important shit

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Day 22, You is Me

OK, so in my last blog I was writing about how some people are a lot like me.  After I finished writing..I was like ah wait a second...everyone is me...and why would I just say some people are a lot like me? Because they have same personality traits?...Yes.  So...I was like I totally gotta go through all the accepted allowed self definitions of ideas I have about myself as to fit the picture presentation of who I believe myself to be. This will require a bunch of writing. I opening up this writing experiment by starting today with the point that came up today as my aha moment as I caught myself reacting to my girlfriend...and it’s funny because she was behaving exactly like me and I was like ahh...almost  annoyed...maybe I was mildly annoyed...but I was really looking within myself as I was like what is being shown to me here...there’s a point here for me to see...and there it was my girlfriend reflecting me to me...and it’s like I was looking for her to be more direct and specific and have a take charge attitude...when I in fact would like that for me as Ive been reluctant to take charge and be specific and direct in every moment..and yes the point was revealed to me soo very cool the assistance and support that opened up for me.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for separating myself from my girlfriend and I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for getting mildly annoyed at my girlfriend for not having a take charge attitude and being more direct.

I forgive myself for not realising that I was annoyed with myself for not being more direct and specific with instruction about setting up our tent at the campsite.

I forgive myself for not realising that I was looking to project blame as a way of avoiding taking self responsibility and reflecting the point upon myself as I realise when there is a reaction in me the best thing to do as assistance and support is to bring the point back to self as self is the answer always.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for projecting separation between me and my girlfriend as accepted and allowed self abdication as a form of self sabotage as projected self denial as blame is lame.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that some people are more like me and some people are less like me.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing polarity judgements about myself by saying some people are more like me and some people are less like me.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for projecting judgements upon other beings actions as automated accepted and allowed self judgements.  I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising that whenever an automated self judgement comes up that I project within my secret mind as backchat I am actually revealing to myself what I have accepted and allowed within myself about myself and I am projecting upon another as me in another life so to speak and therefore the point is to apply self forgiveness in the moment for any and all automated judgements that come up as back chat from my secret mind.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for accepting and allowing myself for listening to backchat as a self righteous addiction to justify accepted and allowed self righteousness.  I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for judging people in camp as just not getting shit the way I do and therefore are doing what they’re doing because they just don’t understand what they’re doing to themselves...I forgive myself for not realising that I didn’t really understand what I’ve been doing to myself by allowing myself to consume myself in moment of judgement as being totally in my head and not present and abusing my well being.  I forgive myself for not realising that I am not getting myself when I am projecting another as me is not getting themself and yes it always reflects back to me as you is me and me is you.

I realise that I didn’t really understand what ive been doing to myself by allowing myself to consume myself in moment of judgement as being totally in my head and not present and abusing my well being.

I realise that I was looking to project blame as a way of avoiding taking self responsibility and reflecting the point upon myself as I realise when there is a reaction in me the best thing to do as assistance and support is to bring the point back to self as self is the answer always.

I realise that I was annoyed with myself for not being more direct and specific with instruction about setting up our tent at the campsite.

I realise as I am patient with myself as process of self realisation as self perfection as self correction as I go through removing all accepted and allowed separation as manifested consequence,..I face myself in every moment and live what is best for all I purify the law of my being as oneness and equality.

I commit myself to self correction as self perfection on a daily basis till I have proven to myself that I am able to practically live the what is best for all in every moment.

I commit myself to being patient and gentle with myself as I walk through points of accepted and allowed separation as manifested consequence.

I commit myself to writing as daily self support.

I commit myself to enjoying the writing process of self forgiveness and self corrective statements.

When and as I see myself participating in an automated self judgement as back chat I face the point in the moment and apply self forgiveness for the accepted and allowed separation as I realise that I can apply self forgiveness at any moment within whatever I am doing wherever I am as self forgiveness can be applied at any moment in the day as the point of self forgiveness is moment to moment management as a point of self responsibility to keep the moments equal as oneness and equality.

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