important shit

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Day 26, Who Am I part 2

Ok, so another point has come up in the self definition as the picture presentation of who I am. Weed smoker.  It's kinda weird because I don't smoke weed anymore..yet in talking to people recently..I was quick to let people know that I use to  smoke a lot of weed it's like even though i'm not particpating in smoking weed anymore..i'm still holding on to the self definition of a pot smoker. Also the point of defining myself as a being who isnt afraid to experiment with drugs and si fascinated with the mind relationships with drugs and the self definition of myself as shaman and psychiatrist of illicit drugs/alcohol.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for holding onto the picture presentation of myself as a pot head and a shaman and a psychiatrist of illicit drugs and alcohol.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for feeling the need to let others know that I use to smoke a lot of pot.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for holding on to the personality of a stoner.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for defining drugs as a part of my personality.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for thinking that I am required to define a specific personality for myself so that I know how I will look as a picture presentation for people to see based on my mind ideas of what I accept and allow within myself as liking based on energetic feelings/emotions.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for placing value in self defintion as specific personality programming as the script I must act out so that I am defined and known within myself as who I am as systematice programming.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for definning myself based on participating in sports.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing judgement about myself as an idea of the perfect picture presentation of myself based on wants and desires and ideas and tactics of manipulation to be well regarded and recognized by my peers as so cool.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising how ridiculous it is to create picture presentation ideas about who I am as a personality.

I forgive myself for not realising the self imposed limitation and self sabotage of holding onto picture  presentation ideas about who I am.

I forgive myself for not realising that I cannot look at who I am as a picture presentation because who I am as life is beyond a picture presentation.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for judging other beings picture presnetation of themself as I have been judging my picture presentation of myself. I forgive myself for not realising that I see other beings exactly as I see myself and therfore how I see others is how I see and accept and allow myself to be and therfore the more I look at myself with brutal self honesty, the easier it is for me to see the truth of me as what I have accepted and allowed myself to exist as...and if self correction is required to release accepted and allowed separation through self-judgement/fear.

I forgive myself for acceptiand allowing myself for giving soo much attention to to judgement based on picture presentation.

I forgive myself for not realising that picture presentation is just the drawing on the canvas...that has been created...yet who each being really is is the actual canvas...which is beyond the picture presentation as it is clearness..a blank slate so to speak.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for holding onto self definitions of myself as a picture presentation as self definitions as like a refusal to alllow myself a blank slate as limmitless self expression as life joy in every momnet by not being bound to a certain specific picture personality program.

I forgive myself for accepting and alllowing myself for looking to identify myself with a pictur epresentation as accepted and allowed idea and picture presentation of myself as a self defined personality.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing a self defined picture presentation of myself so that I accept my own self judgement and therfore others will have favourable judgement about me because my judgement is favourable about me.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for wanting and desiring favourable judgement.  I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realising that the only reason I wanted and desired favourable judgement is because the brutal self honest truth is that my judgements have not been favourable because I have spearated myself form and as others as myself and therfore it's like I'm humpty dumpty and i'm in the process of peacing myself back together again because of the accepted and allowed separation I created by allowing myself to judge myself because of the want and desire for favourable judgement as a result of fearing and facing undesirable judgement and therfore i've only perpetuated undesirable judgement by accepting and allowing fear to influence my acceptances and allowances and decision making process.

I realise the self imposed limitation and self sabotage of holding onto picture  presentation ideas about who I am.

I realise how ridiculous it is to create picture presentation ideas about who I am as a personality.

I realise I cannot look at who I am as a picture presentation because who I am as life is beyond a picture presentation.

I realise that I see other beings exactly as I see myself and therfore how I see others is how I see and accept and allow myself to be and therfore the more I look at myself with brutal self honesty, the easier it is for me to see the truth of me as what I have accepted and allowed myself to exist as...and if self correction is required to release accepted and allowed separation through self-judgement/fear.

I realise that the only reason I wanted and desired favourable judgement is because the brutal self honest truth is that my judgements have not been favourable because I have spearated myself form and as others as myself and therfore it's like I'm humpty dumpty and i'm in the process of peacing myself back together again because of the accepted and allowed separation I created by allowing myself to judge myself because of the want and desire for favourable judgement as a result of fearing and facing undesirable judgement and therfore i've only perpetuated undesirable judgement by accepting and allowing fear to influence my acceptances and allowances and decision making process.

When and as I see myself looking at myself as a picture presentation idea as a personality self defined within my mind, I stop, I breathe and I let go of the ridiculously absurd self sabotaging, self limmiting acceptance and allowances as I realise the fuckedness of feeding fuckedness as just creating a bigger mess of fuckedness that requires to be cleaned up and self corrected/erradicated.

I commit myself to exposing the point of the ridiculously absurd nature of holding onto a picture presentation idea of the who I am as a self defined accepted and allowed mind consciousness system personality script of self imposed limitation and based in and as the nature of self sabotage.

I commit myself to point out the accepted and allowed fuckedness and retardation so that all pints of fuckedness and retardation may be realised and self corrected.

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