences as feelings/’s like wow, I realise I am in and as the process of self equalization as the great is the great,,., all is a were all like a piece of each other as like each piece is like the same same essence,...yet each piece is it’s all the same were all a’m playing with the work like to make a point of likeness as like ok it’s clear to the point and emphasis on and as the word like I am implying as the image and each image has the same likeness as our image in likeness is and as the same physical substance sustenance as oneness and equality is our image and likeness.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for thinking about what I’ve written as like why did i write that what is the reason for what I’ve written, couldn’t I have said what I said in a different way...perhaps I should have tried to write what I said in the above paragraph in a different sort of way to say what I said...

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for judging how I speak as words as communication of I am as the process of unification as man living in and as the flesh as oneness and equality. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for fearing that I will not understand what I am saying.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for doubting my ability to understand always what I’m saying as living words.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for wanting to depend on thinking as like a medium for understanding.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing thinking as like a filter for interpretation and understanding as comprehension.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for filtering myself with thought as a means of comprehension because of the accepted and allowance that I wouldn’t comprehend myself and be able to function if I didn’t have a filtering system...I forgive myself for not realising that a filtering system as mind as thinking as a means of comprehension as a means to apparent knowing in understanding is a guise of and as a disguise as a veiled illusion/delusion because of the accepted and allowed doubt and not proven effective self trust as absolute certainty in each and every moment as the starting point of creation as oneness and equality. I realise as I equalize myself in always as like self purification I will be less and less reliant on and as my mind as filter to assist and support with and as comprehension/interpretation as the point becomes more and more obvious that I do not require to filter me because I am in agreement with me as absolute self trust and self honesty as practical living what is best for all in all ways in every moment as absolute bestness/greatness as a living legend as a never ending story as creation.

I forgive myself for not realising the limitations of relying on my mind as direction/movement.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for being governed by mind movements as the gears which grind me.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for creating gears that grind me as accepted and allowed conflict with myself as accepted and allowed separations as perceived separateness as various relationship connections which seem disconnected from me as mind.-yet I realise that everything I see is me here as substance and that there is like no open space in my seeing as it’s like everything I see is all in the same there’s no separate rooms, if I am to draw what I see...there’s a depth that cannot be captured in pictures as it like dimensions within dimensions...and in just having written about multi dimensionality...I consider the vastness of multi dimensionality beyond my imagination because imagination is images in a nation as that which I already know...and  perhaps I know I don’t know the whole story of me/life as multi’s like I am in the process of remembering myself as all as one as equal and yet it’s like as I examine and investigate myself the commons sense that I am seems oh so familiar.
Ok so it’s like i reckon that i often see without depth yet it’s like I have moments of clarity where I am like wow, whoa...Like me looking at me in so many ways like beyond words

I commit myself to becoming a gentleman in all ways best as the gentleness of breath in and as every moment.

I commit myself to studiously writing myself out as the point of self freedom as physical structure symbolically poised as equalization and oneness processing that facilitates practical living self realisation as living words.

I commit myself to living in practical application the realisation that words are living as I am the living I am living words.

I commit myself to pushing my practical living application as living words as writing creativity as physical support in enhancement in and as creative living as a creative creator.

I commit myself to self expansion as creativity in and as all ways what is best for all beings here as living perfection.

I commit myself to honouring and cherishing and sharing and playing and teaching the gift of life as joy as the presents of presence as the unification of man as I am.

I commit myself to live self forgiveness until I have given myself everything that I had taken away from myself through acceptances and allowances as separation

I commit myself to stopping the polarity flip flop friction as back and forth energy fluctuations.

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