So the word Fare within Fear has been kind of jumping out at me as of late.
It's interesting because I have in recent years defined fear to be a rather negative thing...and it's interesting because the word fear shouldn't really be defined to exist within and as a polarity definition....meaning that I see it as being unnecessary for the word fear to hold onto a negative energetic charge.
So, looking at the "fare" within fear...It is cool to see the fare being like the price we pay in learning a lesson....facing something there in many cases are natural fears so to speak in facing things that are new....because in this's like our body has defense mechanisms in place to protect ourself...and fear is like the main defense mechanism...that kind of acts like a guide to pause/delay/postpone our movement within a particular a resistance to being potentially a signalling in our alert, take aware...
What's interesting is that in looking at any particular word you can make it out to be something positive or terms of carrying a particular buzz....feeling or attaching an energetic high or low to the word.
What's interesting about the word Fear is that I had previously defined it as being like the lowest of low' the most negative word....and in my thinking in the past...I believed everything comes from love for instance....because love is like the polar opposite of fear....the love in mind was only possible because of fear....and I pretty much believed that because of the energetic relationship of words....all words are based and rooted in fear to a certain degree or another....meaning that it was just like the intensity of fear/dissonance/conflict/friction varied....but essentially it was my belief that Fear is the source word origin of energetic friction...polarity...
So, in a moment ago having looked at the word "fare" within fear...I wanted to investigate this....because to me this seems like a balancing of the scales so to, specifically signifying how my relationship with fear has been irrational to a certain extent...and that by understanding the "fare" within fear can be that sounds silly...rationalizing fear.....see that sounds funny to me because "fear" in having initially being defined as pure negative energy....I believed fear to be something that is totally unnatural and totally fear itself...the experience is a mistake....a mindfuck....
Ironically enough in looking at "fear" here as a is a bit of a mind fuck to define fear as purely rational or irrational....well wait a second looking at fear from the perspective of being something that is irrational....I mean....that it like not really real to a certain extent...I mean to rationalize a kind of hocus pocus make believe....and so to be able to discern between rational...and irrational is a matter of self-honesty introspection....
Where am I going with all this "fear" talk about types of fear being either ration or irrational....???
Specifically I am looking to allocate clarity for myself within and as the word "fear".
I see how at the moment I'm not really sure If I know how to live only rational like a point of support.....because I am certain I have engaged myself within moments of irrational fear....
I would say this is what I am looking from understand how to utilize fear as a aid....a point of support in keeping myself physically aligned with what is best for all life here...
How do I see fear as having the potential to be a great tool of support?
Fear is a strong physical body support.....fear lets us know discomfort within ourself....when we are stepping out of that which we know......what we know is comfortable....what we don't know can be rather uncomfortable....this is the body's built in self-preservation a kind of gps compass monitor kind of thing.....
So...fear in learning something a sort of recognition process....where the terms of the circumstances require to be established....and the fear is in and as the unknown so to speak,,,,
The irony here is that fear is the defense protection against death....which is interesting to regard and look at ....because life fears death....yet all life dies....and without death there is no life....and so it's like death and life are synonymous of one to polarize them as the wither or game is silly....because it's like missing the point and not seeing/realizing/understanding/regarding the interconnectedness of all Life/Death here.
It's interesting to me to look at life and death as stages....and they are two different stages....yet...they are very much the exact same life is the present....and death is the past and the future....and so.....well maybe Im a bit off on the life is the present and death is the past and the future....always away...absent from the present....because whenever it gets here its gone. Perhaps death is just a dimension within Life is also a dimension within death...
OK, the point about stages....the life stage....and the death's like we are here in the act on stage...which is life....our movie our story here....our play...and all is an actor within the total story/movie/play/work here....and yet....everybody for the most part is Reacting the death stage....and the irony is the reverse order instead of acting....there is a lot of reacting going on....reacting being a sort of backwards relationship with fear....instead of fear being a great a compass/tool/learning like the road map as in where to's being a controlling/regulating a preventing most people from going there....facing the unknown....and the irony of the that it's just the natural fear of the unknown....which is really the sustenance, nourishment and nutrients which is the food of support as the fare and creation here....because creation is really birthed in and through the like the processed walked into knowing...even though there can be self-trust and self-honesty....and self-forgiveness....the unknown is that which is undefined....and it's interesting in regarding this very fact of "unknown"..."undefined".....because if we look and access our very relationship with word/world definitions....what's the problem with that which is undefined? Well..since birth we've operated under the characterization and pretense of definition....language participation here through definition....I mean the pictures on our televisions nowadays we refer to as high definition....because it's very clearly defined and it's easy to see the details very well....
And so it's interesting of and in itself to fear the details of something....because the truth is in the details so to speak,,,, we speak the truth is in and as the detailed specifics of what it is we say....and how it is we say what it is we say....
The truth is the fear...and the fare here.....the life and the death here.....
Interesting to see how the is a polarized dissonance generally accepted between the relationship to life and death here on our planet earth amongst our species of human.
Life is devalued in order to give life more value....
Most individual human life not the death of most individual human death not regarded and or revered....
Interesting how....the human has been conditioned to believe to care about oneself...yet not realize and understand how it is to care about everyone as oneself....
Death of plants/animals/insects for the life of man is an irrational cost of business here?
Death of plants/animals/insects/humans is just the cost of doing business here?
What is the business here? who made business here? who established what is business here?
We are the decision makers of business's all of our business is the business here....all is in the family business.....
funny....tragic...ironic....comedy here in and as our relationships here.... I mean from our particular word associations and the actual interpersonal actions....well, can the interaction between one another be effective....if our word relationships and associations are not's interesting because,,,,we are made up of information....genetic code....and it's all a language organization system interplay...and we can actually establish the terms for the effectiveness of earth/life coexistence here to be in harmonious relationship terms with death the heaven and earth merged together as one....we rectify....self-correct the hell....which is here....and therefore create the eternal glory which is the win/win equation as the restoration of balance as the order of things in and as life/death support how to live without being victimized...disenfranchised through fear...and actually learn to create a new from venturing into the unknown which is the present moment and the future possibility and potential ultimately greater reality as a result of the accumulation of greatness.....though if we have a balance and order of greatness here....can the best become better than the there room for improvement and expansion.....oh the possibilities existing within the impossibilities as like what is not yet possible for like a limited reality where the limits can be pushed/challenged/changed/expanded....manipulated/leveraged....played with worked with......
To be continued
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