When and as I see myself regarding my morning as whether I have to go to work or not, I stop and breathe, I realize and understand that my morning exists as the beginning of my day and within this that there is so much potential opportunity to do things for myself within and as my morning here. I realize and understand the absurd ridiculousness of limiting my outlook on my morning within and as only focusing on whether or not I have to get up early. I commit myself to exercise and utilize the potential opportunities that exist within and as my mornings...and within this I commit myself to effectively planning out my mornings in a structured way where I give myself the time to spend doing self-supportive things that I like to do. I commit myself to making a habit of enjoying my morning time.
When and as I see myself dreading the morning, I stop and breathe, I face the points of resistance in relationship to the morning, I realize and understand that I enjoy doing things for myself within the morning and that I have in fact an extra mini little day when I get up early in the morning. I commit myself to giving myself extra mini little day's by creating the habit of continuously rising out of bed early in the morning.
When and as I see myself manipulating my mornings with fear and desire, I stop and breathe, I realize and understand the absurd ridiculousness of such particpations, I have a laugh and walk the self-correction in real time, I commit myself to expanding my self-expression here by living my mornings as a point of self-support that exists beyond emotions and or feelings. I commit myself to living the word "morning" without any emotions/feelings, as I realize the morning is the morning without any feelings and or emotions and that my self-expression is born when in fact I allow myself to exist beyond the self-imposed limitations of emotions/feelings.
When and as I see myself making justifications about my morning to induce myself within an particular feeling/emotion, I stop and breathe, I see and realize and understand the absurd ridiculousness of such participation, I commit myself to let go of the self-imposed limitations within the moment as a point of real-time practical living self-responsibility. I commit myself to being and becoming creative with the time I am able to spend within and as my morning. I commit myself to giving myself things I would like to receive within my morning. I commit myself to doing things I would like to do within my mornings. I commit myself to looking forward to every morning. I commit myself to liking every morning. I commit myself appreciating my mornings. I commit myself to being grateful for my morning.
When and as I see myself creating conflict about my morning, I stop and breathe, I realize and understand the absurd ridiculousness of self-sabotaging my morning as a result of following within a negative backchat that came up within my mind about my morning. I commit myself to stop self-sabotaging my morning. I commit myself to realizing and understanding the awesomeness of the morning and within this the equality and oneness within and as the word morning and how here exists the constant consistency as the living words morning awesomeness equality and oneness.
When and as I see myself creating difficulty for myself in the morning, I stop and breathe, I have a laugh out loud and smile as I realize and understand I am the creator here and that it is myself-responsibility to create that which is best for Life as I am Life here. I realize and understand the absurd ridiculousness of creating that which is less than what is best for myself. I commit myself to creating and giving myself that which is best for myself as I realize and understand that I like to receive that which is best for myself here. I commit myself to giving myself the best assistance and support.
When and as I see myself creating conflict between morning and night, I stop and breathe, I realize and understand the absurd ridiculousness of creating a battle between morning and night, I commit myself to practically living the words morning, day and night as the simplicity of the words they are without attaching/associating any feelings/emotions about the words. I commit myself to practically living the morning, day and night. I commit myself to allowing my morning to compliment my day and night...and allowing my day to compliment my night... I commit myself to allowing my night to compliment my morning and day. I commit myself to practically living the word compliment(s)/complimentary as a point of assistance and support. I commit myself to the realization and understanding that all words are inherently equal and that every word is a point of assistance and support. I commit myself to assisting and supporting myself with the effective living of words from and as the starting point of oneness and equality and the self-realization that self-expression within and as the living of words exists beyond energetic associations to words as either positive/negative/neutral energies. I commit myself to making sure my vocabulary is harmonized within and as the starting point of oneness and equality. I realize and understand the ridiculous absurdity of disharmony.