It's interesting how we live here in and as Information. Like the happenings here are a result of and as Information. Like We are here in and as an Information transference...Like All the time Transactions are happening. Have a look at how money moves as a point of Transactions...I mean look at how we communicate, essentially our sharing as how our communication is received and regarded is like an on going transaction...where and how we are always in the process of Buying and Selling.
Why do I see we are Always in the process of Buying and Selling? Well I see this as the way our sharing exists because there is a point of Choice Acceptance and Allowance. Meaning, we can willing accept and allow particular transactions to take place or we can stop particular transactions/transference's from happening.
What I am in the process of doing is taking accountability and individual self-responsibility for and as my every Acceptance and Allowance Here.
Because I see the Value in and as Life Equality and Oneness Here. I see how it is in and as the Best Interest of Life Accountability Here to Forgive the Debt I have accrued in Buying into bad Acceptances and Allowances? What is a bad acceptance and allowance? This is where I have accepted and allowed myself to invest in and as the development of a Word Association Relationship that is defined as Less than What is the Best Standing Representation of Life Here. It's Interesting to see here how I am the Ultimate Share Holder of and as My Sharing of Words Here...and thus I see that it is an Individual Personal Self-Responsibility to make sure that the standing presentation and representation of and as our every communication of Our Word's is Aligned within and as the Life Interest of and as Equality and this is the Understanding Self-Trust within and as the Self-Honesty of What is Best for All Life is Always the Best Gift Here.
Our Presentation, Practical Living Self-Expression as Our Self-Movement from Moment to Moment is Easy to be Well Received as an Insured Agreement Guarantee when and as there is absolute clarity within and as what is being Shared. Like there is no mystery in being straight it is clear to see what is being presented to you. Nothing Hidden.
Interesting how I became aware of how disagreement and uncertainty comes about within our Confidence in Agreement Transactions Here as a result of the Fee we Pay as the consequential Fare of and as Self-Doubt which is a resulting factor of and as the inherent history of our track record of deceitful actions with and as our track record of receipts. Interesting to see here how we hold the key's/Tools to releasing Our-Self Here from and as Our Own Indebted Servitude. This Here I speak is in fact the Process Tool and Key which I call Self-Forgiveness.
To change our Status Standing Here from Citizen Debtor to Real Life Living Creditor as The Life Source Giving/Gifting Our-Self Life Credit. I mean, How are we suppose to be in Service of and as what is Best for all Life Here, If we do not Start by Utilizing the Taking of the Opportunity Here with and as our Time to Give Our-Self the Best Life Here?
The Process of Gifting/Giving Our-Self the Best Life Here, Starts within and as the Practical Living Application of and as Self-Forgiveness.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the extent of and as my debt within and as my participation within Information the sharing/Speaking of Words from and as a Starting point of and as Conflict/friction.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for perpetuating a debt within myself as a result of speaking words from within and as the starting point of debt/conflict/friction/dissonance.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the amount of support that exists here within and as the Living of Words.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the self-reflection and self-expression that exists within and as the practicality of Living Words effectively within and as the greatest meaning/value/potential/support/assistance/possibility possible Here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding my potential ability to express myself here within and as the practical living of words within and as the greatest value.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the value of Life Equality and Oneness.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist as less than the Highest/Greatest/Supreme Value of and as Life Equality and Oneness.
I realize and understand the Magnificence of and as Self-Expression Here.
I realize and understand the Equality and Oneness within and as the practical living of Words Here as what is Best for all Life.
I realize and understand the self-responsibility, self-trust, self-honesty required within and as the Self-Expression of and as Our-Self Creation Here as Living Words.
I see/realize and understand the process of Self-Correction as a result of and as the accumulation of Self-Forgiveness Here.
I commit myself to the practical living process of Self-Forgiveness and Self-Correction.
I commit myself to Self-Direction within and as the process of Self-Forgiveness and Self-Correction.
When and as I see a point of conflict/fear existing/moving within myself, I stop and breathe, I locate the word within myself that represent the particular cognitive dissonance I am experiencing within Myself...As I face/see/Understand/realize the word relationship association that exists within myself that is out of alignment within and as Life Equality and Oneness, I take the time to remediate the word relationship association to it's self-corrective positioning as what is best for all Life.
I Commit Myself to the Status Standing Creditor and Beneficiary of and as What is Best for All Life Here.
some free-style recording of the first part of this blog would be cool Mike, thanks for sharing!